Chapter 54 - EYES

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Hello there, a little bittersweet chapter, I hope you will like it !

I don't know if we can call it a filler because it does contain some really important things but giving the last really eventful chapters this one is definitely more calm :)

Anyway, enjoy,

Byeee, M



Renee's POV :

It's been a week since they arrested Nina, the trial takes place in 3 weeks but in the meantime she's in prison.

Max is still in a coma, to be honest I think the doctors are avoiding me. Maxine's family arrived the day after we arrested Nina and Nathan. I've been hosting them in my home ever since. There is no way they will pay for a hotel.

They came to see Max this morning and will come again tonight but I think this week was a lot for them, seeing her in this still state with no improvement. Usually they're staying all day but I told them to take some time off, go for a hike near LA, and breathe a little. I will tell them if anything happens.

Towa has been really distant since the news broke about Nina and her brother. I understand why, I really do but I'm also incredibly worried. And I mean, I'm as chocked as her, sure, maybe I wasn't fucking with a stalker or involved romantically with her but still... She tried to kill my girlfriend, twice. Girlfriend ? Or ex-girlfriend? It's hard to say. Maxine didn't even remember me now. Where did that leave us?

I asked Towa to meet me at the coffee shop closest to the hospital. I needed to know if she was okay, if we were okay. . I got there early and picked a quiet corner, hoping no one would see us, this was not the time to be recognized.

When Towa arrived, she looked like a shadow of herself, her shoulders hunched, eyes downcast. She sat across from me, avoiding eye contact, and began fidgeting with her rings. She didn't even say hello. Great.

"For the record, I don't know why you're mad at me, To'. I did nothing!" I blurted out, unable to keep the frustration from my voice. She couldn't possibly think I knew about Nina's plans all along.

"I'm not mad," she mumbled, her fingers still twisting her rings. Damnit look at me, it's not like your finger held the answers.

"Then why are you acting like this?" I asked, leaning forward, trying to catch her eye. I had to stay calm, me being frustrated wasn't going to help anyone.

She finally looked up, her face a mix of hurt and anger. "I was in love with her, Nae. I lost my fucking girlfriend. You can't expect me to be all happy about it."

"And you don't think I lost something too?" I shot back, my voice sharper than I intended. "I don't expect you to be happy, but I also don't understand why you're blaming me for it."

"She was in love with you, for God's sake! That's why she did all this!" Towa's voice cracked, the pain was dripping from her eyes.

"She never even talked to me before you introduced me to her. I didn't know, To'. What did you want me to do about it, huh?" I was pleading now, desperate for her to understand my point.

"I don't know," Towa whispered

"Listen, I'm sorry," I said, my tone softening. "I understand this is hard for you too, but please don't blame me for something I couldn't control."

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