~ Ch. 29 ~

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                         Anakin's POV

    We got off the ship and there were three Lassats' waiting. They were the leaders of Lassan. The Guards, Rex, and Cody were off first and the stood in two lines at attention. Ahsokas' grip on my hand tightened. I could feel the anxiousness and nervousness radiating off of her like waves. When we get back, I'm going to have to help her with Meditating again. I can't blame her though for not knowing everything, she didn't even know she was a Jedi for her whole life.

    We walked up to the Lassats and her Uncle Tearas introduced us. "Leonidas, Catharina, so good to see you again old friends." they hugged. "And who is this little fella?" Tearas asked, kneeling next to the young Lassats height. "This is our son, Garriszeb. He's two now." Catharina said. The little one hid behind her leg. Tearas stood up. "Right, so down to business then? Let me introduce my Niece, our Queen, Ahsoka Tano." Tearas said. He motioned for Ahsoka to come over to them and she had no intention of letting go of my hand so I walked over with her.

    "Ahsoka, this is King Leonidas and his wife Queen Catharina, and Prince Garriszeb. Leonidas, Catharina, this is Ahsoka and our future King Anakin." Sir Tearas introduced us. I shook their hands, even the kids. "So you are a Jedi then? Come, walk with me and we shall discuss while the men do their own work." Catharina held out her hand for Ahsokas, she looked at me and I nodded and sent calming waves to her through the Force. She took Catharinas' hand and Catharina picked up her son in the other arm and they left. "Come, let us go to the Meeting Room and wait for them. They have much to discuss." King Leonidas said. "Why aren't they coming with us?" I asked and turned to Lux and motioned for him to come. The four of us began to walk to the Meeting Room.

    "Just like on Shili, the Queen on Lassan holds all the true power. They must discuss their own terms before they come to finalize it with us." Leonidas explained. Lux and I exchanged a look and I shrugged.

                         Ahsoka's POV

    Queen Catharina led me to an outdoor patio, overlooking a lake. Lassan looks like a tropical rainforest paradise, a little different than Shili's tropical look. She set down Garriszeb and he started to play in the dirt. I'm a little surprised that she'd let him do that but, they aren't in public so, I guess that's the only reason why. I mean, if Anakin and I have a son, I'd let him do the same thing.

    "So, tell me about yourself Ahsoka. Where were you hidden all these years?" Catharina asked. "I was raised by my Birth Parents' human friends, the Bonteri's. They raised me as their Daughter and they hid my life from me on behave of their request that I return to Shili with my other Half, when I was old enough. They also hid from me that I was strongly Force Sensitive." I explained to her. She took a sip of, I have no idea, I think it's some kind of tea. She smiled at me. " I see you are expecting. How do your people know that your other Half is a Human?" she asked. "They are actually excited, it's been the talk of the planet ever since I was revealed to them who I really was." I said. "You must be expecting more than one. Twins I presume?" she asked. "Yes, um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you know?" I asked. "Us female Lassans are good with anything that happens to deal with Pregnancy. We were raised from a young age, like the Jedi, that we women are the future to any species. That's how we have more power than the men on Lassan." she said. "Can you do me a favor?" she asked. "Sure what is it?" I asked. She hesitated before looking at her son than back to me. She leaned in and I leaned towards her as well.

    "I have heard that fellow Jedi can test and see if a young child is Force Sensitive.....Could you see if my son is? Please." she asked. I looked at her and I could see it in her eyes that she is scared for her son. I nodded and she smiled at me. "Thank you. Zeb, will you come over here for a second?" she asked her son and he came over. I kneeled so I was eye level with him. "Queen Ahsoka is going to do something to test and see if you have something that she also does." Catharina said to him. He nodded and turned his attention to me. "Hey Zeb. Can you stand really still for a few minutes for me? I'm just going to place my hand on your head alright? I also need you to close your eyes. Can you do this for me?" I asked him, smiling. He nodded and closed his eyes. I placed my hand on his forehead and began to search his energy. The proper way to tell if someone is Force Sensitive, is with a Holocron. Anakin explained it to me when he was teaching me the Basics and History of being a Jedi. But, this is the other way since I don't have a Holocron. I searched his energy signature for another minute and opened my eyes. Zeb opened his eyes as well. "You can go play now. Thanks for being still." I said to him, he smiled and went off to play. I sat back down and Catharina looked at me.

    "It's alright. He isn't Force Sensitive." I said. She sighed in relief and smiled. "Thank you. You just released a big relief off my chest." she said. "It's no problem. I would've done the same thing if I were you." I said. "Now, let's get down to business shall we?" Catharina asked. "Yes, um.....I'm sorry I was never really taught or did someone explain to me what exactly you discuss about a treaty." I said. She laughed lightly. "It's alright, now is just as good as any time to learn. Our treaty between our Planets is mostly about Trading. For example your planet has furs that are required for our ceremonial parties that aren't found on Lassan anymore. Just like how we have a certain type of wood that is only found on Lassan that your people use for a coming of Age ceremony. We also rely on each other in case one of us comes under attack. So, this treaty is also made for military purposes. And those are just a few examples of our Treaty." Catharina said. I nodded. "Well, it sounds good to me, so shall we go to the others and sign it?" I said and we both stood up. "Yes, let's go. It was nice getting to know you Ahsoka." she said, smiling as she took my arm. "Nice getting to know you too, your Highness." I said. "Please, call me Catharina." she said, smiling. I nodded and smiled back at her. She took her sons hand and she took me to where the others were.


[ So I've got news guys.........bad news............I'm going to start College again soon at the end of the month........also I'm going to visit my Bro in San Francisco, CA the week before College starts.......so I won't be able to update until I can. Trust me I WILL try to update on the weekends, so until College and my visit to my Bro I should be able to upload........but it will get harder when College starts. So until then I'm gonna update. =) <3

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now