~ Ch. 25 ~

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                              ????'s POV ~~~~1 Month later~~~~

    Darth Talon and I have been in this outskirt town for a month. I take my time when it comes to capturing. I go through my plan and make sure that it's flawless before I carry it out. "My Master is getting weary of your timing." Darth Talon said to me, I scoffed. "Tell your Master that if he wants this done right, it takes time. And careful planning, if he wants this to go smoothly. I've had to rethink and make a new plan since you have arrived." I said, scanning over the blueprints of the Palace. I won them in a gambling card game at the bar, these have been very useful to my planning. "Tread lightly Cad Bane." Darth Talon said, then left to inform her Master. We'll have this girl in the palm of our hands when we use the key piece. The prisoner. I smirked in victory at my plan.

                         Ahsoka's POV

    It's been a month since the whole 'Kasto accusation' thing and I talked to Anakin about it. Conan was right, Anakin was going after Kasto because he was jealous. Anakin wouldn't admit it at first but, I got it out of him.

    One good thing is that I'm getting used to this whole Queen thing. My friends and Brother are still here. Mom had to head back to Raxus the week after the 'Festival' was over. She didn't want to leave but, she has to help with ruling Raxus, so I told her I'd be fine. It took a lot of convincing but, eventually, Lux and I got her to be okay with leaving us here. Our friends didn't exactly say when they had to leave, but, I don't want them to. So last week, I gave all of them full citizenship, and I gave them one huge house that we had so they all could live together.

    The really awkward part happened a few days ago when Kasto's parents showed up. I greeted them and showed them around the capital. They thanked me for showing them around and for keeping Kasto in line. I just laughed awkwardly, I've always known that they wanted me and Kasto to get married. I accidentally read both their minds when I was 16. The really bad part of that was the fact that I was drinking water and you could probably guess what happened then. They also thanked me for giving Kasto full citizenship. They left two days after that.

    And with it being a month into my pregnancy, I was going to visit Master Shaak Ti. Oh, that reminds me. Nobody told me that the Jedi counsel sent a dozen Clones here for added security. I found that out when they showed up on the third day of the festival. I got to know the Captains really well, Kody and Rex. Turns out Master Obi-wan and Anakin asked for them, so they know them, my guess is that they were in the Clone Wars with them. Okay, way off topic here.

    I knocked on Shaak Ti's door and she answered smiling. "How are you doing today my Queen?" Shaak Ti asked. "Master I told you that you don't have to call me that." I said. "Right, well, just have a seat on the chair over there while I get the things together." Shaak Ti said. I sat on the chair that she pointed to. For some reason we don't have Medics on Shili, I'm going to change that. I don't know how, but, I'll think of something. What I did notice is that my stomach is unusually big for only being a month pregnant.

    When Master Shaak Ti was done checking me over. She helped me stand back up and smiled at me. "Congratulations Ahsoka! You're having Twins!" she smiled at me. I was in shock. Twins........holy Raxus! "You should let Anakin know. I must go speak with some of the Clones here." she said. "Of course. Thank you for your help." I said. When I walked out of her room I didn't look for Anakin. I went to where Lux was staying. I need to tell him, so this way it will help me with telling Anakin.

    He was staying at the house that I gave to the others. I knocked on the door and Lux answered. We smiled at each other and hugged. "Come on in." He said. I came inside and we went to the living room. It had gold colored walls and the silver was a nice light marble floor, throughout the first floor. The living room and the kitchen were open concept. There was four couches and at least I think six chairs in the living room. The chairs and couches were a darker gold with silver lining. Lux and I sat on the couch closest to the kitchen area.

    "So, what brings you by?" Lux asked. "What? I can't come say hello to my Brother? By the way, where is everyone?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess you can do that. And the others went to the market. Diwos and Mondora went grocery shopping and Kasto and Midux wanted to try their luck at the 'Hollows'." Lux said. "What are they doing there?! That's the bad part of town!" I said. You see, the Hollows are known as the bad part of town because of their 'fight tents' and the whole gambling aspect of it. I went to grab my Comlink off the glass coffee table and tell some Guards to go get them. Lux grabbed my hand to stop me.

    "Don't do that. They'll be fine. They told me that they were only going to check it out. They said that if it seemed dangerous than they wouldn't actually get involved." Lux said. I sighed. "We both know full well that they always get into trouble." I said. "Well, enough about them for now. Seriously what brings you by? I thought you had Queen and or Jedi duties." Lux said. That's right! With bringing up the Hollows I completely forgot why I really came here.

    "So guess what!" I said. "What?" he asked. "I'm having Twins!" I said, smiling. Lux smiled to and hugged me. "Oh my Raxus Ahsoka! This is great news! Have you told Anakin yet?" Lux asked. "No, I was hoping by that telling you first I could work up the nerve to tell him." I said. "Well? Do you feel up to telling him now that you told me?" Lux asked. "Yeah, I think I can now. Thanks Lux. Now, let's go get idiot and idiota." I said, standing up. "Ahsoka, no. You have to go back to the Palace. You're the Queen, you shouldn't get anywhere near the Hollows! You're pregnant!" Lux said, getting frantic. "Fine, take your Speeder. But, I want you to take some Clones with you." I said and Lux nodded.


[ So, I'm going to end it here cuz I'm gonna start out the next ch. a little differently. Well, I wouldn't exactly say differently.....I'm gonna spice it up? Ya, I think that's worded better. Anyway there's the Living Room of the house that Lux and their friends are staying in.

May the Force be with you me fellow Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now