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I found myself waking up earlier than usual on a Saturday morning, long before my alarm had the chance to chime. Despite not being much of a morning person, there was an unusual buzz of energy in the air that nudged me out of bed. Grabbing a quick cup of coffee, I tiptoed into the living room to start my day's work. The house was still and peaceful, everyone else still lost in slumber. It was a rare moment of quiet solitude that I relished, soaking in the tranquility of the morning light filtering through the curtains.

Checking the clock, I noted that Bella had booked me a train for 4:35 PM. With plenty of time to spare, I dove into my creative projects, sketching and brainstorming ideas for my social media posts. Time seemed to slip away effortlessly as I lost myself in the flow of creativity. Around noon, I took a break to run some errands, shipping out a few orders that had piled up. The brisk walk to the post office was a welcome change of scenery, allowing me to stretch my legs and clear my mind.

When I got home, Maddy was busy preparing brunch in the kitchen. The sweet smell of bacon and waffles in the air, I sat in a chair next to Noah and we started eating.

*As the afternoon rolled on, the excitement of my upcoming journey began to build. Glancing at the clock, I realized it was almost time to head out. With a quick goodbye to Maddy and Noah, I grabbed my things and made my way to the train station.

As I stepped off the train at Birmingham station, I spotted a taxi driver holding up a sign with my name on it. With a nod of acknowledgment, I made my way over, grateful for the convenience of not having to navigate the unfamiliar city on my own. We chatted amiably as he drove me to the concert hall. As Bella promised, she was waiting for me outside. We caught up while she finished her cigarette. Then, she explained her plan to get me inside early so I could snag in the front-row like at the Brussels concert. Excitedly, I shared that my surprise was all set, and Bella practically jumped for joy.

We made our way inside, and Bella led me to the front of the stage. Just as she said, the crowd started filling in shortly after. Bella headed backstage, leaving me amidst a sea of strangers. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the music began, with Towa kicking off the opening act. She was absolutely killing it.

Then, the room plunged into darkness as Renee's new music started playing. She emerged on stage, the lights casting a dazzling glow around her. After the first song, Renee greeted the cheering audience. As the lights brightened, I lifted my sign, using it as a shield to hide myself. Renee scanned the room, taking her time to read the various signs held by the audience. Finally, her eyes landed on mine.

"Wait... this one is interesting," she remarked. "Honey, I can't see you behind that sign."

She gets closer, "This one is saying 'did you miss me ?' Why would I miss you ? I mean no offense but ..."

I didn't let her finish the sentence and flipped the sign to reveal the other side. She squinted to read it aloud, "Ray!"

It took her a moment to process, then I heard an audible gasp. "Oh, fuck that! Lower the sign, I want to see you!" she demanded.

Quickly complying, I lowered the sign, seeing her closer than I thought. She was momentarily speechless, her eyes wide with shock.

"Fuck you, you did not!" she exclaimed, disbelief evident in her tone.

"Yes, I did!" I whispered back, lost in the cacophony of the crowd's cheers.

A radiant smile spread across Renee's face, leaving those around us very confused.

The moment was interrupted by the next song cue, and the concert swiftly resumed.

For the encore, Renee opted for a mellower track from her earlier album. She sat just in front of me, her legs dangled over the stage's edge as she began to sing, accompanied by gentle music. closed my eyes for an instant, carried away by the song that never failed to make me cry.

"I was ten years old when I realized

Some goodbyes are forever

So what's that mean for you and I?

I thought we'd always be together

How can the person who taught me to breathe

Take their last breath right in front of me?

I know too much now

I wish I could still see the world through those eyes

Could still see the colors, but they're not as clear or as bright

Oh, the older we get, the colors they change

Yeah, hair turns to gray, but the blues here to stay

So I wish, I wish"

Suddenly, while my eyes are still closed, I sense a gentle grasp enveloping my hand. I open them briefly, there she is, staring at me with such intensity that I can't help but return her gaze. I know that any second now, a tear will fall down my cheeks and I will look away.

"I remember seeing my dad cry

For the first time, we were downstairs

Talkin' 'bout how his dad died

And how he wished he could've been there

He said, "How could the person who taught me to breathe

Take their last breath not in front of me?"

I know too much now"

And just like that, tears escape from my eyes, and I find myself turning away from her piercing eyes.

"I wish I could still see the world through those eyes

I still see the colors, but they're not as clear or as bright

Oh, the older we get, the colors they change

Yeah, hair turns to gray but the blue stays the same"

I close my eyes again, her hand still holding mine.

"Oh, I wish, I wish

Stay a little longer

I'm not ready for you to go

It hasn't even happened

But I have been mourning since ten years old

Stay a little longer

I wish I could still see the world through those eyes

Could still see the colors, but they're not as clear or as bright

Oh, the older we get, the colors they change

Yeah, hair turns to gray but the blue's here to stay

So I wish, I wish"

As the last notes of the music fade into the air, I feel a warm breath tickling my ear, followed by her soft voice urging, "Open your eyes babe"

My heart races as I slowly comply, finding her so close, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. With a tender gesture, she releases my hand, her touch igniting a firestorm of emotions within me. As her fingertips delicately trace the paths of my tears, time stands still, and the world fades away, it feels like it's just us, nobody else is talking, nobody else is even here. But just as the girl beside me nudges me forward, urging to speak to Renee, our eyes break away, darting in opposite directions, avoiding the intensity of the moment.

A.N :

Hii, short chapter today sorry !

What did you think about this one ? Do you have anything that you want to happen ? I hope you enjoy it, please don't hesitate to tell me what you think

Oh and important question, do you guys want Renee's or others people POV at some point?

Next Chapter is : Chapter 10 – BIRMINGHAM PART 2. It will probably be  uptaded on Monday.

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