~ Ch. 12 ~

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                                                  Ahsoka's POV

    This is it. Today is the day, we are landing in two hours. I decided on a turquois outfit (look at picture, I didn't know how to describe it) with a gold belt and gold body necklace that I got from an old friend, she also gave me a gold crown type thing but, I left that back on Raxus, cause honestly, I'm never going to wear it. The door opened I could sense that it was Anakin before I turned around. "Hey, how are you fe-" he stopped and stared at me when I turned to face him. I walked up to him, put my hand on his chin, and said, "Close your mouth or you'll catch flies." and closed his mouth. Before I could leave the room Anakin grabbed my wrist and shook his head, most likely to think of something to say. "You look stunning." Anakin said, pulling me in for a hug. The door opened again and we jumped apart. "We've landed." Master Obi-wan said, then left to wait for us in the other room. "I'll be with you the whole time." Anakin said. I bit my lower lip, looking at the ground before asking "Promise?" Anakin kissed my cheek and smiled at me. " I swear on my life that I'll be by your side." I took a deep breathe and nodded.

    The four of us put on our Jedi cloaks. "We need to keep you hidden for now. It is but a short walk to the palace from here. Your Uncle wishes for your safety so that is where he wants to meet you instead of when you come off the ship. The Guards are expecting four Jedi to arrive. They know that you are one." Master Shaak Ti explained to me. I nodded in understanding. Anakin held me close to him. I had to mentally prepare myself so I took deep breathes as we followed Master Shaak Ti to the Palace. When we arrived at the gates; Master Shaak Ti did a hand sign to a Guard and he opened the gates. I couldn't describe the Palace because I looked at the ground, on top of the fact that I was half hidden by Anakin. I took deep breathes, trying to control my nervousness. "I'm right here." Anakin whispered and squeezed my hand, which helped me put my mind at ease. I took another deep breathe as the doors opened and we walked into the grand entrance.

    The others took off their cloaks but I kept mine on and stopped walking, I knew that behind that set of doors in front of us led to the Throne room, and my Uncle. Anakin must've said something to the others as they walked on ahead and closed the doors; leaving Anakin and I alone. "How are you feeling?" Anakin asked. "Nervous, my life is going to change as soon as I walk through those doors." I said. "Our life is going to change once we walk through those doors. I meant it when I said that I'd be by your side, and that includes ruling beside you." Anakin said, hugging me. I hugged him back. "Thank you, I wouldn't be able to do this without you." I said.  I took off my cloak and Anakin hung it up. "Ready?" he asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I said and opened the doors to the Throne room. All eyes were on us and the talking ceased immediately. Anakin walked in front of me and I followed. They're were a few people. They just seemed to be the Royal Advisors. Anakin stopped walking and he stepped aside and their he was, my Uncle Tearas. He walked down to me and hugged me. He broke the hug and looked at me.

    "Oh, Ahsoka. It's been so long. You were only a baby.......You look oh so much like your mother. Oh, you have your fathers eyes'. It's so good to have you home safely! Come! We must celebrate!" my Uncle said. "Ahsoka!" I heard Lux and I turned around and their he was! We hugged and I forgot all about my nervousness. "Is Mother here?" I asked him. "Right here." I turned around and she was standing next to my Uncle. I hugged her as well. "What are you guys' doing here? I thought you were on Raxus?" I asked. "We were on our way back from Tattooine and we came here. Honestly, the planet is beautiful, I will admit that. And-" I laughed lightly at him. "Don't finish that sentence Lux, I know what you are going to say next." I said, he usually goes on about the food, and let me tell you, he gets detailed. Lux spotted Anakin and Obi-wan Shaak Ti and walked over to them and put his pointer finger to Anakins' chest. "You better have wa-" "Lux! Stop that!" I hissed at him. Realizing that he was going to give it away that Anakin is my other Half. I'm obviously not ashamed of Anakin being my other Half, I just don't know what my Uncle would do if he found out that a human was my other Half.

    "Ahsoka? Where is your other Half? Did you not find him yet?" my Uncle asked me. "No, no, I found my other Half and he's already here." I said. "Oh? Who is it? Or is he exploring the town?" my Uncle asked. "No, he's the one that my brother Lux is currently trying to threaten." I said. My Uncle looked at me. "Your other Half is a human? I would have thought that it would've been another Togruta. Are you both sure that you're each others' Halfs?" My Uncle asked. "Yes, we already got the tattoo's to prove it." I said, lifting up my right arm sleeve and showing him. "This is wonderful news! You can become Queen within a week's time!" My Uncle said, excitedly. I did a double take. What?! So soon?! I think I fainted because everything went black.


[ So here we go!! I got it up! So till next time! Love you guys and your feedback! I really do like hearing from all of you <3 oh, and there's Ahsoka's outfit, she just isn't wearing that crown thing. ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now