~ Ch. 24 ~

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Ahsoka's POV

I woke up and I noticed that I was in our bed. Anakin must've gotten really worried and came in to check on me. I sat up and stretched. I think everyone must be at breakfast and let me sleep in. I rolled my eyes, figures they'd do this after yesterday. I got up and went into my closet. I'm not dressing fancy, I don't want to always dress like royalty. I like my original simple red shirt and skirt with my black leggings and traditional belt, with my white and red boots. I put that exact outfit on and walked out of my room.

I could sense trouble before I even turned the corner. I saw Kasto, Lux, and Midux, along with Masters Obi-wan, Shaak Ti, Yoda, and Anakin. It seems to be a confrontation. With Kasto as the main suspect. Oh! That's it! I'm so going to pummel someone before this is over! "What is going on here?!" I hissed through gritted teeth. Everyone looked at me and I walked in-between the small group, facing my fellow Jedi, my back turned to my Brother and best friends.

"Ahsoka, did you see the News last night?" Master Shaak Ti asked. "No, but, I overheard some Guards talk about it as I was on my way here." I said. "But, I want to know what is going on." I said, glaring at Anakin, because I have a feeling he is the main person responsible for this. "We think Kasto sent in the video and picture." Anakin said. Oh that's it!!

"What gives you the right to think that he did it!?" I said, walking up to him and poking his chest, with my finger. "What gives you the right to accuse one of my best friends for something that I know he did not do?! I want to know what twisted way you think that he's responsible!" I yelled at him. I back Anakin against the wall and he was speechless. "That's what I thought! And it's obvious that you are the one that put the others up to this! Ya know what? I'm leaving and I'm taking my Brother and best friends with me. And don't you dare think about following us! Or I swear- no I'm not going to finish that sentence!" I said. I was seething with anger right now. I turned to my Brother, Kasto, and Midux. "Let's go." I said, and the three of us walked away.

The three of us ended up in a Palace outside garden. The others sat down on a stone bench but I paced back and forth in front of them. "What were they thinking?! Just because you, Kasto, were found out to be Force Sensitive and not a Jedi, they automatically think that you cause problems! Ugh!! What is with them?! I don't even want to see his face right now!" I said, while pacing. "Ahsoka, calm down. I've never seen you this angry." Lux said. I sighed and stopped pacing. "Ahsoka, it's because of my species, you know that. We've always been considered evil. So whenever stuff like this happens, even though it's a trivial matter, we are always blamed first." Kasto said, standing and putting his hand on my shoulder. I sighed and sat down on the opposite bench of theirs. " I know, I just wish he wasn't so stubborn to come to these conclusions." I said. "It's in his nature. Ahsoka, we are all Separatists, that's how we were raised. He was raised as a Jedi, and you know how they see us. Face it, you know I'm right." Midux said. "Midux!" Lux hissed. I sighed and stood up. "I need to be alone right now guys. I'll see you later." I said, standing up and walking further into the garden, leaving them.

I sighed as I sat near a lake. I left the Palace an hour ago and I've been here ever since. "Mind if I join you?" I looked up and saw that it was Conan. "Sure." I said, he sat beside me. "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked. I laughed lightly. "It's just a normal fight." I said. "Care to elaborate?" Conan asked. "Well, my best friend is being accused of leaking that video and picture that was on the News last night. I swear Anakin has a vendetta against him." I said. Conan thought on this for a moment. "Seems to me that Anakin is jealous." he said. I laughed at that assumption. "Your funny Conan. Why would Anakin be jealous of my friend? He has nothing to worry about. There's nothing going on between me and my friend." I said. "Well, did the two of you do something that he stumbled upon?" Conan asked. "No, I don't think....." I started to say, then I thought about it. "Oh my Raxus!" I said, realization dawned on me. "When he first, unofficially met my friend, my friend was protecting me and he put me behind him. Then I had to put my hand on his shoulder and explain that Anakin wasn't a friend! That's what it is!" I stood up and so did Conan. "Thanks Conan! I can't believe that I didn't realize it sooner! I have to go explain everything!" I hugged Conan. "Now, go back to the festivities. There's only about six days left before things start being boring again. See you around!" I said, and ran back to the Palace. I'll never admit it out loud but, I guess I can be clueless sometimes. I'm never gonna admit it though.

????'s POV

Well, I've arrived and so has my Guard. The person that is paying wants to make sure that I get this girl, so he sent her. "Darth Talon, you better hope that you weren't discovered. And I thought I explained that I don't need a guard. You will help me lure this girl into a trap." I explained to her. "That is understandable, you are the best Bounty Hunter alive. And you think I would simply be discovered? You have little faith in me." Darth Talon said to me. "Just follow the plan and it's going to work out just fine." I said. The wind picked up and caused my hat to fall off. I picked it up, dusted it off, and set it back on my head. "My Master doesn't want you to fail. Like your Apprentice has." she said. "My Apprentice is an exiled Sith. She is an excellent Assassin. I only told her to get close and warp our targets mind. Which she has done and now her part is over." I said. We walked towards a town that was two hours away from the city. "You could've at least parked closer to the city." Talon said. "Did I ask for your opinion? Didn't think so. We could've been spotted easily if we parked too close. This way I have time to think." I said, and we walked into a local bar, known only to Bounty Hunters and Siths.


[ Woooh!! I'ts up yeah!!!! Shit's getting tense up in here!! XD Who is this stranger? Will he finally be revealed?! Who is this Talon? Will she get to Ahsoka before the other man? Or will Anakin get there first?? Who knows.........

May the Force be with you my fellow Jedi Siblings!! =) ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now