~ Ch. 40 ~

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                 Anakin's POV

    Our small docking ships shook the whole ship. I looked at Obi-wan and we both nodded to each other. We have a mission here. Kill all the Siths and find Ahsoka. I hope she's alright, I sensed her pain hours ago. I don't understand that I can sense her pain, but I couldn't contact her. The doors opened and we took off, lightsabers ignited. We brought a few dozen troops with us. We weren't sure what we were getting into. We were right to bring them. Every surviving Sith was on this ship. That's when shots started flying and other Jedi Masters started fighting the Sith. Obi-wan and I started running down a corridor.

    We came across a room with Gaurds posted, inside and outside the room. "What do you think is in there?" I asked Obi-wan. "Don't know, but, we should kill the Guards and check it out." Obi-wan said. We were about to go when I heard.......crying. Not just any kind of crying. It was the cry of babies! I didn't wait a second longer as I ran around the corner, Obi-wan close behind. We took the Guards on the outside by surprise and killed them in a second, without alerting the Guards that were in the room of our presence. The doors opened and the hiss alerted the Guards as they got into attack stance. We looked at each other and nodded, then switched sides. I took the one on the right and he took the one of the left. We fought them for a few minutes before we made the killing blows. We hid the bodies. Then I remembered the crying. I looked to my left and saw two babies. Obi-wan and I walked over to them. I could feel the force is very strong with both of them. I knew right away that they were mine. One was a Togruta girl, she has Ahsoka's tail colors, and a very light skin tone. I looked my other child. It's a human boy, but, there's something different about him. He has Togruta markings, his skin tone is tan, he already has his eyes open, their a dark sapphire blue. It makes sense, Ahsoka and I both have blue eyes. What confused me was that he had his eyes open, and my daughters didn't.

    "Acarna and Ezra. Looks like Ahsoka picked out the names." Obi-wan said. I smiled at my children. I was so happy that they arrived safely. But, then I worried. "Wait.....if their here than.......where's Ahsoka?" I said. They started to cry again and I picked up Ezra while Obi-wan picked up Acarna. Once we got them settled I looked at Obi-wan. "Why would they leave them here and only take Ahsoka?" I asked. "No clue. Best we get them out of here and look for Ahsoka." Obi-wan said. We looked around the room for something to carry them in. I found a backpack, tore off the cover and used a knife and cut out leg holes and set him inside. "Here, I'll carry Acarna, take Ezra. I'll find Ahsoka. Get Ezra to safety, Godfather." I said, smiling. Obi-wan looked surprised. "Are you sure about that?" Obi-wan asked. "Yes, Ahsoka and I decided it as soon as she found out that she was pregnant. We want you and Sabine to be the Godparents. Now, take Ezra, hand me Acarna, and get him to safety." I said. We swapped kids and went our separate ways.

    I ended up in an old, broken down, part of the ship. It seems to be an old training room. I stopped running as I sensed something, ignited my Lightsaber, and turned around just in time to block a new Sith. We both jumped backwards and started to circle each other. "Who are you?" we asked at the same time. "I'm Starkiller, the Mistress's willing servant. Who are you?" Starkiller asked, with venom in his voice. "Anakin, your Mistress's husband. Now, where is my wife?!" I said. He ran towards me and I back-flipped away. That's when he noticed that I had Acarna in my other arm. "How dare you disturb the children!" Starkiller said. I looked at him like he was crazy, which he might be. "These are my children to! And I'll die before I let them be raised amongst Sith!" I said. Our sabers clashed, sparks flew. We maneuvered around each other for hours. I came to the conclusion within a half hour of our fight that we were evenly matched. We've been fighting for what feels like hours. I would've defeated him by now but, I have Acarna in my arms and it's hard to maneuver and fight at the same time. That's when I sensed a presence, a few actually. One was similar but, different in a way.

    "ENOUGH! DO NOT HARM HIM!" we both stopped fighting and looked up at who stopped our fight. I was relieved and more than happy to see that it was Ahsoka. But, something's off. Talon and some other female Sith......wait, I recognize her, that's Maladi. This was strange because Ahsoka isn't restrained or fighting against them. It's like she came here with them. The three started to walk down the stairs and Starkiller bowed. "Mistress I-" Starkiller silenced when Ahsoka put her hand on his head. She looked at the three. "Give Anakin and I the room." she said. "But, Mistr-" "NOW!" Ahsoka yelled at them. They bowed to her and left quickly. That's when I saw her eyes, they were yellow. Once the doors shut, her eyes turned back to their original sapphire.

    "Anakin." she said. I ran to her and hugged her as she cried. "I missed you so much." I told her. "I missed you to." She said, when she calmed down. She looked down at Acarna and I handed her to her. She smiled as Acarna grabbed her pinky finger. "Where's Ezra?" Ahsoka asked me. "He's with Obi-wan. I told him to get him to safety as I went to find you. We have to leave." I said. "Anakin, there's something you need to know." Ahsoka said.

    It took Ahsoka about an hour to tell me about everything that her father told her. "You don't have to do what he says! You decide your own destiny!" I said to her. She looked away from me. "Anakin......my destiny is one that has been decided for me long ago. One that I can't ever change." she said, sadly. I put my hand on her cheek and made her look at me. She had tears falling off her face. "I love you too much to lose you." I told her and kissed her deeply. We broke apart and I held her close. " I love you too. But, I'm scared." Ahsoka said. I looked at her worried. "Why are you scared?" I asked her. "Because, deep in my heart I know that, no matter what I do. I can't delay what is supposed to happen." she said. "We can prevent it from happening! We can talk to the Council about it!" I said, pleadingly. "NO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! THEY WOULD LOCK ME UP AND WE WOULD NEVER BE A FAMILY! I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!" Ahsoka yelled, her eyes changed back to yellow. I tried to get Acarna out of her hands but, she did a quick backflip. How she didn't drop her confused me. Ahsoka took our her Lightsaber and ignited it. I ignited mine and I heard the doors open, I took a quick look around and it seems that most of the Sith and Jedi came in, the Jedi on mine and the Sith on Ahsokas. This is all it took for me to realize it. I lost Ahsoka to the Darkside.

    "Is this really how you wish this to happen Ahsoka?" I asked her. "Yes, yes it is." Ahsoka said. She gave Acarna to Talon and ignited her second saber, then we charged at each other. Our sabers clashed for hours, we were evenly matched. We back flipped away from each other and Starkiller came up to her. He whispered something and she nodded and put her sabers away. This is confusing, what do you have up your sleeve Ahsoka? She walked over to the rest of the remaining Sith and turned to face us Jedi. She pulled out a com and spoke into it.


[CLIFFY!!!!!! AND I GOT THIS OUT BEFORE THE WEEKEND!!!!!! AAAHHHH!!!!!! IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!! So who recognizes the boy name? What is Ahsoka going to say in that com?! WTF JUST HAPPENED!?!?!?

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now