~ Ch. 13 ~

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                                             Anakin's POV

    I caught Ahsoka in my arms before she could fall to far. "What just happened?" "Is the Queen alright?" "Is she sick?" I heard some people say. Senator Bonterri and Lux rushed over to us "Quick! bring her to the Med-bay! It's this way!" Ahsokas' Uncle Tearas said. I was carrying her and we rushed to the infirmary and they ran all these tests. "This doesn't make any sense!" The Doctor said, flabbergasted. "What doesn't?" Lux asked. "These results are telling me that she's in perfect health! And she's floating!" the Doctor said. That caught my attention. I was in the hall with Masters Obi-wan and Shaak Ti, so I looked in the room and Ahsoka was floating. Almost as if she was meditating......That's it! I sat, crossed legged, and started to meditate. If I can get into her mind in this state then I can see what's going on with her. "What is he doing?" Someone asked. "Be quiet please. He's getting in her mind." I heard Master Obi-wan say. "Will it work?" the person asked. 'This better work or else we're out of options.' I thought to myself.

                                             Ahsoka's POV

    Where am I? I don't recognize this place. I was on, what looked like to be boat docks. I saw people everywhere. I saw some shopping stalls too. Wait.....this is some sort of fish market. I noticed that these people were only Togrutas' . Am I still on Shili? Wait....I thought I was at the Palace. Wasn't I?  "Cod for sale!" "Salmon! Salmon here!"  I heard people shouting to get others to buy fish. One stall drew my attention the most. It wasn't a fish stall. It was selling jewelry. "Pearls for the Lady in your life! Buy one get second free! You can't go wrong!" The man was saying. A lady stopped in front of his stall and they smiled at each other. "Hello, Shilia. You look wonderful today, as you do everyday." the man said. "You flatter a poor woman. Come, walk with me will you Kaney?" Shilia asked Kaney. Wait.....those are my parents!! I started to run after them but, with every running step that I took, they seemed to take at least six. I then bumped into someone's chest. "Sorry." I said, getting ready to start running again, then the person grabbed me. "Ahsoka! You have to wake up!" I looked at the person and it was Anakin.

    My eyes shot wide open and I sat up in a split second. "You're alright!" Lux said, hugging me. I looked at Anakin who just stood up. "What was that?! Why'd you do that?!" I yelled at him. Anakin looked at me, confused. Oh no! I'm not letting him off! " I don't know what yo-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence! You knew exactly what you were doing!" I yelled at him. Everyone left the room and it was only Anakin and I.

    "Look, Ahsoka, we no, I was worried about you! I didn't see how you fell, but I caught you in time. What happened to you?" Anakin asked. See! This is what he does! He changes the damn subject! "Don't you try to change the subject! That was a memory that I was trying to understand! Why did you pull me out?!" I was more than upset with him by now. I was down right furious! I don't think I've ever been this mad with him! "Ahsoka, you should realize that having visions of the past, no matter whose memory it was, is not safe!" Anakin yelled. "How is it not?! People say that you need to understand the past in order to help with the present and the future! How is seeing the past not safe?!" I yelled back. "BECAUSE IT'S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE!" Anakin shouted. That got me quiet. I stood and Anakin's facial expression softened and he sighed. He walked over and stood in front of me, looking me in the eyes.

    "Ahsoka, never before in the whole entire Galaxy has a Jedi ever, and I mean ever, been able to get visions of the past. You have to realize that you are the first to do so. And that this can be scary. Honestly, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that if this gets past the Jedi counsel that you would become a target. I'm afraid that I'll lose you. And I don't want that." Anakin said. I looked away from him, my anger dissipated in an instant, I could sense that he was telling the truth. He was telling me his fears. "Please, leave me. I need to be alone right now." I said. Anakin walked up to me and kissed my cheek. " I understand. Everyone will be in the Throne room for when you're ready to see people." Anakin said, then left.

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now