~ Ch. 28 ~

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                         Talon's POV

    I was alone so I called Cad Bane. "What is it Talon? Are things going according to plan?" Bane asked. "Yes, everything is going according to plan but, there is one thing." I said. "What?" he asked. "She's pregnant. I'm not sure if my Master knew about this." I said. "This doesn't change anything Talon." Bane said. "Well, you better start the second phase soon or else it's going to take much longer than we thought. At this rate it'll probably look suspicious if I'm still here for another two months or so." I said. "Well, you better do something explosive or else this plan might backfire! The Jedi is starting to get suspicious!" I said. "Alright, I'll have something done by the end of the week." Bane said. "Good." I said then we ended the transmission. I sighed and pulled out a picture of me and my other Half. 'I miss you baby. I'll be home soon Maladi.' I thought before I went to bed.

                         Ahsoka's POV

    "Uncle you can't be serious?!" I asked my Uncle Tearas. "Ahsoka, you are the Queen now. You have to make trips to our Allied Planets to keep the peace. They've all been notified that you are the Queen. Your first stop is Lassan. Take some people with you. It's only a few hours trip, they are the closest Planet and we need each other for Trading reasons. They have been our first and most trusted Allies." my Uncle said and started to walk away. I stood in front of him. "Uncle, we just got the Medical machines in a few days ago. We still haven't taken a count for all of them. And we need this Hospital open!" I said, trying to protest. I was sick the last few days due to the pregnancy, also I was tired as hell due to the fact that I kept pushing myself. Which in turn, is really unhealthy for a pregnant women. So Anakin and I have been in our room at the time.

    " I understand that Ahsoka, but, that can wait. We need this treaty." my Uncle said. "Can't I send a Senator in my place? I don't know how to handle these things quite well!" I said. "Then this is the perfect opportunity for you. Ahsoka, you have to do this. Have some me-" I interrupted him. "No, I will see through the Hospital preparations. Fine, I shall go to Lassan but, you have to come with me. For, um......introduction purposes." I said. Anakin and Lux walked into the room. "And they'll come too. Won't you boys?" I said, turning my Uncles attention on them. They looked at me.

    "What? Us?" Lux asked. "Yes, the both of you." I said. They walked over to us. "Where are we going?" Anakin asked. "Lassan, Ahsoka needs to go and introduce herself as our true Queen and it is only a days travel. They are expecting her there tomorrow and she needs escorts. Your right Ahsoka. Who better to go with than the future King and the Brother of the Queen! Alright, it's decided then! The four of us will leave for Lassan by the afternoon and arrive tonight. Go get your things and meet at dock one." my Uncle said, then left.

    "What did you get us into?" Anakin asked as the three of us walked to Anakin and mines room. I patted Anakin's cheek. "You have to go anyway. You are the future King, so it's only natural for them to need to know you." I said as the three of us entered the room. Lux closed the door. "Why am I going?" Lux asked. "You are my Brother." I said, and walked into my half of the closet. I poke my head out. "Well, go get dressed." I said. "What's wrong with this?" they both asked in unison. "Just change into something nice, like a suit or something." I said, then thought about it. "No, not a suit, just something nice." I said.

    I was looking through dresses. Yup, my Uncle said to wear a dress. I sighed. My eyes caught a white dress. So I took it off the rack and looked at it. It has silver lining around the elbow area and waist that goes down the middle of the dress. It's one of those long dresses and I heard Lassan is cold this time of year. I guess it'll work. I changed into it and went to check on the guys.

    "Have any luck?" I poked my head to their area of the closet. "Yeah, how's this look?" Anakin asked, turning around to face me. He was wearing black boots, with black pants and his shirt was black and gold trim around the neck line and at the end of the sleeves. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Honestly, he looked even more handsome than I thought he could in fancy clothes. "Yeah, t-that works." I stuttered, damn it! " I still don't see how I am supposed to go." I looked over at Lux. He was also wearing black boots, with black pants and he had a white long sleeved shirt with a black vest that had silver buttons so he could, obviously, close the vest. "You are my Brother that's why. And come on, we've gotta go." I said. "Uh, Ahsoka." Lux said, I turned back around. "Yeah?" I asked. "You forgot shoes." Lux said. I looked down and he was right, I was barefoot. "Can you come grab me a pair then? I'm three months pregnant with Twins and it's hard to bend over." I said. Lux nodded and the three of us came back over to my side of the closet.  I sat on a chair and Anakin sat in the other one beside me.

    "Lux, pick out something simple." Anakin said. I raised my brow at Anakin and he gave me a look like 'what?' Lux came over with white strappy heels, the strap design had four loops around my ankles and crisscross straps near my toes. He put them on and they both helped me stand up. "You can walk in these right?" Anakin asked. "Every girl knows how to walk in heels, these are only two inches high. It'll be fine." I said and the three of us left to go meet with my Uncle on dock one.

    We were on the ship and Master Shaak Ti came along with us, so did Captains Rex and Cody, along with a few Palace Guards. I asked my Uncle if all these people were necessary and he said that they were for my protection. I felt something so I left the room that everyone was in. I went into the room that Anakin and I were using and started to meditate.

    I was back on Shili. There was smoke and fire, there was a panic. I heard an explosion and Talon moved me. "Are you alright? We have to deactivate these!" Talon said. I agreed with her. She just saved my life, so I trusted her now. She has certainly earned it. The scene changed and I was looking at a Holomap of the Capital. Someone was speaking and I came to.

    "Ahsoka? Are you alright? What did you see? Was that a vision?" Anakin kept asking me. "I'm fine. Yes, it was a vision. I'm not exactly sure what I saw, it wasn't complete. How long have I been in this state?" I asked him as he helped me up. "We've arrived." he said. I nodded and we left the ship.


[ So, yeah, a filler I think. Hehe. So how is the meeting gonna go on Lassan? Anyone recognize the planet? Hhmm? And what does Talon and Cad Bane have up their sleeves? Who is this mysterious 'Maladi' that Talon mentioned? And what does Ahsoka's clouded vision mean?! Oh, so many questions! Uh-oh, I'm turning into Anakin..........damn. Oh, that's a picture of Ahsokas dress.

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!!!! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now