Chapter 38 - IN THE KITCHEN

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Heyy guys ! How are you today ? Here is a little filler chapter, full of fluffy moments, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Don't forget to tell me what you think or if you have any idea !

Anyway, nothing more to say for now, enjoy !

Byee, M



Max's POV

I slept at Renee's house almost all week. But tonight, Sunday, I had plans to eat with my new roommates. After the whole Scarlett situation turned out to be a bluff, we all agreed it would be best for me to stay here and get to know everyone better. I had a long conversation with Renee about it, and she was cool with it.

This morning, we went back to my house to unpack a few of my things that had finally arrived from London. I was supposed to go home alone, but Renee followed along, claiming she had nothing else better to do. I knew that wasn't entirely true. Adam had tried reaching out at least four times since we woke up, his calls and texts persistently lighting up her phone. She ignored them.

The packages were mostly tools and stuff for work, as I was only staying here for a few months and didn't bring much. As I opened the boxes, I thought about printing some pictures to decorate the place. The room felt really sad without the colorful chaos of my belongings from London.

As we continued, I noticed Renee's phone buzzing on the counter. Adam's name flashed on the screen again.

"You should answer to Adam, Renee," I suggested, pausing to look at her. "I'm only going to do boring stuff anyway"

"But I want to be with you," she pouted, running a hand through her hair in that way she did when she was conflicted.

I nodded, understanding "I know, I want that too, but you have to work at least a little. And I have dinner with my roommates tonight anyway."

She sighed, "Okay," she finally said, her shoulders sagging slightly. She picked up her phone and stepped into the other room to call Adam back.

Renee returned a few minutes later, looking slightly more at ease. "He's fine," she said, trying to brush it off. "Just wanted me to come to the studio this afternoon."


We were alone at my new house, listening to our favorite songs. We are cooking together. I was trying to teach her how to make boeuf bourguignon. Which was the meal for tonight. It wasn't easy, though—she was just so distracted.

"Renee, you need to stir the pot, not just stare into it," I teased, nudging her with my elbow as I chopped carrots on the counter.

She grinned, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I'm stirring with my mind. It's a new technique."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Yeah, sure. Just make sure you actually stir it before it burns."

We cook and dance and sing together

I was cutting the carrots

"Please be careful, the knife is so big" she said, her voice mock-serious.

"Are you quoting yourself?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe, but it's true. Be careful, please. We don't want those pretty fingers to get hurt," she smirked, her playful tone softening with genuine concern.

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