~ Ch. 3 ~

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                                      Anakin's POV

    "Your a regular in here?" I asked Ahsoka as we sat down across from her. "Yup, I am the Senators' daughter." Ahsoka said. "So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" Ashsoka asked. "How were you kept hidden for so long from the Temple?" Master Obi-wan asked her. " I have no idea what you're talking about." Ahsoka said, taking a sip from what ever drink she ordered. "You have evaded the Temple for years. How did you do it?" I asked her, she looked at me and our eyes met. " I haven't evaded anyone or anything." Ahsoka said. "Do you even know what you are?" Master Obi-wan asked her. "Last time I checked I was a Togruta." Ahsoka said. "Don't get snipy with him." I said to her. "What you going to do about it?" she asked me. "Look, we just want to ask you a few questions." Obi-wan said. "We're right here, talking, so ask them already." Ahsoka said. "Come back with us to the Temple, to Corusaunt." Master Obi-wan said. "What?" Ahsoka said. "Will you come to the Temple with us?" I asked her. "Last time I checked, I wasn't a Jedi." she told us. "Then how come I can sense that you are one?" I asked her. "You must be joking." she said, looking from Obi-wan to me. "No, we are not joking. You are a Jedi. And seeing as you are what? 16, 17?" Obi-wan stated. " I am 18 to be exact." Ahsoka said. "Which is more vital now, you are 18 and don't know that you are a Jedi. You should've come to the Temple when you were at least 4 years old." Obi-wan said. Ahsoka thought for a moment. "Let me speak to my mother and my brother and get back to you on that. When are you guys' leaving?" Ahsoka said, as the three of us stood up. "Tomorrow at noon. I shall send Anakin to get your final answer." Obi-wan said. She nodded and the three of us left. Ahsoka went to go get her brother and Obi-wan and I went to the Senator building here. "Why did you say that?" I asked Obi-wan. "Don't you want some time to get to know your other half?" Obi-wan asked me. "Yes, but, why are you sending me to get her tomorrow?" I asked him as we stopped in front of the Senate building. "Because, she needs to hear it from you. I have a feeling she senses' the same thing you do when you are near her." Obi-wan said, and left me standing there, outside the Senate building.

                                       Ahsoka's POV

    I walked home thinking. 'Am I really a Jedi and didn't know it for so long? But, like that Obi-wan dude said. They would've come for me when I was little. I don't understand! But.......this could be the only chance I get to master my power. And get to know that Anakin man. I kept getting these feelings around him. Could he really be my other half? It could be possible.....I never felt that way towards a person before.....' I thought as I entered my house.

    "Ahsoka!" Lux said as I entered the living room. "Yes?" I asked him, sitting beside him. "Where have you been?!" Lux said, getting all protective brother. " I was with the Jedi." I told him. "For two hours?!" Lux said. "It's been two hours?" I asked, surprised. "Yes, it has been two hours!" Lux said. "Anyway, what did they want to talk to you about?" Lux said, still serious. "They say that I'm a Jedi." I told him. "How? They would have come for you when you were six." Lux said. " I know. The older one asked how I apparently 'hid' myself from the Temple." I told him, he nodded for me to continue. "They want me to go to the Temple with them, on Corusant." I told him. " I told them that I'd talk to you and mom before I made my decision." I told Lux.

    " I knew this day would come." we turned around to see our mother in the room. She sighed. "Ahsoka....you must go to the Temple and fulfill your role as a Jedi." our mother said as she walked over to me and hugged me. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "Yes, I am. Besides! This could be a good thing for you." mom said. "What do you mean?" I asked her, the three of us sat down, Lux was beside my on the couch and mom was across from us in a chair. "You know that you are my adopted daughter. But, there is a secret that I have kept hidden from you for years. I was waiting for the day to tell you." mom said, I nodded for her to continue. "Ahsoka, dear, you are the Princess of Shili. Your Uncle Tearas has been ruling Shili in your stead. Waiting for you to come and rule over your people." mom said. "W-what?" I said, my voice going hoarse. Lux held me as I took this all in. "Ahsoka, I think it is best for you to go to the Temple for now. I have kept you safe your whole life. But, I have come to realize that you are no longer safe here. You will be alot safer at the Temple. And I already know that you have found your other half." mom said, I looked at her. "How did yo-" I started to say but, she cut me off. "You think I didn't have anyone keeping watch over you?" mom said. " I don't want to leave you guys though!" I said. "Dear, you have to go to the Temple. It's for your safety. You are no longer safe here. And you need to be safe. Your people are waiting for the day when you come home." mom said, I stood up. " I think I'm going to go to bed now." I said. " I have already packed you a bag." mom said, I turned to look at her. "Only one bag?" I asked her. "You only need one, you wear the same clothes all the time." mom said. I nodded and went upstairs and went to bed. " I guess I don't have a choice......I'm going to the Temple.......and that Anakin guy is my other half......" I said to myself as I slipped into my pajamas and went to bed.


[ ALRIGHTY!!!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!! this might be the only time that I'll be able to updat for awhile, I have to go camping this weekend and I won't have internet and I'm not taking my laptop *duh*, so I'm sorry for the wait but, what do you guys think of the story so far? I'm sorry for the long paragraphs, it's just that I don't know when to break them in this story =/ and for some weird reason Wattpad has somehow thought that I wrote this in French, even though I didn't >.< here's a pic of the three of them speaking ------------->>>>>>>>>>>>> ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now