~ Ch. 6 ~

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                                      *2 Months later* Anakin's POV

    It has only been an entire two months since Ahsoka has been here and she has mastered pretty much everything already! It amazes me and the rest of the Council! She has picked almost everything up as fast as I did when I first started here. And I was alot younger than she is now.

    Due to all this training that I've been teaching her. We haven't been able to actually talk or even get to know each other ever since Master Obi-wan and I brought her here on Rememberance Day. I'm currently watching her train with Obi-wan. I've taught her almost all that I know, I'm not suppossed to teach her the rest of what I know until I know that she is ready. Apparently the Jedi Council wants her to learn some things from other Jedi Masters than myself. Just then a Carrier Droid came in and gave me a letter. It was addressed to Ahsoka. "Master! Ahsoka! Take a break and come here." I called out to them. They put away their lightsabers and came over to me. "What is it Anakin?" Obi-wan asked. "A letter for Ahsoka." I said, handing it to her. She opened it and read it.

    "Well? What's it say Snips?" I asked her, getting a little worried from her facial reactions to the letter. "It's from my Uncle on Shili. He says that he thinks I'm ready to rule my people. He needs to know if I......" she stopped reading it aloud and put the letter in her pocket. "Um, may I cut this lesson short? I must speak to Master Shaak-ti." Ahsoka said, looking at me and Obi-wan. We both nodded and she took off. I looked after her, even when the door was shut.

    "You must be worried about her." Obi-wan said, breaking me of my trance. "Yeah, she's my other Half. Why would I not worry about her? I just wonder if she should rule her planet as Queen at her age, she's still so young." I told my Master.  "Have faith in her Anakin. Besides, I'm sure that you'll be there beside her. Ruling as King." Master Obi-wan said. If I had a drink I would've choked on it. "You shouldn't say such things." I told Obi-wan. "Anakin, you have to realize that what I say is true. You are going to rule Shili with her." Obi-wan said. "Her people would never accept me as their King." I told him. "They will." Obi-wan said, then left me alone in the training room.

                                                                         Ahsoka's POV

    I was visiting with Master Shaak-ti and I told her about my letter from my Uncle Tearas and I told her that he wants to meet my other half. And that the people are preparing for my return with him. "You should go. I can have a ship prepared for you if you wish, my Queen." Master Shaaki-ti said. "I'm not sure if I should go yet. I don't feel like I'm completely done with my Jedi training and I don't know how to rule a Kingdom. And I don't know how Anakin feels about all this." I told her. "You must consult with him on this matter. Ask him about what he feels and thinks about this. He will support you, no matter what your choice is. But, our people need their Queen." Shaak-ti said to me, bowed, then she left. I stood their in the hall for a while, thinking of what I should do. Then I absentmindedly started to walk.

    I walked by people and I heard the whispers. Thanks to the press everyone knows now that I am Queen of Shili. They don't, however, know that Anakin is my other half. I can feel their eyes on me while they whisper. I tried to ignore them, I tried so hard but, I can't do this.......I feel so alone right now. I can't be near people. I can't. I broke out into a run and ran towards my room. No, I can't go to my room. I stopped and turned and started to run again. I don't know this Temple that well. I shouldn't be running around like this. It's the middle of the night.

    I opened a door and slammed it shut and leaned against it to keep myself standing. I then backed away from the door. Holding my head, I could feel myself losing control. I shouted and the windows shattered from me unconsciously using the force. I opened my eyes and looked at the mess that I created. I could feel silent tears falling down my face. 'I just ruined a room. I'm a danger to everyone. How can I be a Queen if this happens?' I thought to myself. I have to run, everyone is going to hate me for ruining a room here. I'm not going to be accepted here anymore. Oh god, what will Anakin think of me? I turned around and jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Anakin.

    "I-I-I-I" he cut me off by setting a finger on my lips. "It's okay. I understand what you're feeling right now. Come with me." Anakin said and he held me close to him and I kept my head down, looking at the floor. We stopped and Anakin opened a door and we stepped inside and the door shut. We sat down in the middle of the floor. He had me sit on a lap and I let everything out, all the pain and sadness that I felt. Anakin held me close and started to sing.

I can see every tear you've cried

Like an ocean in your eyes

All the pain and the scars have left you cold

I can see all the fears you face

Through a storm that never goes away

Don't believe all the lies that you've been told

I'll be right here now

To hold you when the sky falls down

I will always

Be the one who took your place

When the rain falls

I won't let go

I'll be right here

I will show you the way back home

Never leave you all alone

I will stay until the morning comes

I'll show you how to live again

And heal the brokenness within

Let me love you when you come undone

I'll be right here now

To hold you when the sky falls down

I will always

Be the one who took your place

When the rain falls

I won't let go

I'll be right here

When daybreak seems so far away

Reach for my hand

When hope and peace begin to fray

Still I will stand

I'll be right here now

To hold you when the sky falls down

I will always

Be the one who took your place

When the rain falls

I won't let go

I'll be right here

When the rain falls I won't let go

I'll be right here

    I was a lot calmer when Anakin finished the song. "You have a great voice." I whispered. "So do you." he said. He kissed my forehead and then I felt a slight stinging sensation on my right arm. I looked at it and my whole right arm was covered in a delicate tattoo pattern. I looked at Anakin for an explanation. "When two halfs' connect on a deep and emotional level of understanding they get some tattoo design symbolizing their connection to each other. It hurts a little once it appears but, after that it doesn't hurt. halfs' usually only get one tattoo design. It's the same design as the other half's but on separate arms. Like how yours is on your right arm and mine is on my left arm." Anakin said, smiling at me. I smiled back at him but, my head started to hurt again. I fell backwards, but Anakin caught me. "Ahsoka?! What's wrong?!" he asked. I couldn't answer him because I blacked out after that. The last thing I heard was Anakin calling my name.


[ I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THIS TAKING FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But sadly I had a severe case of writers block and I couldn't write anything for any story T.T It was only yesterday when I finished a Ch. for TRS when I could start writing again. So yay!! Writer's block gone!! =D But, sadly in a few days (Wednesday) I'm going on another family vacation and I won't have computer access so I'm going to try to write more before I leave BUT I WILL be back on (Sunday July 5th) It's a really big family vacation where a lot and I mean ALOT of my family that I don't see that very often come up close to where I live and visit for the 4th so until next time!! I love all of you and I'm really sorry for the wait!! Oh and there's a pic of their matching tattoos ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now