~ Ch. 14 ~

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                                                    Anakin's POV

    I woke up early before Ahsoka and went to where Master Obi-wan was staying. I couldn't tell Ahsoka what she felt. I just hope that she forgot about it. I knocked on Obi-wans door and waited. He opened it a minute later. I entered his room and he shut the door.

    "What is it? You hardly ever join me for morning Meditation." Master Obi-wan said. I sighed and sat on the floor cross-legged. "It's about Ahsoka." I said. Obi-wan sat across from me. "Is this about that argument that you two had yesterday?" he asked. "No, we forgave each other for that. This is something else, and I don't think I've ever been this worried." I said. "Okay, say what it is then." he said. "Ahsoka told me that when she was alone in the hallway, she felt very cold." I said. Obi-wan opened his eyes. "That can't be good. That hasn't happened to any Jedi since the Clone Wars." he said. " I know, which is why I don't understand what is going on. I don't want to believe that she could possibly fall to the.......the......" I couldn't even finish my sentence because I'm that worried about the possibility that she could, "Fall to the Dark Side. I understand how nervous you are. The last Dark Jedi that we defeated was the old Chancellor, Palpatine." Obi-wan said. "Did you explain to her about the Light and Dark Sides of the Force." I laughed nervously. "Of course I did." I tried to lie. "No, you didn't did you?" Obi-wan asked. "No, cause I figured you'd be better at explaining it. Because you have a lot more experience with it." I said. "Very well, I will tell her then. Is she awake?" He asked. "No, she's been through a lot within the last day. I didn't want to wake her." I said. "Very well. I'll explain it to her sometime today." Master Obi-wan said. "Thank you Master." I said, then we began to meditate.

                                                    Ahsoka's POV

    I woke up and Anakin must've went for morning Meditation with Master Obi-wan. I stretched and went to the bathroom, grabbing my bag with my clothes, and changing. I wore my outfit (AN-from season five, that red dress? with the belt and arm things, I really have no idea how to describe it; look it up I guess) from the day I joined Anakin and Master Obi-wan. I walked out and ran into Lux.

    "Morning." We said at the same time, causing us to laugh. "Headed to breakfast?" I asked him. "Yes, and I take it you are too." he said, I nodded. "So how'd you sleep?" I asked him. "Good, and you? How was rooming with Anakin?" Lux asked. " I slept just fine. And Anakin and I are fine. We talked about it." I said. We entered the dining room and everyone was there already. I sat at the head of the table and Anakin was on my right and my Uncle Tearas was on my left. My mother was beside my Uncle and Lux was beside her. Beside Anakin sat Master Obi-wan and next to him was Master Shaak Ti. It was a comfortable silence as we all ate. Some of this food though......I had no idea how to eat it. That's when I heard it. "Ahsoka." I looked around the room, then back at my plate. "Ahsoka." There it is again! "Um, excuse me." I said, standing up and leaving the room. When the doors shut, I broke out into a run. "Your Highness! It isn't safe that way!" I heard some Guards calling to me. I got lost at a four way. "Ahsoka.........Ahsoka." I followed the voice, taking a right. I noticed that this part of the Palace seemed to be abandoned. I stopped at a solid Oak door, and opened it.

    It was a nursery. It must've been my nursery. I walked in farther and noticed that there was years of dust on everything. There was a rocking chair in the corner by the window and the crib was against the wall, near the chair. There was toys all over the one side of the room. Their was a changing table on the other side of the room. I stood in the middle and stared at the chair. I walked over to the chair and sensed that their was something in it. I saw that their was an opening in the side and opened the secret hatch. I reached in and pulled out a box. It was a glass box with a diamond glass pattern and gold edges. The door opened and I put the box behind my back. This outfit doesn't have pockets.

    "Ahsoka? It's dangerous in this area of the Palace. Please, come out of the room." my Uncle Tearas said. Behind him I saw Anakin and Obi-wan. I exited the room, and my Uncle shut the doors. "We heard the Guards call after you. What happened?" my Uncle asked. " I heard someone calling my name and it drew me to this room." I said. Being careful to make it look like I'm folding my hands behind my back, to hide the box. "If you excuse us, Mr. Tano. We'd like to speak to Ahsoka, Jedi stuff." Anakin said. Damn it! How am I supposed to hide this box now? "Of course. Ahsoka, if you have any questions about your parents. I'll be in the Throne room." my Uncle said, bowing.

    Obi-wan, Anakin, and I were in the sitting area in mine and Anakin's room. I had put the box that I found on the table. They haven't even noticed it. Which is strange since it's out in the open. "Ahsoka, there's something that we need to tell you." Anakin said. "Okay, I'm all ears." I said. "Ahsoka, remember when you felt cold yesterday?" Anakin asked, I nodded. "Ahsoka, what you felt is called the other side of the Force. The Dark Side." Master Obi-wan said. "There has always been two sides of the Force. The Dark Side was most prominent during the Clone Wars. Obi-wan and I made sure that we got rid of all the Jedi that turned to the Dark side. But, that doesn't exactly mean that it 'went away' for good. Now, it seems that it is looking to return. Starting with you." Obi-wan said. "What? But, how?" I said. "You just have to remain calm and not get angry that much. The other way for it to come back, but, not as strong, would be if you had an ancestor that was strong with the Dark Side." Obi-wan explained. When he said that, I turned my attention to the box.

    "Ahsoka." I heard. Anakin and Master Obi-wan also turned their attention to the box. "A Holocron?" Anakin asked, surprised. "Was this what you found in that room?" Master Obi-wan asked. I nodded and reached out my hand and touched the box. It opened and a Hologram of a Togruta woman appeared, I recognized her from my visions. It was my birth mother. "Ahsoka, if you are watching this then, I am long gone. I wish I was able to watch you grow up. I need to tell you a few things. If you have opened this than you know that you are a Jedi." my birth mother Shilia said. " I need to tell you that I was a Jedi as well. My parents hid it because I was their only child and they didn't want to lose me. There is something else that you need to know." She closed her eyes and took a breathe. "Your Father is also a Jedi. His parents also were like mine, not wanting to lose their only child. But, the thing about your Father is.....he is a Dark Jedi. He turned once I was in danger. He couldn't control the Force and it overwhelmed him. He was only Dark for a week, but, he was never the same after that. I want you to know that you must control your powers and master them so that you don't end up like your Father. One other thing is that you must know that this information about your Father was leaked to other worlds as well and their are bounty hunters after him. You must be careful dear. I can't make this any clearer than it is. Be careful. And remember that I love you." Shilia ended the Hologram message with a smile.

    I was shocked. My Father was a Dark Jedi? My parents were Jedi?! "Look, Snips, don't start panicking. That's not a good thing." Anakin said. "How can I not panic?! My birth Father was a Dark Jedi! He turned! How am I supposed to prevent myself from this?!" I said. I couldn't control my panic. This is what they were wanting me to avoid and control. I stood up and was going to make a run for it but, Anakin had wrapped his arms around me, and Master Obi-wan did something with the Force and I fell asleep.


[ Well this one took me a lil longer than I thought. So what do you guys think? =) ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now