Chapter 39 - STALKER

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Heyy, a bit of drama today !! I don't really know where I'm going with this but we'll see what my brain will imagine for the next chapters ... If you have some ideas tell me

And please get creative in the comment, I need distractions !

Don't forget to like and comment .... blablabla I appreciate you so much !! Thanks for reading !

Byyee, M



Renee's POV :

Since Towa's party, Max and I have been hanging out every day. Not that we weren't before, but our hangouts have changed a little. They've become more affectionate, more intimate. When I say intimate I don't mean it in a sexual way, we actually didn't have sex (since coachella), even though we almost did the night of the party. That night we ended up in my bed, just caressing each other, kissing every part of our bodies, and cuddling. It was tender, intense, and more meaningful than anything I had experienced before. Since then, she's been sleeping at my house, and I've been sleeping at hers a lot. I think I really can't get enough of her.

But lately, she has been really busy with her work. The first deadline for her project is fast approaching. I know she is really stressed by it, but she seems to enjoy working with her new team. And believe me I'm really glad she is, she deserves to work with passionate people who respect her as much as she is passionate, careful and respectful with them and their work together.

It's been two or three days since we last slept in the same bed. I miss it; it feels cold without her. God why am I so cheesy ... We did see each other yesterday because I took my lunch break with her. I knew she wouldn't eat anything and would just keep working if I didn't go.

I text her. I just want to say goodnight.

RAY RAY 22:36 PM

Hey, are you still awake ?

Max 22:38 PM

Yeah i'm still at the office actually

I decided to call her on FaceTime. She answered, and her tired eyes lit up with a smile illuminated by the soft glow of her screen.

"Hi, what's up?" she greeted me, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

"Baby you sound really tired" I said, concern evident in my tone.

"I know I am," she admitted, rubbing her eyes.

"You should go home, do you need me to pick you up ?"

"No it's fine, I actually have to stay and finish that" she replied, glancing at the stack of papers and designs on her desk.

"Why can't you do it tomorrow ?"

"Because I need that file done tomorrow morning so I can go to the lab and start cutting the boards for the model" she explained, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Oh, okay. Do you want me to keep you company ?"

"It's late Ray Ray, you should sleep" I smile at the sound of my nickname, she's so cute when she's calling me that.

"I can't sleep," I confessed.

"Why that ?"

'Because you're not with me' I thought, but instead, I said, "I don't know, just can't"

"Okay, you can come over if you want but I'm working so no distractions !" she warned, her tone playful and affectionate.

"That's fine. I won't distract you, I promise. I'll take some stuff to work on too."

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