~ Ch. 10 ~

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                                                    ???? POV

    I kneeled in front of my Master and bowed my head. "Has the first image been received?" He asked. "Yes, the memory has been planted." I answered him. "Very good. And the prisoner?" Master asked. "Alive and still in Acoma." I answered. "Very good, we shall wake him shortly proceed." Master said, bringing his blue hand and moving the brim of his hat. "You are dismissed for now." Master said. I bowed my head and left the room. "Very soon."  I thought, grinning.

                                                    Anakin's POV

    It's been a whole five days on this ship. Five days since Master Obi-wan told us the news about Satine. And five days since Ahsoka and I have shared a bed. I think I might have went past her comfort zone. Ahsoka has been avoiding me, at least I think she has. She runs off with Master Shaak Ti, asking her questions about their planet, animals, plants, and even some cultural questions. Master Shaak Ti has loved answering Ahsoka and telling her everything that there is to know.

    I sighed as I laid on my bed, levitating a pen. "What are you doing?" Master Obi-wan said, entering the  room. "Balancing books on my head, without using the Force." I heard Ahsoka say. I dropped the pen and it landed with a light 'thud' on my chest as I watched Ahsoka walk while balancing the books on her head. "And why are you doing this?" Master Obi-wan asked her. "Master Shaak Ti said that it's something that my Mother would be seen doing in the halls of the Palace. I decided to try it." Ahsoka answered him, and turned around walking out of the room. Not a single book dropped as she did so.

    "And what, pray tell, are you doing?" Master Obi-wan said, pulling up a chair. I sat up. " I think Ahsoka is avoiding me." I told him. "I'm sure she's just curious about her planet. She's not avoiding you." Obi-wan said. "Then why is it that every time that I enter the room she's in she goes right to Master Shaak Ti?" I stated. "She's just curious about her people. They are the same species and Shaak Ti knows more than Ahsoka. It's only natural for Ahsoka to be curious and look for someone with answers. " Master Obi-wan stated. I opened my mouth to say something, then closed it, not knowing what to say. Obi-wan sighed and stood up. "You should also be asking Shaak Ti about their people and their culture. Your other Half is a Togruta." Master Obi-wan said; leaving me alone with my thoughts.

    I decided to listen to Obi-wan and asked Master Shaak Ti that night to help me out with learning her and Ahsokas' culture. I could tell that she was about to ask why when she remembered that Ahsoka was my other Half. She agreed to teach me.

    "Oh, and could you not tell Ahsoka about this?" I asked. "Why?" She answered with a question. "Because, I want to impress her." I said simply. "Okay, well you have two days. When do you want to start?" She asked. "How about right now." I said, sitting across from her. So that's what we did for four hours. I hope I can learn all this and remember it in two days.


[ OKAY!!!! This one was pretty much a filler chapter and stuff starting to heat up. I want your guys' opinions on who you think the prisoner is. I love hearing feedback from you guys!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now