~ Ch. 30 ~

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                    Ahsoka's POV 1 month later

    I've been pregnant for four months now and Anakin will not let me out of his sight. So, here I am, in our room, looking over this song that I found months ago in my Mothers drawer. Things with Lassan went great. Actually things went better than great. They went fantastic! My Uncle said that this is the best Treaty peace with them that we had in years. He said it was all thanks to me and Catharina bonding. Now our people have been going back and forth visiting each other.

    I stared at the song as I tried to think of a guitar melody....which doesn't seem to fit the song no matter what I try. I sighed and someone knocked on the door, I could sense that it was Lux. "Come in!" I said. He walked in and shut the door and came over and sat beside me. "What's up, you've got that. 'Damn it.' look on." Lux said. " I've been staring at this song since after breakfast, trying to think of a melody for it but, so far no luck." I said. Lux looked at it. "Oh by the way, where's Anakin? I thought he'd be here with you since he's now. 'I won't let Ahsoka out of my sight now' mode." Lux said, trying to imitate Anakins voice, which caused me to laugh. "I sent him on a fruit chase. I told him I was going to get a Draginisto fruit, and he said that he'd go get it." I said, smirking. "Those don't grow on Shili. Those are native to Raxus. Haha!! I can't wait till he figures that out!" Lux said, and we both laughed and high-fived. "Seriously, I love him to death but, he's really overprotective lately. Ever since Talon arrived. Did she get enough money yet? I haven't seen her in awhile." I said. "She said it's hard to find a job here. No ones' willing to hire her because of her odd Twi'lek skin tone." Lux said. "What? So, you mean to tell me that my people are well being.....species biased?" I said. "Well, yeah, since you put it that way. Apparently a lot of the older Togrutas' have a deep hatred of Twi'leks. Well, that's what I heard from Conan." Lux said. This got me curious. "Come on." I said, grabbing his hand. "Where are we going?" Lux asked as we walked out the door. "To the Archives." I said.

    The Archives are kept inside the Palace. It's near the old part of the Palace where my nursery and parents' room are. Two Palace Guards were guarding the doors. "Your Highness." They said and bowed. "Let no one disturb us. I don't care who they are. This is important. Understand?" I said. They nodded. I opened the door and let go of Luxs' hand and he shut the door. I didn't realize how large the room was. There was two stories of nothing but books on our History, Traditions, and such. There was a small elevator lift that went up to the second story. Lux whistled.

    "Where are we going to start?! This is huge!" Lux exclaimed. I sighed and walked over to a table and grabbed a Datapad and he came over. "Right......a Datapad........I knew that!" Lux said. I rolled my eyes and smirked. I turned on the Datapad and went under Categories. "Criminals, Beginning of Togrutas, Civil War, Neighboring Planets, Allied Planets, Religion, The Sendonia War, Plagues, Rivals, The Clone Wars Impact.......ugh, this is a lot of stuff." I said, looking over the list. "You pick one." I told Lux. He looked over the list for a few seconds. "Let's try 'The Sendonia War', this says it's on the second story." Lux said. We walked over to the lift and stood on it. While it was going up I sensed something was about to happen. "Lux I think I'm go-" I didn't get to finish as the vision came.

    I saw a Twi'lek running, the sun was setting. This person was on Shili. I turned and saw a mob of people turning a corner. "There's the vile being! Get her!" some man shouted. Wait....please don't be who I think it is that they're chasing. The vision changed and it was now dark out. I saw the Twi'lek running again. She went past the light and I saw her face, all bloody. I gasp and yelled, "TALON!!"

    I got out of the Vision to see Lux looking at me, worry clear on his face. "Are you alright? Was that a Vision?" Lux asked. "Yeah, how long have I been out?" I asked him. "Four hours, it's now sunset." he said. I stood up fast. "We have to go! Talon is in trouble!" I said. I ran out the doors and out of the Palace. "Ahsoka! Wait!" I heard Lux behind me. I ignored him and got on a Speeder and flew off.

    I found Talon with Mondora at their house. "Thank Raxus I found you!" I said, hugging them both. "What's wrong?" Mondora asked as the three of us broke the hug. " I had a vision and it worried me. Talon, this is serious. Where have you went today?" I asked her. She thought for a moment. "I've been with Mondora all day." she said, I sighed in relief. "Ahsoka, you should sit down." Mondora said. "No, I'm fine." I said. That must happen later. "AHSOKA!!" I turned around and saw Lux and Anakin both on Speeders. "What did you do?" Mondora asked. "I freaked out and left the Palace." I said simply. "Ooohhh." Mondora and Talon said.

    "Ahsoka! Why didn't you give me a warning before you left me!" Lux said. I turned around and faced Lux and Anakin, who didn't look very happy. Neither of them did. "I said we had to go and you were being slow." I said, simply. "You should've taken a Guard with you! What if something happened to you!?" Anakin said. I could feel his worry slowly going away and he hugged me. "Thank goodness your alright." Anakin said. I was going to say something when everything turned black and I heard them shout. "Ahsoka!!"


[ So, I have to end it here, cause honestly, I drew a blank during this chapter. So it took me a few hours to write this and I drew blanks because I wrote earlier in the day and I can think more at night but, I have to get up early in the morning and I won't be able to write for awhile this week. ANYWAYS!! Uh-oh! Ahsoka's in trouble with Anakin.............again. Oh, and the picture is Mondora. I had no idea how hard it was to find a decent picture of a Twi'lek that isn't a slave -_-

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now