Chapter 29 - COACHELLA DAY 3 PART 2 ✴

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Heyy guys ! Don't want to ruin the surprise but I have to warn you so ...

⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING ( I marked the start and the end with 〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰 for those who want to skip it.)

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the other ones.

Continue to like and comment and please tell me if you have ideas for next chapters!!

Byyyye - M



Renee's POV


Sure, she initiated it with that small peck on the lips, but it could have easily been as a friendly gesture, right ?

Yet, my body betrayed me, my hormones kicking into overdrive and I couldn't do anything about it... I just grabbed her and kissed her like my life was depending on it. It was exhilarating, intoxicating, except for the fact that I don't know how she feels about it. She kissed me back but then she pulled back ... I don't know.

I was standing, incapable of moving, thought rambling in my head. We were in a corner so I don't think anybody noticed what just happened. Everybody is preparing for my set, the band is ready with their instruments, repeating the setlist and probably talking about random stuff. Adam, Bella and Priscilla are checking everything, making sure everything is perfect for my set, they truly are my guardian angels.

My show was about to start, and I needed to shake off the distraction and focus.

I just had time to take a few deep breaths before I heard my name called over the speakers, signaling the beginning of my set. With a determined smile, I stepped onto the stage and launched into the first song of the setlist. Feeling the rush of stress coursing throught me. I love performing but it's always very very nerve wracking.

Singing, jumping, and dancing, I poured my heart and soul into the performance like I always do. My time is short on stage so I can't actually do a lot of talking, or reading signs.

In the midst of the chaos, I spotted Max in the front row, her presence sending a thrill through me. It's weirdly really soothing to see her. She looked stunning in her silk blue corset, it suits her so well. She is looking at me, cheering with all of my friends around her. An enormous grin crosses her face, she looks so happy, she is so hot. Ok so that kiss definitely made me horny.

Before the next song began, I took a moment to engage with the crowd, eliciting cheers and applause with playful banter.

"Alright, Coachella, did you like that one?" I asked, grinning at their enthusiastic response.

"Didn't hear you ? Did you like it ?" the crowd cheers again, louder

"Alright, it's cool, it's fine," I continued, the words carrying a deeper meaning that only a few seemed to grasp.

And I say it again, starting singing this time louder "It's fine, It's cool"

Followed by Kayleigh who make her way on stage "You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth"

"Give it up for Chapelle Roan !!" I yell, greeting Kayleigh on stage with a big hug.

Glancing at Max, I couldn't help but notice the mix of shock and happiness on her face.

The crowd is going crazy, I know they been waiting for us to sing together since forever.

I sing the pre-chorus, staring Max in the eyes. It's like nothing else is around me and I just scream the lyrics at he.

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