Chapter 19 -ROSES

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Heeyy guys ! I really struggled writing this chapter, sorry it's a little short. I like the idea of the storyline in it but I'm not really proud of what I wrote. Please tell me what you think about it.

I decided that I'm going to put the A.N in the beginning from now on. I want to say hi to you before you read and warn you about things when I need to.

Don't worry I will still put the teaser of the next chapter title at the end of every chapter.

Enjoy and don't forget to like and comment if you can !



As everyone returned from the walk, we rose from our cozy spot in the garden.

As my little cousin finally woke up, her eyes fluttered open, and a wide smile spread across her face, lighting up the room. I scooped her up into my arms, feeling her tiny hands clutching onto my shirt. With her infectious smile urging me on, I began to sway to the rhythm of an imaginary melody, dancing with her in my arms. We gathered around the table, the soft glow of candles illuminating the room as we presented the birthday cake to Rose. With a chorus of "Joyeux Anniversaire" we encouraged her to blow out the candles. Despite her young age, she made a valiant effort, puffing her cheeks and giggling as she attempted to extinguish the flickering flames. Finally, with a collective cheer from all of us, she managed to blow them out.

After blowing out the candles, Rose's eyes sparkled as she eagerly reached for the brightly wrapped presents surrounding her. Her mom had carefully selected a collection of colorful books; my grandparents had lovingly crafted a beautiful rocking horse, my parents had chosen a set of handcrafted wooden toys and my aunt and her boyfriend had gifted Rose with a large plush that she immediately hugged tightly to her chest. I made her a little crochet overalls. When we thought we were done with the gifts Renee rose from her seat, with a sparkle in her eyes.

"I have a little gift too"

Renee made her way over to the old piano. As she settled onto the bench, a hush fell over the room, all eyes fixed on her in anticipation. With a confident smile, she positioned her fingers over the keys.

"This is a little song I wrote on the plane," Renee announced, her voice steady and sure. "It's called Roses."

Everyone was pleasantly surprised, even I wasn't aware of what was coming. She starts singing, keeping her voice soft but we can hear the power behind it.

"One day you'll feel pain

Because everybody does

But don't let those tears weigh you down,

They're just raindrops, making you grow."

As I sat there, immersed in the melody of Renee's song, I found myself captivated by the sheer beauty of her voice.

"You'll shine bigger, stronger than before,

A blooming rose, forevermore.

Because you, little Rose you're a rose of your own

and you'll never be alone

She's a rose, she's a rose,

In a garden of thorns, she grows.

Through the storms of life, she'll stands tall and strong,

Like a flower in the wind, she'll dance all along."

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