~ Epilogue ~

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~~~~Anakin's POV 2 months later~~~~~~~

It's been two months since the start of the Galactic Empire, along with the so called 'Jedi Purge'. I can't believe that the Galaxy fell for Ahsoka's trick! The Clones betrayed us and now here the three of us, well, for, expect Ezra can't run. Here, we are running from the Empire and going into hiding. We don't know how many Jedi survived this so far. And the Clones have now been changed to 'Stormtroopers'.

Last week Obi-wan got a message from Satine's personal Bodyguard. Satine refused to conform with Ahsoka. So Ahsoka had Kasto kill her. She ordered that their daughter be put in a Mandolore Academy for military.

We had enough time to go to Ryloth and tell Cham Sendula about his eldest Daughter. When we arrived Mondora's younger sister Hera answered the door and she let us in and went to get her Father. When he came in he told us to sit and the four of us sat. He asked Lux what happened and Lux told him everything. Not leaving out a single detail. He started from when Mondora and the others arrived on Shili all the way up to her death. Cham kept his composure for Hera's sake and he told us thanks for telling him what happened. He said we could rest here but, we told him that we had to leave and couldn't stay. He said he understood and we left. He gave us some food and water as thanks.

We have been almost caught a few times. Because of Ezra, but, he can't help it! He's only a baby! He just starts crying at certain times. We are currently in a decent sized ship that Cham gave us. Lux just got Ezra to sleep. I have found out thanks to Ezra, that I have no idea how to take care of a baby.

"Anakin. This is no longer safe as we thought it would be. We can't have Ezra with us anymore. For his safety." Obi-wan said. "I'm his Father. I'm not going to drop Ezra off at some orphanage! I won't do that to him. I refuse!" I said. "Anakin you know that as well as I do that it is only going to cause Ezra to possibly get killed or taken to Ahsoka if he stays with us and if we are caught! Don't you have any family members that are alive to take care of him?" Obi-wan said. I thought for a few minutes than I remembered. "Yes, I have a cousin on Lothal that just got married. He wants children and they just found out that his wife can't have children. Plus, Lothal is on the Outer Rim area of the Galaxy. He would be safe with them." I said. "Lux set a course for Lothal please." I said to him. He nodded and started to punch in the coordinates.

We arrived and I put on a normal dark green travelers cloak instead of my usual Jedi brown cloak. I'm taking Ezra to safety and the last thing that I need is for Ezra and I to get caught. I looked down at a sleeping Ezra in my arms as the ramp lowered. I started the walk to my cousins house.

"I never wanted this for you Ezra. Or your Sister. I wanted the both of you to grow up and learn the ways of being a true Jedi. Not this, not this time with the Empire. Not with the Sith at large. Not with your Mother being the way she is now. I wanted us to be a real family. I love you no matter what Ezra." I whispered to him. I looked up and realized that I was already at the door to my cousins place. I knocked and he answered.

"Anakin! Come inside, quickly." he said. I walked in and he shut the door. "What's going on? Who is this Ahsoka? Uh, Anakin, why do you have a baby in your arms?" my cousin asked me. "This baby is my son. His name is Ezra. And Ahsoka is......was my wife. She was consumed by the Darkside. Ephraim I need you and Mira to look after him and take care of him. He is in danger if he stays with me. I don't want that for him. Please, will you look after him?" I said. "Of course. I shall protect him with my life Anakin. Please, be safe." Ephraim said. I handed Ezra to him and gave him a locket. "Give this to him when he is old enough to understand everything. Keep him safe Ephraim." I said to him. "On my life. May the Force be with you Anakin." he said, I nodded. I kissed the top of Ezra's head and left.

I got on the ship and took of my cloak as we started to leave the planet. I will be back when the time is right Ezra. I will have Acarna with me and we can be a real family. I can train you both side-by-side. With or without your Mother.

Ahsoka............I still love you. I will never stop loving you. I shall free you from the Darkside. You are my Other Half and I will never stop loving you.


[ This is it.......it's over........*sob sob sob sob*

Don't worry though! There WILL be a SEQUEL!! I am so grateful to all of you for sticking with me even though I didn't update for a very long time. I will now be trying to update on the weekends! I also plan to have the first chapter out soon so stay tuned!! I will do a ch. in here on when I have it released! I love you all my Jedi Siblings!! <3
May the Force be with you!! ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now