~ Ch. 27 ~

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                       Cad Bane's POV

    "Bane, when are we getting the girl?" my associate asked. "Everything now rests in Talons hands. Talon has to earn her trust then betray her. This could take a few months. For now we have to keep checking that we have everything ready for when we strike." I explained. "So that means?" he asked. "That we stage attacks on civilians. Their are Jedi here, they can't ignore people in distress. They are the first objects that we have to get rid of. With the Jedi out of the way, we should have no problems getting the girl. I already said that this will take time. Now, go check the weapons and ammunition." I said. "Yes, Sir." he said then left. Talon don't take too long. You better not blow this, for your sake, and for mine.

                   Anakin's POV

    "I still can't believe I passed out!" I said to Obi-wan. "Anakin, it happened a month ago. And I passed out to when Satine told me that she was pregnant." Obi-wan said. We were currently heading towards the loading docks. Obi-wan is taking off for a month and is going to Mandalore to be with Satine. She is due in a week. When we arrived at dock six Ahsoka, Master Shaak Ti, and Master Yoda were there, along with Rex and Cody. I noticed that the Talon girl was at dock five. "Master, what should I do about Talon? I don't trust her, and she's been hanging around with Ahsoka." I whispered to my Master. "For now, just watch and observe. Only intervene if you sense something will happen. Trust the Force." Obi-wan said. We arrived next to the others. "Have a safe journey Master." Ahsoka said. "Thank you Ahsoka." Obi-wan nodded to her and she did the same. "Something happen, contact you, we shall." Master Yoda said. Master Shaak Ti hugged him. "Safe travels old friend." she said. Obi-wan boarded the ship and it took off as another ship entered dock five.

    I turned around to talk to Ahsoka and saw that she was headed over to dock five. I saw Talon waving to her. I grabbed Ahsoka's hand and she turned around. "Anakin, I need to get over there. The shipment just arrived and I have to sign for it." Ahsoka said. I'm confused now, what does she have to sign for? "Before you even ask. This is the shipment of the Medical machines for the new Hospital. Talon said that she'd help me move the shipment." Ahsoka said. "You have Guards to move them." I said. She sighed. "Ani, I still like to do some things myself. I'm not helpless." she said. "I know that but, you are pregnant. At least take Rex and Cody with you. I have to go speak with Master Shaak Ti." I said and kissed her cheek. "Rex! Cody! Come help Ahsoka move some stuff!" I said over to them. They nodded and walked over to Ahsoka.

    When Master Shaak Ti and I were alone is when I spoke up. "I don't trust this Talon Twi'lek." I said. "Why? She's done nothing but help Ahsoka and her friends with the Hospital." Master Shaak Ti said. "There's something off about her. I can feel it." I said. "In your heart, mind or through the Force?" she asked. "I'm......I'm not sure how but I can feel it. I swear!" I said. "Anakin, you might be wrong about her. She just might have good intentions. She is stranded here." Shaak Ti said.

    Talon got injured a month ago and she's completely recovered but insists on helping out, until she can get enough Credits to buy a small ship. Ahsoka offered her Credits but, she refused to take them. She called it, 'not feeling right to her.' That's a load of bull shit if I ever heard it. What's worse is that everyone really likes her now. They think she's very honorable and selfless. She's up to something and I'm going to find out what it is! I swear it!

                    Ahsoka's POV

    Talon, Rex, Cody and I arrived at the hospital with the machines and Lux, Mondora, Kasto, Diwos, and Midux were outside waiting for us. "Can ya come help?!" I called over to them. "Lux, Kasto, and Midux, help Rex and Cody with maneuvering the larger machines. Mondora and Diwos, grab some crates. The smaller machines like Microscopes and such are inside. Everyone take everything to the storage rooms so we can get a count of everything and then we'll take them to the proper rooms." I said. Everyone nodded and started to help out. When I came back outside to grab another crate, I noticed that Palace Guards had circled around the outside of the Medical cargo and blocked the people that were curious outside from getting any closer to the Hospital. I walked over to the Captain.

    "What's going on? I don't remember ordering troops to be here." I said. Captain Graitus turned around to face me. He bowed and stood back up straight. "We were ordered by the King to make sure that you and your friends weren't interrupted with what you were doing." he said. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Anakin." I mumbled under my breathe. I turned around and the others were all standing there. "What's with the Guards?" Diwos asked. "Anakin." was all I said and I grabbed another crate, the others just shrugged and followed my lead and grabbed more stuff.

    It took us until sunset to get everything in the storage rooms. I grabbed a clipboard and Lux grabbed my arm. "Ahsoka, this can wait until tomorrow. We got everything inside, let's leave for the night. You can't push yourself." Lux said. I shook his hand off. "I need to see this through. I said that I wanted to at least get everything in storage and get it all accounted for. And that's what I'm going to do." I said. Lux sighed. "You can be so stubborn ya know that?" Lux said. "Yup." I said, walking away and headed to the other end of the room to start.

    I wasn't even ten minutes in when Lux grabbed my arm again. "Lux, I'm not going t-" I turned around and saw that it was Anakin. How did I not sense him? "He already told me. Ahsoka, you've done everything that you could for today. Come on, let's go home you need to sleep." Anakin said. "If you don't start walking, I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out that way." he said. "Like you'd do that. AH! Anakin put me down right now!" I said, and screeched when he actually put me over his shoulder and started to walk. "Alright alright! It can wait until tomorrow! Just put me down!" I said. I could tell he smirked in victory as he set me down. I put the clipboard down and we walked out to the Speeders and headed towards the Palace.

[ Well, I was planning on posting this yesterday but I got sidetracked. Hehe. So!! It's up! Sorry for time jumping but, I have to for how I've planned on a big part of this story. So what's gonna happen now that Obi-wan is gone for a month? Will Anakin ever learn that Ahsoka can handle herself? Hehe.

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now