Chapter 42 - CHANGING ROOM

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Hiii, did you miss me ? Because I missed you ! I'm so sorry for not posting, I had no more written chapters in stock and so much work to do... But here is chapter 42, I hope you'll like it <3

I think I will have time to write tonight so I'll probably post another chapter on Wednesday ! Don't forget to like and comment on anything you want.

Byeee, M



Max's POV

I still can't believe the project was selected. Of course, we worked our asses off for it, but we were up against such great projects that I had trouble believing we could have a chance. When the news came through, it felt surreal.

Because I'm only staying in LA for three days, Renee decided I didn't need to rent a room; I would just live with her. I don't really know if it's a good idea given our situation, but honestly, I'm so happy to see her again, to be near her again, that every opportunity I have, I will take. The thought of being with her, even for a few days, fills me with anticipation and a touch of nervousness.

When I arrived at her place, she was waiting for me on the porch, a bottle of wine in hand and a smile on her face. "Congratulations!" she exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride and excitement. I felt my heart swell at the sight of her. I dropped my bags and rushed up to hug her.

She pulled back slightly, still holding me, and looked into my eyes. "I knew you could do it, Max. I never had any doubt."

Her confidence in me was touching, and I found myself getting a bit emotional. "I'm glad someone did," I laughed, blinking back tears.

She had a way of making me feel like the most important person in the room.

We talked late into the night, catching up on everything we'd missed. Despite the underlying tension between us, it felt good to be there with her.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and the sound of Renee humming softly in the kitchen. I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of contentment I had missed for the past couple of months.

I got up and joined her, finding her bustling around the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Good morning," I said, leaning against the doorway.

"Morning!" she chirped, turning to flash me a bright smile. "I made your favorite—pancakes."

"You didn't have to, you know" I said, touched by her gesture.

"Nonsense. It's not every day you get to celebrate a big win," she said, flipping a pancake with expert precision.

"I didn't win, we're just selected for now"

"You will though"

She had to work and I had to spend the day with my team to prepare for tonight. I will pick her up tonight with my driver and we will go together to the event.

Willow's POV

We spent the day rehearsing with the team. Max is a bull of stress, almost to the point where she is really getting on my nerves. I'm not typically a stressed or tense person, but she is moving everywhere, having doubts about everything, checking and rechecking the smallest details. It's exhausting just watching her.

"Max, you need to chill," I finally said, trying to keep my tone light but firm. "Everything is going to be fine. We've got this."

She gave me a distracted nod, barely acknowledging my words before diving back into her checklist. I sighed, knowing that nothing I said would calm her down. This event meant the world to her, and she wouldn't rest until she was sure everything was perfect.

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