Chapter 30 - UNSPOKEN

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Hii guys ! Are you ready for a little drama ?

Also we need a ship name for Renee and Maxine, all the options I'm thinking about are so ugly ... What do you think ?

Ok, I'll let you read now, don't forget to like and comment along it always so nice to read you all !

Byyyye - M

PS : Read until the end, I might have a surpise for you, since it is the 30th chapter !



Max's POV :

As I was packing in my room, the sound of a gentle knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to find Scarlett standing in the doorway.

"Hey, cutie," Scarlett greeted me with a soft smile

"Hey, Scarlett," I replied, returning her smile.

"How are you doing ? Ready to go ?" She asks

"I'm doing alright. Almost ready to go. Staying at Renee's in LA tonight and heading back to London tomorrow. How about you?"

"Yeah, I'm ready," Scarlett replied, though there was a hint of hesitance in her voice.

A silence settled between us, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. I focused on packing, hoping to avoid the awkwardness.

Then Scarlett spoke up, her voice tentative. "I was thinking... maybe you could go to dinner tonight since you'll be in LA?"

I paused, genuinely pleased that Renee's friends want to hang out again

"Yeah, that could be cool. Who else is coming?"

Scarlett hesitated before replying, "Uh, actually... I meant like just... us."

I felt a knot form in my stomach as I realized it. "Oh... so like a date?"

"Yeah... like a date," Scarlett confirmed, her eyes searching mine for a response.

I took a deep breath, feeling a pang of guilt.

"I... I appreciate your honesty, I really do. But I think it's important for me to be upfront with you. I see you as a friend, Scarlett. A really good friend."

As the words left my lips, I watched Scarlett's expression fall, the disappointment evident in her eyes.

"Oh, I understand, Max. I just thought... Well, never mind. Forget I said anything and can you just don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"Sure," I replied, reaching out to gently touch Scarlett's arm, silently apologizing for any hurt I had caused. "I hope you understand, Scarlett. It's not about you. You're an incredible person, and I'm lucky to have you as a friend."

Scarlett forced a small smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah, I get it, Max. Friends."

As I watched Scarlett retreat from the room, a knot formed in my stomach. I hadn't meant to hurt her, but the truth had a way of cutting deeper than they had anticipated. Maybe I could have chosen my words more carefully, explained myself better. But the truth was, apart from her reminding me of Maddy, I wasn't entirely sure why I had turned down Scarlett's offer.

Renee POV

Max and I return to LA in the early afternoon . Well she is going for the first time and I'm returning home. She is not staying long though. Just tonight, leaving for London tomorrow morning.

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