Chapter 34 - STARS

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Heyy guys, I had some time today to write a little so here you go. I have one or two other chapters in store so you should have a normal week of posting. (One today, one on wednesday and one on friday)

I hope you'll enjoy it. Please tell me if you want things to happen, I'm running low on ideas recently.

Don't forget to like, comment and thanks you to those who are still here, I really appreciate you.

Byee, M



Max's POV :

As we stood in line for the plane, Lou was practically bouncing on her heels, her excitement palpable.

FR : "Tu me dis toujours pas où on va?"

EN : "You're still not telling me where we're going?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity and anticipation.

FR : "Non, tu verras seulement dans l'avion,"

EN : "No, you'll see in the plane" I replied, trying to keep a straight face but feeling the excitement bubbling inside me as well.

FR : "Allez, même pas un indice?"

EN : "Come on, not even a clue ?" she pleaded, her voice tinged with a playful whine.

FR : "Non,"

EN : "No" I said firmly, though my grin was starting to mirror hers.

She sighed dramatically, but the huge grin on her face betrayed her true feelings. Lou loved surprises, and the mystery of our destination was only adding to her excitement. As we moved slowly forward in the line, I watched my sister's eager expression, feeling a surge of affection. She was about to turn sixteen, I can believe she grew up so fast. I remembered the days when she was just a toddler, stumbling around the house in her tiny shoes, her laughter echoing through the rooms. Back then, she had been curious about everything, always asking questions, always wanting to explore. I used to get so annoyed by her constant questions and boundless energy. But now, that same curiosity was reflected in her bright eyes as she tried to guess where we were headed, and it had become one of the things I loved most about her. She had grown into such an inquisitive and adventurous young woman, and I was immensely proud of her.

We finally reached the check-in counter, and I handed over our passports. Lou was practically buzzing with energy beside me, craning her neck to catch a glimpse of the computer screen as the agent processed our tickets.

"Bon voyage!" the agent said with a smile, handing us our boarding passes.

Lou took her pass and studied it intently.

FR : "Oh mon dieu, on va au Canada ?"

EN : "Oh my god, we're going to Canada?" she squealed, her eyes wide with surprise and delight.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

FR : "Oui, c'est ça ! Joyeux anniversaire en avance, Lou."

EN : "Yes, we are! Happy early birthday, Lou."

She threw her arms around me in a tight hug.

FR : "C'est incroyable ! J'ai toujours voulu voir les lacs au Canada. Merci, merci, merci !"

EN : "This is amazing! I've always wanted to see the lakes in Canada. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

FR : "Je sais," "Mais les surprises ne sont pas encore terminées. On va faire du camping, et Maman, Papa, et Oscar vont nous rejoindre plus tard dans la semaine."

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