~ Ch. 1 ~

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                                     Ahsoka's POV  *18 years later*

    "AHSOKA! It's time to wake up!" my mother, Mina Bonterri, yelled from up the steps. I whined and threw the covers over my head. About a couple minutes later Lux came into my room, I only know that cause I sense him. He pulled the covers off of me and sat down on my bed, I used the Force to make him fall off the bed.

    "Really Ahsoka?" Lux said, I looked at him. "Yes Lux, really. I just want to sleep I'm really tired." I told him.

    "You forgot today, didn't you?" Lux said, sitting back on my bed. "Nooooo." I lied, Lux could tell. "Get up and get ready, were leaving in two hours." Lux said. "By the way, Mom wants you to practice today for an hour or so." Lux said. I sat up on my bed, wide awake now. "I'm not that good. Why does she want me to practice?" I asked as I stood up and started to walk downstairs with Lux. "Mom didn't say why, really, she just wants you to practice. She wants you to pursue that as a career and to stop using the Force so much. I still can't believe that you can do that and I can't were siblings, you'd think that I could too." Lux said as we arrived in the kitchen. There was already food on the table, just some toast, Mom knows were light eaters in the morning.

    "Hey, mom left a note. It reads, "Lux, Ahsoka, I left breakfast on the table. I expect both of you to get ready and be at the Town Hall building in two hours. Don't be late, it's Remembrance Day. And Ahoska practice and Lux you practice too, with your sister.- Love, Mom." Lux read aloud. I sighed.

    "Why does she always want me to practice so much?" I said, a little aggravated. "I really don't see a point, I'm not that good." I said. "Ahsoka Bonterri, you are a lot better than any of the other girls that I know or even heard are, you are actually ten times better than all of them combined." Lux said, I look at him like he was nuts. " Lux I'm not that good, there's no way I am" I said, not looking at him, he pounded his fist on the table. "You are that good! You always get first place in ALL of the singing competitions we have here, and do you know how many letters that you get from Record Companies? Or haven't you even looked at a single one?" Lux said, which caught me off guard. " I get mail from Record Companies?" I asked, surprised. Lux looked at the clock, we sat here for 30 minutes just talking. "We better get ready now." Lux said, I nodded and we went upstairs. I took a shower and got out and got ready, I put on a black and red gown that my mother insisted on buying for me, yeah, I get we are one of the richest families but, I don't need expensive stuff to make me happy. I decided on a pair of black heels with a sapphire necklace that my mom bought for me last week because I was with her in the jewelry shop and I looked at it and said that I loved it, I haven't worn it until now, cause I was scared of losing it, everyone says that I should wear more blue, they say it compliments my eyes, but I think they only say that, I don't think they really mean it. I added sapphire and gold dangling earings. Once I felt that I was ready I went downstairs, Lux was waiting for me in the Living Room, once he turned around and saw me, his jaw dropped.

    "Is this too much? I feel like it is. Hello? Lux?" I said, waving a hand in front of his face, he snapped his mouth shut. "Alright," he said, "how many boys do I have to keep off of you now?" I laughed and so did he. "Ahsoka, you look amazing, you're finally becoming a lady, mom's going to be so proud of you." Lux said, while taking my arm, cause he's a gentlemen like that, and led us to our awaiting Lifa, and headed of toward our destination, the Town Hall, I don't know what for though.

                                     Anakin's POV * 20 years later *

     I was walking down the Jedi Temple when Master Obi-Wan walked up beside me. "We are summoned by the Council for a mission." Obi-wan said. So we headed there, when we arrived we were told that we are to escort some Senators to a meeting on Raxus for Rememberance Day, or in other words the day the Clone Wars officially ended. Well, their are still rebels that we have to take care of, other than that, life is much easier now. We go back and forth every year on this day, last year it was held here on Corosant. Obi-wan and I left for the senator ship after the briefing.

    "I was told that someone keeps going to the local bar. Ring any bells?" Obi-wan said. I sighed, might as well tell him. " Okay, yes, I've been at the local bar for awhile. It's only because I'm trying to find my other half, like how you have the Duchess of Mandalore as your other half and I still haven't found mine. And you have a kid on the way already." I said to Obi-wan. He raised his brow, "I didn't think you'd ever want children Anakin." he said. "I'm not really sure myself but, if my other half wants to have a kid or kids, then I'll be completely fine with it." I said. We just got to the ship and we went to the pilot's hatch. To my surprise it was Rex and Cody.

    "What are you guys doing here?" Obi-wan and I asked in unison. They both turned to look at us. "We were requested to go with you two." Rex said. I nodded and got lost in thought as Obi-wan and the Clones started to talk. I started to drift into sleep. 'I don't remember being tired, but, I don't feel tired. Wait....this is most likely a vision....maybe....' my thoughts ended there as I saw an image of Raxus and a women, not that old but, a little younger than me, but, she wasn't a human she was a Togruta and she was freaked out by what was going on. I woke up to Obi-wan shaking me. "We're here Anakin." Obi-wan said and I stood up. "I think I know who my other half is Master." I said, as we walked behind the others off of the ship. "Oh, and what does she look like?" he asked. "She's a little younger then me, not by much though, probably she's 18. Oh and she's a Togruta, and guess what else." I said. "What else?" Obi-wan asked. "She's on this planet, in this vision it showed Raxus, but, it showed her up on a stage not that far away from us. We were on a different stage next to the Senators. But, I felt that she's different, well not that different, she sensed to be a Jedi, like us." I said, that made us stop in our tracks. "Master?" I asked Obi-wan, he remained silent for the longest time. "How was she never sent for as a child? But, this is a little strange. Togruta's are only found on Shili." Obi-wan said. "So then the real question is then?" I said. "What is she doing on Raxus?" Obi-wan finished. We looked around. "Anakin....I think I found you other half. Is that her?" I looked to where he was pointing and I felt the pull of the Force. "Yes, Master, she's my other half" as I said that all I could think of was 'She's so beautiful."



[ yeah, so I said I wouldn't work on this unless I had an idea that I wanted to write down, but, I just had to right this down so that way I won't forget what I have planned for this story but, I'm really trying to work on my other stories, trust me, I seriously am, I am almost done with a ch. for 1 of my other stories, it's just I didn't want to forget what I had in my head. There's Ahsoka's dress on the side but she doesn't have that hat on ------------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now