~ Ch. 35 ~

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                    Anakin's POV

    I feel bad. We all hadn't told Ahsoka what happened yesterday. If she found out she wouldn't recover. She would never be the same. We avoided her all day and hoped that she'd forget about it tomorrow. But, I should've known better than to do this to her. She deserves to know. I'm such a dick.

    "Has anyone seen her?" I asked Lux. "No, and it's almost 1 in the morning! Where could she be?!" Lux said, starting to panic. We went to the Throne room and explained the situation to Sir Tearas. He summoned every Palace Guard and formed search parties. Lux and I got on Speeders and went to get their friends to help.

    When we arrived Lux and I entered the house and there were his and Ahsoka's friends sitting on the couches, looking worried. "Guys Ahsoka is" "Missing yeah, we know. Tell them what you told us Mondora." Diwos said to her. "I saw Ahsoka leaving with Talon over an hour ago. Ahsoka looked like she'd been crying earlier. I didn't hear where they'd be going though. I thought it was just a trip to the store or something." Mondora said. "Everyone get on Speeders! We're going after them! Mondora, you're with me so you can point me in the right direction." I said to her. She nodded and we all left. Lux and Diwos were on a Speeder and Diwos and Kasto went on the other Speeder. And we took off. 'Hold on Ahsoka. We're coming. I love you.' I thought.

                    Ahsoka's POV

    We made it to the rendezvous point ten minutes before sunrise. "Are you sure about your decision Ahsoka?" Talon asked me. "Yes, I understand that I'm leaving my people. But, I'm saving my Father. I won't lose him again." I said. "Good, now I can quit playing this act." Talon said. I looked at her confused and in under a second, her eyes turned to yellow and she pulled out a Lightsaber and ignited it. The blade was red. "You're a Sith?!" I asked, astonished. "Yes, and it was all apart of Cad Bane's plan. I was to earn your trust and lead you here. Our backup was to use the Prisoner, your human Father." she said. "But, you were all killed during the Clone Wars!" I said. "We went into hiding before our glorious leader Darth Sideous was killed. We were never truly gone." she said. I heard a ship landing behind me. I turned around and the ramp lowered and there they were. My Father and the Bounty Hunter, who I now know is Cad Bane.

    "Talon you're here. Good, this saves me the trouble of having to pick you up." Bane said to Talon. "Release my Father. I'm here let him go!" I said to Bane. "Of course, of course. Move." he said, setting the end of his blaster to my Father's back and making him move. Bane un-cuffed my Father and we hugged. "You don't have to do this." me Father said. "Yes, I do. I'm doing this to save you and my people. It's what a Queen does. Sacrifice herself to save the ones she loves." I said, letting go of my Father. He was going to say something but, Talon grabbed my wrist, twisted my arm and held her Lightsaber to my neck. That's when I saw my friends, Brother, and Anakin on Speeders pull up.

    "Ahsoka!!" Anakin and Lux yelled. They jumped off their Speeders and took a couple steps and stopped when they finally realized that Talon has her saber at my neck. Then, Lux saw our Dad. "Ahsoka.......what did you do?" Lux asked. " I did what a Queen is meant to do; risk her life for those that she loves." I said, smiling sadly at them. "Ahsoka! We were going to do this another way!" Anakin said. I could hear the hurt in his words and it broke my heart to do this to him.

    "Ah, Skywalker. So you're what now? Her body guard since the Clone Wars are over?" Bane said. I noticed that Talon started to slowly move and she brought me with her. She was taking us to board the small ship. "No, I'm the King of Shili." Anakin said. Bane put two and two together and laughed. "Oh, this is rare. Interspecies couples among the Jedi. To top it off, royalty as well." Bane said. "Bane! Let's go!" Talon called out to him. "Nobody moves." Talon said, moving her saber to my stomach. I instantly knew what she meant and I instantly grew scared for my babies. As Bane got on the ship and the door started to shut I thought to Anakin through our connection.

    'I love you. So much.' I heard the door shut. I had to blink back the tears that were starting to form. 'I love you. I will save you. Be safe for now. Don't give up on me. I love you so much.' I heard Anakin speak to me. I lowered my head. "Take her to her room for now. We shall be with your Master in two weeks." Bane said to Talon. She nodded and turned off her saber and took me to my room that I would be staying in on the ship.


[ Sorry this took awhile. I've been abit busy lately. Uh-oh!! Ahsoka's taken!! What's Anakin going to do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now