Chapter 26 - COACHELLA DAY 1

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Byyyye - M



Max's POV

Since we sorted things out, Renee and I have been calling each other every day. Lately, we've been deep in planning mode for my trip to Coachella. We've been coordinating everything from plane tickets to concert passes, we've meticulously organized every detail for my arrival and departure.The whole process has been exhilarating, but I must admit, it's also left me feeling a bit drained. While I'm thrilled about the prospect of experiencing Coachella with Renee and her friends, I can't ignore the pressure that comes with being with a major artist at such a big event.

Today's the big day. I gather my suitcases and prepare to head to the airport. Noah, ever the supportive friend, offers to drop me off. My plane is in 5 hours and we have a 45 minute car ride to the airport. Yes I'll probably be very early but I'm so excited to go, I can't possibly miss this. Plus I found there's something strangely captivating about the hustle and bustle of travelers coming and going, the heartfelt goodbyes and joyous reunions that unfold within its walls. I've always found peace in people-watching, silently speculating about their destinations and the stories that brought them here. I don't know, I like observing people, maybe it's a bit creepy, but it's also oddly comforting in a way. Like I'm just another face in the crowd amidst the sea of travelers.

As Noah and I drive towards the airport, the excitement bubbles inside me, making it hard to sit still. I fidget with the straps of my backpack, check my phone for the umpteenth time, and glance out the window. Noah, sensing my restlessness, tries to distract me with light conversation, but my mind keeps drifting back to Coachella.

... time skip ...

I slept the entire plane ride. As I step off the plane, I'm not entirely awake. I must have dozed off because the next thing I know, I'm shuffling through the security zone, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I feel disoriented.

Renee mentioned that a taxi driver would be waiting for me with my name on a cardboard, ready to take me to Coachella. So, as I shuffle through the crowd, I keep an eye out for any sign of my designated driver. Nothing. What if they forgot about me?

As I wait for my suitcase to arrive at the baggage claim, I feel a presence behind me.

Startled, I turned around to find myself face to face with a cardboard sign bearing my name. Finally.

As I pull back a little, I realize this person is towering over me—I mean, not hard to do since I'm literally 5 feet 2 inch. They're wearing all black, from head to toe, complete with a black cap and sunglasses. It's a bit intimidating, if you ask me. I squint, trying to get a better look at their face beneath the shades. And when I do, a huge grin spreads across the face in front of me—a smile I could recognize anywhere. It's Renee, unmistakably her.

I exhale loudly, realizing I had been holding my breath without even realizing it, and then I jump into her arms.

"You fucking scared me, you psycho !" I murmur with my head buried in her neck while I hug her tightly.

"I'm glad to see you too," she laughs.

"I thought you said a taxi driver would pick me up!" I retorted.

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