Chapter 3 - SHOWTIME

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We dress up at the hotel, carefully applying makeup and selecting our outfits. While we dress up I finally take the time to explain last night to my friends, giving her as many détails as I can.

Lola opts for a chic black dress that accentuates her curves, paired with statement earrings and a bold red lip. Meanwhile, I settle on a more casual yet quirky ensemble, pairing a semi-translucent blue t-shirt adorned with whimsical clouds with my favorite black jeans from earlier in the day. I keep my usual jewelry but paint my nails in silver. Lola takes charge of my makeup, as she always did because I don't know how to do it on my own.

As we make our way to the concert hall, which is conveniently located in the center of Brussels, we decide to take the bus. The familiar sights and sounds of the city remind me of my old life here. Despite the rush and excitement, there's a sense of nostalgia lingering in the air.

When we arrive, we're greeted by a massive queue stretching down the block. I've been to plenty of concerts here before, but I've never seen such a large crowd. Lola suggests that I wait for her while she grabs some beers to enjoy while we wait in line. I strike up a conversation with the guy standing next to me, a stranger but seemingly nice. We chat amicably, passing the time as we inch closer to the entrance. Lola returns with the drinks, and we continue our conversation, steering clear of discussing our afternoon with Renee and the guys, not wanting others to overhear.

Suddenly, my phone starts ringing, interrupting our conversation.

"Allo ?" I answer, in French out of habit.

"Oh, cute, you're answering in French" a voice on the other end remarks teasingly.

"Who is this?" I ask, trying to place the voice.

"It's Renee baby" she responds casually.

"Hi, are you okay? How did you get my number?" I inquire, puzzled.

"I have my sources. Anyway, are you in line already?" she asks, getting straight to the point.

"Yes, but it's very long. You seem to be quite popular" I reply, glancing at the lengthening queue.

"Yeah, I can see that from the window" she chuckles. After a brief pause, she continues, "Anyway, you're with Lola, right?"

"Yes" I confirm.

"Okay, I'll tell the reception that you're coming. Go to the front of the line, and they'll let you in before the others" she instructs.

"What? But we can't just cut in line. All the VIPs are supposed to get there before us" I protest.

"Well, not all the VIPs are coming backstage, so..." she trails off.

Before I can respond, she hangs up. Lola, who has been standing next to me, overhears most of the conversation and squeezes my hand reassuringly. Without hesitation, she smiles at the guys next to us and leads me to the front of the line.

As we approach the entrance, we're met with disapproving glares and murmurs from the other concert-goers.

"You can't be here" a girl at the front of the line protests.

"Yes, she can... come on, baby girl" Renee interjects, extending her hand to me. With Lola following closely behind, we make our way inside, ignoring the stares and whispers from the crowd. As we walk past the people in line, some of them start shouting Renee's name, but she urges us not to look back and keeps moving forward.

"I thought you were supposed to get ready and tell the reception, not coming yourself" I remark, surprise evident in my voice.

"Surprise" Renee responds with a mischievous grin, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

As we enter the concert hall, the atmosphere is buzzing with excitement. Renee leads us through the backstage labyrinth with confidence, nodding to familiar faces and exchanging quick greetings with the crew members bustling about.

"Follow me" Renee whispers, guiding us down a maze of corridors until we reach a spacious dressing room. The room is hums with activity, with stylists, makeup artists, and technicians working tirelessly to prepare for the show.

"Make yourselves comfortable" Renee says with a warm smile, gesturing towards a plush sofa. "We still have some time before the show starts."

Lola and I sink into the soft cushions, taking in the whirlwind of backstage preparations. Renee disappears momentarily, attending to last-minute détails before rejoining us, accompanied by Bella and Alexander.

"I found these two in the hallway, thought you might like to see them" Renee says with a grin.

I can't help but smile at the reunion, even though we met only a few hours ago. Lola's eyes light up with delight, having spent the afternoon with them while I was out shopping with Renee.

Speaking of which...

"Is that the jeans you bought with me?" I ask Renee, a playful grin tugging at my lips.

"Of course, you said they looked cute, so I had to wear them" she replies with a wink.

As the time for show draws nearer, Renee's energy shifts into focus mode. She checks her outfit in the mirror, adjusts her hair, and reviews her setlist.

"Okay, it's showtime" Renee announces, her adrenaline is palpable in the air.

"My friend Sekou is doing the opening. If you want to go in the room to see him" Renee suggests.

I nod as she continues

"I'm staying here to focus but Bella will take you two to the stage"

With a nod of understanding, Lola follows Bella, and I trail behind.

As I'm about to step through the door of the dressing room, a sudden urge washes over me. I turn back to Renee, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you for bringing us here" I whisper softly.

Renee blushes, "You're welcome, baby. I'm happy you're here."

With a quick step, I join Bella and Lola at the stage entrance.

The doors are closed, and we're alone in front of the stage, Bella perched on the edge and Lola and I standing in the pit, exchanging excited chatter. Soon, the doors swing open, and a wave of eager concert-goers floods in. The first ones coming in looked at us a little surprised but soon there were so many people that nobody noticed that we were here before them. Lola and I find ourselves caught up in the whirlwind, soaking in the excitement and energy of the atmosphere. We mingle with other guests, exchanging greetings and sharing our anticipation for the upcoming concert.

Finally, the moment arrives. The lights dim, and the stage comes to life with a burst of energy. The crowd erupts into applause as Sekou takes the stage. For the next half hour, we're swept away by his electrifying performance, his voice filling the hall with raw emotion and power.

As Sekou's performance comes to an end, the anticipation for Renee's entrance builds. Lola and I exchange excited glances, feeling the energy of the crowd reverberating through the room. The stage lights flare to life once more, casting a spotlight on the empty stage.Suddenly, the room erupts into cheers as Renee makes her grand entrance, commanding the attention of everyone in the audience. She looks radiant, exuding confidence and charisma as she takes her place center stage. The crowd goes wild, their excitement reaching a fever pitch.

"Hi brussels, it's so good to see you again !" she says after greeting the crowd with her radiant smile.

A.N :

Hii, please tell me if the story is too slow, i try to had as much details as I can but sometimes it's probably not that important. 

Next one is called : Chapter 4 – PHOTOBOOTH, What do you think is going to happened ?

As always, feel free to comment with propositions, advices or anything really, hope you enjoyed. 

PS : We're going to need some drama at some point so if you have any idea tell me !

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