~ Ch. 26 ~

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                       Cad Bane's POV

    I called in some other Bounty Hunters and Darth Talon to start phase one. Talon already knows her role. "Okay everyone, make it believable." I said. Talon stood there and the others started to shoot her and beat her. She knows the plan, it shouldn't be hard to get sympathy with wounds that she will have. "You better have a back-up if this doesn't go right." Talon said, through gritted teeth as the others continued to shoot her. "Don't worry, I do have one. The use of old Palace maps goes a long way." I said.

    It was a hour before she looked good enough to drop off at the site. Talon and I got on a Speeder and I dropped her off outside of the capital. In a clearing. "Now, go make yourself known. Don't blow your cover." I said. She tsk'd at me and started to limp toward the central square, were she would 'faint from her abuse' and someone would find her. It should be the girl, all Force Sensitive's are drawn to each others presence, no matter what side they are. She better play her part. Or else we're all screwed. I drove back to the town. Our plan will take a few months before we can deploy the final phase of getting her. The sun started to set.

                       Ahsoka's POV

    I started to drive back to the Palace and tell Anakin when I felt something. This was different than that other person that I fought. This presence was strangely weak, as if whoever it is, was just attacked. I did a sharp right turn down an alley. Captain Rex was right behind me. "Ahsoka! You have to return to the Palace!" he shouted. "There's something wrong! I can sense it!" I shouted back to him. I think he's contacting Anakin because he didn't reply to me. It didn't take long to find the person. I saw someone coming out of the clearing that I fought that Asajj person in. I rode right up to her.

    "H-help m-me, p-please." she said, then passed out. I knelt down next to her and Rex pulled up. "Ahsoka, this person seems shady. You shouldn't be near her." Rex said, as he got off the Speeder. "She's injured. I'm not leaving her to die." I said. I put her on my Speeder and got on. Rex followed my lead and we took off to the Hospital that I helped build a month ago.

    When we arrived I carried this female Twi'lek using the Force and the doors opened and I took her inside. Rex didn't follow, I guess he's waiting for Anakin to arrive. I set the Twi'lek on a stretcher and transferred her to a room. Remember how I said that we don't have Doctors? Well, I wasn't kidding, right now, I'm the only one who has any Medical knowledge on this planet besides Master Shaak Ti. I did a little bit of Medical study growing up on Raxus. I can treat cuts and burns, I can't actually operate, or do anything else that is major.

    I took a closer look at this Twi'lek and noticed that she was severely beaten, the cuts and burns could tell the story for me. I also noticed she wasn't the normal skinned Twi'leks that I met. Her skin was red and her marks were black. "Mondora, I need your assistance at the Hospital. I found a Twi'lek that is severely hurt. How fast can you get here?" I called Mondora on my Comlink. "Um, I just got back to the house with Diwos. We can be there in 10. How bad is the paitent?" she asked. I grabbed clothe and needles and wire. "Seems to be just deep cuts and burns. But, I need you to come and check her over, I can't tell if she has any broken bones or not." I said. "On it." Mondora said. You see, Mondora actually has a natural talent when it comes to anything Medical. She's the only one out of all of us that can heal properly.

    I started to clean off the dried blood and sterilize the needles for stitching when I heard the doors open. I looked up and saw Anakin, he didn't seem very happy. "What were you thinking? You could've gotten killed!" Anakin said. "We don't even know if she's dangerous Anakin." I said. "That's my point! If someone looks dangerous, then they usually are!" Anakin said. I rolled my eyes at him as I started to stitch a deep gash that she has on her left thigh. "Can you get out of here? I need to concentrate, and I can feel upset rolling off of you like crazy, and it's a little distracting." I said. "Fine, talk later?" Anakin asked. "Yeah, just get out of here so Mondora can work." I said, as Mondora entered the room. She shoved Anakin out of the room. "Sheesh! Do you ever listen to her?" Mondora said to Anakin.

    Mondora walked over as I finished the first stitch. "Okay, where did you find her?" Mondora asked as she started to feel for broken bones. "In a field on the outside of town." I said, starting to stitch a cut that I just found on her bicep. "She doesn't seem to have any broken bones. But, these are Blaster burns. Did you get the Burn Cream?" Mondora asked. "Yeah, it's on the counter." I said. Mondora went over and grabbed the Burn Cream and started applying it. "She needs an Antibiotic incase these cuts are infected." Mondora said. I walked over to the jars full of liquids. "Um, which one is it?" I asked. "It should be Penicillin." Mondora said. I grabbed a needle and filled it with the Penicillin. I walked back over to the Twi'lek and looked for a vein. I found a vein after a minute and injected the Penicillin into the unconscious Twi'lek. "There, that should do it." Mondora said.

    Mondora and I were almost done cleaning up when we heard a moan and looked over to the Twi'lek who started to stir. Mondora kept cleaning and I walked over to the Twi'lek. Anakin came into the room. I gave him a look that meant 'be quiet and stay there' and he stood by the door. The Twi'lek opened her eyes and I noticed that her eyes were orange. That's unusual for a Twi'lek. I helped her sit up and she rubbed at her eyes with her hand.

     "How are you feeling?" I asked her gently. "B-better, thank you." she said. I gave her a flask filled with water. "Here, drink. It's just water." I said. She took it and drank the whole thing in one gulp. "Thank you." she said, handing me the flask. "I'm Ahsoka. What's your name?" I asked her. "Talon. Where am I exactly?" Talon asked. "You're on the planet Shili. Do you remember what happened to you?" I asked. " I was carrying a package to deliver to a friend of mine here and I was jumped by some Bandits." she said. "Where?" I asked. "On the outskirts of Tonia. It's a few hours away from here." she said. "And you walked here the whole way?" Anakin asked. "No, they stole my Speeder when I was halfway here." Talon said. I rolled my eyes, Anakin doesn't believe her story. "We'll let you rest now. If you need anything, call me on this. Okay?" I said, giving her a spare Comlink. "Thank you, so much." Talon said to me. I gave her a blanket and she was out in seconds.

    Anakin, Mondora and I walked out of the room. " I'll stay here and watch over her through the night. We don't have the machines yet, so I don't feel comfortable leaving her here alone. You two can go. I'll be fine. Besides, Ahsoka, you really need the rest now that you fou-" I covered Mondoras' mouth because Anakin gave me a look. "Thanks Mondora, see you tomorrow." I said, quickly walking away back to the Speeders.

    As soon as Anakin and I made it to our room he shut the door. "What was Mondora talking about? Did something happen when Shaak Ti checked you over? Are you sick?! Is the baby sick?! Is-" I had to cover his mouth so he could let me speak. He always thinks I can answer every question as soon as he says it, then he asks nonstop questions. Which doesn't give me a chance to even answer him. I took his hand and we sat down on the bed.

    "No, I'm fine. I'm not sick and neither is the baby. I need you to take deep breathes and relax before I tell you. Okay?" I said. Anakin nodded and he took a few deep breathes. "So, when Shaak Ti checked me over she found something." I said, Anakin nodded for me to go on and I smiled. "It's twins. We're having twins." I said. Anakin smiled, hugged me, and fainted. I laughed. "Well, you took that better than I thought." I said to an unconscious Anakin. Since he's heavy, and I don't mean fat, he's just muscular as hell! I used the Force to lift him off of me and move the covers and I pulled the covers over him. I changed into my pajamas and joined him in bed and fell asleep.


[ So? What's gonna happen now with Talon in the capitol?! Will Anakin ever stop with the questions?! XD

May the Force be with you my fellow Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now