~ Ch. 31 ~

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                       Talon's POV

    I called Bane. "What is taking you so long?! I've been here for six months!! Where is that diversion that you said you were going to do?!" I yelled at him. "One of my associates was in a bit of a jam. It took longer than I thought. Did you get closer to the target?" Bane asked. I rolled my eyes. "That's why I need your diversion!! Her other Half is getting really suspicious! And these people don't seem too fond of me!" I said. " I shall get it ready and my associate and I will plant them tomorrow and set them for the following day." Bane explained. "Fine, but you better have explained this to my Master. Who is your client that wants this girl!" I said and ended the transmission.

                       Ahsoka's POV

    I sighed as I sat on the couch and glanced at the song again that was on the coffee table. Lux came over a few minutes ago and Anakin said that he had to go speak to Masters Yoda and Shaak Ti. "Have you even tried to do a melody for it on the piano?" Lux asked. "No." I said. "Why?" Lux asked. "No idea, I guess I just didn't give it a thought." I said. Lux grabbed my arm and the song, and we walked over to the piano and he had me sit down. "Come on! You are the best Pianist that I know! You gotta be able to think of something for this. Just try again." Lux said, sitting on the bench beside me. I looked at the words then closed my eyes and set my hands in the first position. It seemed to come to me when I shut my eyes and my hands started to move. I couldn't believe that what I was playing seemed to fit the lyrics perfectly. I opened my eyes and looked at Lux and his mouth was open.

    "Ahsoka..........that was amazing! Now, sing it!" Lux said, getting excited. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. "Lux, I'm not going to sing it randomly." I said. "This isn't random. This is a test run! Come on! I know you can do it!" Lux said. I could sense Anakin was coming back to the room. "No way!" I said, I'm not singing in front of Anakin again. "Come on! If you don't I'll tell everyone........the thing." Lux said. My eyes opened wide. "You wouldn't!" I whispered. "Oh, yes I would." he whispered. I scowled at him and sighed and put my hands back on the keys and started the music and took a deep breathe.

You fascinated me

Cloaked in shadows and secrecy

The beauty of a broken angel

I ventured carefully

Afraid of what you thought I'd be

But pretty soon I was entangled

You take me by the hand

I question who I am

Teach me how to fight

I'll show you how to win

You're my mortal flaw

And I'm your fatal sin

Let me feel the sting

The pain

The burn

Under my skin

Put me to the test

I'll prove that I'm strong

Won't let myself believe

That what we feel is wrong

I finally see what

You knew was inside me

All along

That behind this soft exterior

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now