~ Ch. 5 ~

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                                   Anakin's POV

    I woke up in my chambers to Obi-wan 'force' waking me up. "Um....wh- I'm up I'm up!!" I said, sitting up straight as I felt my leg being force pulled. "Well, how did last night go when you got Ahsoka to her room on this ship?" Obi-wan asked me. " It was nice. We talked for hours just about stuff. I know she is my other half. But, what is going to happen once word leaves when we land that we found the Princess of Shili?" I asked Obi-wan as I got dressed. "We can only hope that word won't get out." Obi-wan said. "But, you know Chancellor Amidala. She's going to have a freaking press conference and is going to tell all of Corusaunt that the Princess of Shili is a Jedi! Let alone that we found her on Raxus and that she is the adopted daughter of Mrs. Bonterri!" I said. "Calm down Anakin." Obi-wan said. "Your being too worked up over one small thing." Obi-wan said. "Anyway, we are landing in an hour so go wake up Ahsoka and tell her to get ready." Obi-wan said and I nodded and left to wake Ahsoka.

    I knocked on her door and she answered, already dressed. " I thought you were still sleeping." I told her. "Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep so I just got ready." she said, letting me come into the room she was staying at. "Well, we are going to land in an hour. You want breakfast?" I asked her. "Sure, why not." she said, smiling at me. I smiled back at her and we left her room.

    We were the only ones at breakfast, so we sat down, ate and talked. Until Chancellor Amidala walked in, followed by a few Senators. I stood up and bowed. "Morning Chancellor, Senators." I said. Ahsoka stood and bowed as well. "No need for formality's Skywalker, Princess." Amidala said, sitting next to Ahsoka and across from me. "So, Princess, how was life with Mrs. Bonterri." Chancellor Amidala asked Ahsoka. " It was a nice life Chancellor." Ahsoka said. "Psh, please, call me Amidala." Chancellor Amdala told her. "Of course." Ahsoka said, I could feel her uncomfort radiating off of her like a wave. Obi-wan had came in then. "Chancellor, Senators, we have arrived home. Anakin, take Ahsoka to go get her things and we will head for the Jedi Temple." Obi-wan told me. I nodded and stood up. "Come on Snips." I said, smirking. "Whatever you say, Skyguy." she replied back to me and stood up and followed me.

    Once we got our things and got off the ship their already were reporters there. "One small thing huh." I said to Obi-wan. "Chancellor! Is it true that you have found the Princess of Shili?!" one reporter asked Chancellor Amidala. "We are leaving. Now!" I said in a stern tone and grabbed Ahsoka's hand and ran with her behind me, Obi-wan came running after us. "H-how do they already know?" Ahsoka asked in almost a whisper. "Most likely that one of the Senators had tiped a reporter off while on board the ship." Obi-wan said. "Let's get to the Temple. We have more pressing matters at hand." Obi-wan said. So we headed for the Temple, with Ahsoka inbetween us.

                                   Ahsoka's POV

    I was inbetween Anakin and Obi-wan when we got to the Jedi Temple. "Whoa, this place is huge." I said. "Yeah, just wait until you see the inside." Anakin told me. I followed behind them as the doors opened to a grand hallway. Their were people all over the place. "Stay close to me, it's easy for first timers to get lost in this place if you don't know where you are going." Anakin told me, I nodded and stay beside Anakin the whole time. Once we got into an elevator I got nervous. I jumped when I realized that the elevators were glass so you could see outside. "What floor is the High Council on?" I asked to either one of them. "The top." Obi-wan stated simply. "What's the matter?" Anakin asked me. "Nothing." I told him too quickly and he raised an eyebrow at me. " I know you're lying to me." Anakin said, which caused Obi-wan to look at me as well. I sighed, here goes nothing. "Alright. I'm afraid of heights. Happy?" I asked them, closing my eyes and wishing that we were almost to the top. There was a jolt and we were at the top. I opened my eyes and Anakin and Obi-wan were looking at me. "What? Did I do something?" I asked them. "You just made the elevator jump to the top!" Obi-wan said, amazed. "You two wait for me in the hallway while I talk to the council." Obi-wan said. I was sitting in a chair and wondered. 'Are they going to let me train? Or am I going to be on my own?' I said to myself. "The coucil is going to love you, trust me on this." Anakin said. "Yeah, sure they will." I said, sarcastically. "Oh, yeah, the're going to love you." Anakin said, laughing a little and that seemed to brighten my mood. Obi-wan came out. "The council is ready to see you now." I stood up and so did Anakin, and we walked in.

    I froze seeing how many people were actually in the council, their was about ten of them, one being a Togruta, like me. She stood up and bowed on one knee. "Princess, it is good to see you are alive and well." she told me. "Uhh, thanks?" I said to her. "Here, come, stand child." a green man said to me. I stood in the center and they began my testing, or whatever the heck you call it. I passed it all with flying colors.

                                    Obi-wan's POV

    Once Anakin and Ahsoka left, I sat down in my seat at the council. "Did not find her, how?" Master Yoda said. "That, is a very good question." Master Plo-Koon said. "Agreed, this is not like the council to not have found a child with that high of a Count as Anakin." another Jedi Master said. "Let alone the Princess of my home Planet!" Shaak Ti said. "That is because she is the Other Half to Anakin." I said, everyone looked at me. "You know, how?" Master Yoda asked me. "He had a dream on the ship on the way to Raxus and I believe that she has had a dream of him as well." I said. "Watch, we must. Interfere with destiny, we cannot. See where this goes we shall." Master Yoda had said. "But, she should be ruling Shili! Not practicing her Jedi skills! Her Count is already as high as yours Master Yoda." Shaak Ti said. "True, that is, but, if she wants to learn more. Than she shall." Yoda said, and that ended the meeting for today.


[ well, the names of some of the Jedi council members have escaped my brain for now >.< I think that the Togruta's name is Shaak-Ti, but, I feel like I'm wrong, please correct me on this!! =l here's a pic of Anakin and Obi-wan =) just for the heck of it =) -------->>>>>>>>>>> and a vid just for fun =)

07.13.14 update- just changed the name of the Jedi Master in Obi-wan's POV ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now