~ Ch. 20 ~

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                                              Obi-wan's POV

    When Ahsoka and Anakin left, Shaak Ti and Master Yoda and I stayed in the room. "So what did you find out Master?" I asked Master Yoda. "Prophecy changed, it has." Yoda said. "How?" Shaak Ti asked. "Each other they have now. Prophecy says if Chosen One find other Half. The other Half greater chance, she has, of resurrecting the Dark Side. Prevent this we must, at all costs." Master Yoda said. Shaak Ti and I shared a look and looked back to Master Yoda. "Master, she is expecting." Shaak Ti said. "Careful must we be. Have her fall, we cannot. Talk more tomorrow about this, we shall. For now sleep is needed." Master Yoda said. We nodded at each other and left for the night.

                                              ????? POV

    "Master, I have failed you." I said, speaking to the Hologram of him. "You have one last chance to get this girl. If you don't I shall arrive there and take care of it myself. I'm giving you two days." he said, I nodded. "Master, she has someone." I said. "Who?" he asked. "A Zabrak. He is a Jedi. He has a Lightsaber." I said. "Take care of him. I don't care how. Nor do I want to know how. Remember, we need this girl alive to get paid." he said. I nodded and he ended the transmission. I was currently outside the Palace, looking it over for a way in.

                                              Ahsoka's POV

     "Ahoska! Time to get up! And you need to get out!" I opened my eyes and saw Diwos and Mondora in my room. Mondora was currently pushing Anakin out of the room. I got up and hurridly shoved Anakin some of his clothes. "There's a bathroom down the hall. I have a feeling that I'll be busy." I said, glaring playfully at my friends. I kissed Anakin. "I'll see you later." I said, and shut the door. I could tell Anakin was scowling through the door and laughed. I turned back to Diwos and Mondora.

    "What did you guys do that for?" I asked them. "We have to get you ready!" Diwos said, looking through my clothes to find me something to wear. "Ready? Ready for what?" I asked. "You are going to be introduced to your people today! Remember?" Mondora said, bringing over a chair and putting it in my closet. I used the Force and brought over another chair. "Thanks. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to lift that." Mondora said. "I got you." I said, and we sat down in the chairs. "Gah! Ahsoka! You have so many clothes now that I don't know what to pick out for you." Diwos said, still rummaging. "I'm coming." Mondora said. I sighed at them and laughed. My Mother bought me all these clothes and Lux helped her pick some out and they didn't tell me until the after I arrived. I didn't notice that the walk-in closet was full when I first looked in here.

    "My Mother and Lux picked all this stuff out. Even the shoes over there." I said, pointing at the built-in shoe racks on the left side of the closet. "Oh, these must be the ones that your Mom picked out. Let's look at the other side, those must be the ones Lux picked out." Diwos said and Mondora nodded. I sighed, rolled my eyes and used the Force to switch the chairs to face the other side. "You guys are more excited about this than I am." I said. "It's not everyday where you find out one of your best friends is the long lost Queen of a whole planet!" Mondora said. "Yeah! This is exciting! Aren't you excited?" Diwos asked. "Excited?! I'm nervous as hell!" I said.

    I leaned my head on the chair. Ugh, this is so stressful! How am I going to do my Jedi duties and rule a Planet?! "You shouldn't be nervous! You should be excited! I would be excited if I was you." Mondora said. "I'm not sure you would. I have to rule a planet, that I was born on, and I don't even know the culture that well or it's customs! Some Queen I am." I said, sighing. I closed my eyes and something happened.

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now