~ Ch. 7 ~

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                                                  Ahsoka's POV

    It was so dark, that's all I could see. Then, I saw images form. I didn't recognize the place, or the other Togrutas' in the room. We seemed to be in a nursery, from all the baby things that I could tell. They were adults and they looked like they were really important people by the way that they were dressed. The woman seemed to be in a panic. The man was pacing. The women set something down in a crib.......a baby. "What are we going to do?" the woman whispered to the man. "What if they find her?" the woman said, panic evident in her voice. "They won't find her." the man said. They both walked over to the crib and looked at the sleeping baby. "We will face them. We can drive them away from this room." the man said. "No matter what happens, I love you, Shilia." the man said to the woman. "I love you too, Kaney." the woman, now identified as Shilia said to the now identified man as Kaney and they kissed. They looked at each other then at the baby and kissed its' head. I gasped when I got a good look at the baby. It was me. I only know that cause I've seen my baby pictures that Lux and I are both in as babies. That means.......these are my parents. "Wait! Don't leave!" I shouted as they opened the door and left. "Ahsoka! Ahsoka! Wake up! Come back to me!" I heard a voice, a distant voice calling out to me and there was a flash of bright light.

    I gasped and opened my eyes and I saw Anakin and Obi-wan and Master Yoda. "Snips! Thank god your okay!" Anakin said, hugging me. "Hey, what's wrong?" Anakin asked. I must've been crying because they all seemed concerned. "I just saw my parents." I said, looking down and wiping my eyes free of the tears. "A vision you had." I looked up as Master Yoda spoke. "What? But that was in the past. I thought you could only get visions of the future?" I asked Master Yoda. "New development this is. Never before this happen. You are the first." Master Yoda said. "But.......what does this mean?" I asked him. "You must go home. Is what this must mean. You continue your training there. You must." Master Yoda said. "Master Yoda. Is this wise?" Master Obi-wan asked him. "Yes, decision made. You three will leave for Shili in the morning. Take Master Shaak-ti with you as well." Master Yoda said, leaving the room.

    I was in my room, packing my bag, again. I sent a letter to Lux and our Mother, explaining everything. An hour later I got a Holocron call from my brother, Lux. I ignored him. I'm scared of what he's going to say to me. How's he going to accept this? We both knew that we weren't blood related, but, we didn't care. We love each other as true siblings. I sighed as I folded one of my shirts and put it in my bag and sat on my bed, that was the last thing that I had to pack. I also sent a letter to my Uncle telling him that I was heading home to Shili tomorrow. I know that it takes at least a week to get from Corosaunt to Shili, even in Lightspeed. I didn't even ask Anakin if he was okay with all of this. Master Yoda didn't really give him a choice. I mean........I think he would've been okay with all of this if I asked him anyway. I mean....he's my other half. I'm sure he would've come with me........and rule beside me. Here I go again! I'm second guessing myself and letting all these negative thoughts run through my mind. I internally hit myself for thinking this stuff. There was a knock on my door. I opened it and it was Anakin.

    "How did your brother get my Holocron channel? He's asking for you." Anakin said. "My brother has a friend who is a hacker." I said. "Tell him that I can't talk to him at the moment and that I'll contact him later, when I can." I told Anakin, as I turned my back on him. I heard him click something as he entered my room. "Why are you avoiding your brother?" Anakin asked me. "It's nothing." I lied. Great, now I'm lying to Anakin. I hate lying. "It's obviously something, what's on your mind?" Anakin asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I said it's nothing." I said, shaking off his hand. "Ahsoka..........why are you upset? Don't tell me that you're not because I can sense it." Anakin said, hugging me from behind so I couldn't get away. "You can tell me." he whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes and sighed. "I'm afraid." I confessed. "Afraid of what?" he asked. "Of his reaction to everything that I wrote in that Holocron letter that I sent to him and my mother. That's what I'm afraid of. What if he....." I couldn't bring myself to say the rest of the sentence as I wiped my eyes again, feeling them get watery. Anakin gave me a light squeeze of a hug. "Go on, it's alright." Anakin said. "What if he doesn't consider me to be his sister anymore?" I asked. "Ahsoka he would never think like that. You both were raised together. There's no way that he would think that with the bond that's between the two of you." Anakin said, reassuring me. I turned around and hugged him. "Thank you." I said. "Anytime." Anakin said, hugging me back. There was a knock on the door and we broke apart.

    "Yes?" I called. "It's me. Master Obi-wan. Is Anakin in there with you Ahsoka?" Master Obi-wan called through the door and I opened it. "Oh, good you both are here. The ship is ready, we are leaving in a few minutes. Grab your things and meet on the loading docks." Master Obi-wan said, then left. I looked at Anakin, confused. "I thought we were leaving in the morning?" I asked him. " I thought so to. Something must've come up. I'm going to go get my bag. Go straight to the loading docks as soon as I leave. See you then." Anakin said, kissing my cheek and left. I grabbed my bag and went for the loading docks.

                                         Anakin's POV

    "Did you catch all that?" I asked Lux on the Holocron. I turned on his call when I arrived at Ahsokas' room, he asked me for help and I was worried about Ahsoka. "All of it. Thank you." Lux said, then ended the call. I grabbed my bag and headed to the loading docks. I saw Master Obi-wan and caught up to him. "Master, why are we leaving right now?" I asked him. "Master Yoda sensed trouble if we stayed any longer." Master Obi-wan said. "On here or on Shili?" I asked. "Both, he said the trouble could go either way. And with Ahsoka having a vision of the past when she was a child increased his sense of danger. He figured it would be best to leave earlier. Master Shaak-ti is going to be her personal body guard from now on." Obi-wan said. I stood in front of him. "She has me to keep her safe. She doesn't need a personal body guard!" I said, raising my voice a little. "Anakin, this is not a choice that you have here. It's for Ahsokas' safety. Or do you no-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence!" I hissed through gritted teeth. I knew exactly what he was going to say and I didn't need to hear it from my Master. We got to the ship and Ahsoka and Master Shaak-ti were already there. We all got on the ship and I stayed near Ahsoka the whole time. What did Master Yoda sense that could be a danger?


[ okay SO this might be the last chapter that I can get in before I leave for vacation I might be able to get in another chapter tomorrow or I might not =/ So what do you guys think is going to happen soon? I love hearing feedback so I'd appreciate your guys' thoughts on what you might think is going to happen =D Love you guys!! <3 Oh, and I tried to add a picture of Ahsoka's parents, I don't think it worked though but, if you can see it the one that's being held is her mother and the other is her father ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now