~ Ch. 23 ~

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                           Ahsoka's POV

    It was dark. I couldn't see even an inch in front of me. A door appeared then, I opened it. I was back on Raxus. I recognized the Meeting room at the Senate building. My parents were there, with Lux and I standing beside them.

    "You guys are going to meet some other kids your age. So play nice okay? We have a busy day with their parents so you guys will be in the playroom next door." Father said to us. Lux and I nodded, we had to have been six then. I remember this day clearly, it was the day that we met the others. It was also the day that I discovered my powers. When the others arrived I followed the children that was us go to the playroom. I discovered my powers because I was hanging out with Kasto and a picture fell from a breeze from the ceiling fan. I moved Kasto out of the way and everyone stared at me in awe. Then the six of us started talking enthusiastically about how we can change the world. I laughed at our six year old antics. Another door appeared, it was maroon colored. I opened it and the scene changed.

    I was ten and I wasn't on Raxus, I was in the Palace on Shili. I noticed I was playing with a younger Togruta, a boy, his skin was a dark green. I must've known him but, I don't remember this. This can't be real, it has to be an illusion. I've never been to Shili when I was little. Just then my Birth Parents walked in and smiled at us. "Ahsoka, Racto! Come, dinner is ready." my Mother, no, our Mother called to us. "Coming!" we said in unison and raced to the kitchen. I didn't follow. I stood still. I was going to have a baby brother?! If that night turned out differently and whatever happened after I was born never happened, I would've had a baby brother. I would've had a baby brother. I kept saying this to myself as I fell to my knees. I felt my cheek and I realized I was crying. He was never born because of that night. This is an illusion, this is what could've, no, what would've been if that night never happened. I looked up and a white door was in front of me. I stood up and opened the door and walked through it.

    I was still in the Palace, but, it seemed, different. I walked into a room and saw two children playing on the bed. I walked a little further into the room, wanting to get a look at their faces. I heard footsteps and turned around, there standing in the doorway was an older version of me and Anakin, smiling at the children. "Ahsoka! Ahsoka!" I heard a voice calling me and I turned and everything went black.

    I blinked slowly and tried to sit up, only to have myself be blinded and cover my eyes with my hand as I sat up fully. "How is she?" my Uncle asked. Anakin was sitting next to me, and Master Shaak Ti was kneeling in front of me, hand on my forehead and then she moved it to my stomach. "Everyone's fine." Master Shaak Ti said, sighing in relief. "Can we have a minute alone please?" Anakin asked. Master Shaak Ti and my Uncle nodded and left the room. I think they're going to tell the others that I'm awake. Anakin hugged me tightly, and I hugged him back. He then broke the hug.

    "What were you thinking?! That was reckless and very dangerous! You could've died!" Anakin stated. Ah, yup, here we go, lecture time. "I wasn't going to stand around and do nothing when I felt something was off. So I had to look into it myself. I didn't think there was time to find you or anyone else." I said. Anakin sighed again and hugged me again. "I'm just glad you both are fine." Anakin said. "Anakin......who exactly was that? I felt so cold when I was fighting her." I said.

    "That was Asajj Ventress." Anakin and I looked at the door and Masters Obi-wan, Shaak Ti, and Yoda were there. I noticed that Anakin and I were on a couch. Master Obi-wan and Shaak Ti came over and sat on the other couch. Master Yoda sat in one of the chairs.

    "Asajj was around during the Clone Wars. We didn't realize that she survived. She must've went into hiding after we killed Palpatine. I think all the remaining Sith did." Master Shaak Ti said. "Which begs the question. If she survived, who else survived?" Master Obi-wan asked, to no one in particular. "Lucky, you are. To survive an attack from opponent that strong. Happen again, this might." Master Yoda said. "But, now that we know who it is, can't we go after her?" I asked. "No way! It's too risky." Anakin said. "The plan worked though." I said. "It would've went a lot smoother if you had one of us to back you up and then we could've caught her." Anakin said. "Excuse me for a minute." I said, standing up and heading to the bathroom. Just in time too, my dinner decided to come up. I sighed once I was done hurling. Ugh, I think I'll just sleep on the floor. Wait......why am I tired? I wasn't tired a minute ago. Uh-oh, I think I need help. I tried to shout for Anakin, but, my body didn't respond as I laid on the floor and my eyes closed.

                            Asajj Ventress's POV

    I called my Master in the forest and his Hologram appeared. "The girl is confused and weakened Master. I am sorry to report that I did not apprehend her as ordered. More Jedi came." I said. "Who?" he asked. "Obi-wan, Shaak Ti, and Skywalker." I said. "Damn. I'll have to come and settle this myself. You get back here and start waking the prisoner out of his Acoma. He's going to be the piece that we need in order to break her. Did you plant the other memory?" he asked me. "Of course, I injected the serum when she lost her footing." I said. "Good. Now, return to the ship like I ordered and I shall fetch the girl." he said. "Of course, Master." I said. He ended the transmission and I took off to the small ship that I arrived here in.

                             Anakin's POV

    Ahsoka went to the bathroom and it's been awhile and she hasn't come back. I'm getting worried. "Anakin? Anakin!" Master Obi-wan shouted. "Wha? Oh, sorry Master. You were saying." I said. Master Obi-wan sighed. "Master Yoda has suggested bringing a dozen Clones here as an added protection." Obi-wan said. I looked at Master Yoda. "Master, are you sure about this? Have you discussed this with her Uncle?" I asked Master Yoda. Some how, I'm not sure that her Uncle Tearas will be okay with Clones.

    "Sure, I am. Discuss with her Uncle, I have. Agreed he has, compromised on number of Clones. No more than a dozen, has he allowed. Arrive here in two days they shall. Inform the rest of the Counsel now, I must leave." Master Yoda said. Master Yoda and Shaak Ti left the room to call the Counsel.

    I sighed and sat down on the couch. "Did the events of tonight get out to the public?" I asked Obi-wan. "Unfortunately, it appears so." Obi-wan said as he turned on the TV. "This can't be good." I said, turning up the volume.

    "It was heard today that our beloved Queen, Ahsoka Tano, has defended herself and us against an informative of invaders, as seen in this video." the reporter showed the video. It was Ahsoka fighting Ventress. Ahsoka had Ventress on her knees and her sabers at her throat. The person dropped his Holocam and then refocused it. When it focused again, it was of Masters Obi-wan and Shaak Ti, chasing after Ventress. "Whoever this person is, appears to get away. When we confronted fellow family member, her brother, Lux Bonteri, he had this to say." the camera then changed to Lux. "I don't know how this informant arrived here unnoticed, but, I say on behalf of my family that we will find this informative. That is all." Lux said and walked away. Guards had to help keep the reporters at bay. The reporter clicked on her earpiece. "Castiel, it seems that a photo has just been sent to us of the Queen and her other Half." the reporter said. The picture appeared on the screen. It was me and Ahsoka, I was carrying her in my arms and I came in through the back way of the Palace and was telling the Guards to clear a path and get Sir Tearas. The camera then turned back to the two other News reporters that were sitting at the desk.

    "Looks like we have a King that is willing to risk his life for our Queen." the female, Candice, as we discovered in the last News broadcast, said. "Well, Candice, he is her other Half. The only question left to ask about the Royal couple is, when will we be seeing their babies running around?" the male reporter, Castiel, said. "Oooohhhh! That's a great question! I bet the children will be so cute!!" Candice squealed. "It will be interesting. We haven't had an interspecies wedding in years!" Castiel said. Obi-wan shut the TV off. I sighed and hit my head against the coffee table.

    "I should've been more discrete when I was bringing her back to the Palace." I said. "We should've sensed whoever was taking that video." Master Obi-wan said. I looked at him and realization hit me full in the face. I stood up. "Kasto." I said. "What?" Obi-wan asked. "He is a Jedi. No, he's not a Jedi. He's a Sith. He took that video! He must've hid his presence!" I said. "If he did, we will confront him tomorrow. For now, everyone needs sleep." Obi-wan said. I nodded and went to the bathroom and knocked. Ahsoka didn't answer so I went in. She was sound asleep on the floor. I smiled warmly down at her and picked her up.

    "Guess you must've been worn out more than you thought, Snips." I said to her. Obi-wan left when I came back in the room. I set her down on our bed and pulled the covers over us. I fell asleep within a few minutes.


[ So, it's up! Ya!! A little later than I was hoping =/ So, confrontation with Kasto?? Hhmm, I wonder how this is going to turn out? What's Ahsoka going to do??!! O.o

May the Force be with you my fellow Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now