Chapter 46 - INAUGURATION ✴

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Hii guys, again sorry for being late, I have zero excuses !

Pretty long chapter today with a ⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING (as usual marked the start and the end with 〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰 for those who want to skip it.)

I hope you'll enjoy it (I'm always feeling really vulnerable writing this kind of chapters so I really do hope you like it)

I'm running low on ideas so please feel free to help

Byyee, M



Max's POV

"This is it," I said, my voice echoing slightly in the empty room. "This is the one."

This was the fourth place we had visited this week, and as soon as we stepped inside, it felt different. It felt right. Willow stood beside me, her eyes wide with awe as she took in the space.

"It's perfect," she said.

We moved through the space together, our footsteps echoing in the emptiness.

We had entered through a large industrial door into a vast space bathed in soft, natural light, streaming in through large windows and a glass roof. The floor was polished concrete, giving the room a sleek, modern feel, while the walls were a crisp, clean white. We both knew it wouldn't stay white for long; our eclectic tastes would soon cover it in with art, photos, and quirky doodles. We could easily imagine having on the left side our workshop and on the right a common work space ( for reunions or when we wanted to work together). On the left, behind a wall of storage was a small bathroom with a shower, toilets and a sink, we didn't need more. Next to the bathroom, was a small kitchen area tucked into one corner, with sleek countertops and enough room for a coffee machine and a microwave. On the right side of the room, a set of stairs led up to a mezzanine that hovered over the common area. We could already see this transformed into a nice cozy area.

"We could put a couple of sofas here, maybe some plants," Willow said as she pointed to the space. I nodded, already envisioning the space filled with comfortable furniture, soft lighting, and a few of our favorite books and magazines.

We continued our tour, finding behind the stairs, two closed rooms. Each was spacious enough to serve as a private office.

As we walked toward the back, a door led out to a little terrace. It wasn't large, but it was enough for a couple of chairs and a small table.

This place was really all we wanted.

We stood in the center of the room, taking it all in. We decided right then and there to jump on the offer and sign as soon as possible. There was no need to think twice; we had found our place, and it was perfect.

As we stepped out into the bright afternoon sunshine, I turned to Willow, a broad smile spreading across my face. "Let's go celebrate," I said, "There's a coffee shop around the corner."

The coffee shop around the corner was quaint and cozy, its walls covered with vintage posters and comfy chairs everywhere. We found a small table by the window and ordered. For Willow a Chai Latte and for me a big caramel macchiato with oat milk. We talked for a while about our plans for the new studio and the things we could do to decorate. But the conversation drifted to another subject. We were talking about me and Renee and I was confessing to her about my addiction. What I really like about Willow is that she will always listen and take time to understand, making sure she answers correctly, before making complet fun of me.

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