~ Ch. 22 ~

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                              Ahsoka's POV

    Anakin came over to me after he and Obi-wan sang and he kissed me. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. I broke the kiss a few seconds after I heard cameras going off. I rolled my eyes and Anakin smiled. "Damn Reporters." I mumbled under my breathe and Anakin laughed. "You should tell them." Anakin said. I sighed and we walked over to them.

    "Queen Ahsoka! Who is this man to you?" one of them asked, a man. "This is Anakin. He is my other Half." I explained. "Does this mean that you are a Jedi?" a female reporter asked. "Yes, I am a Jedi." I said. "How are you going to be able to do your duties to the Galaxy and to your people?" another asked. I haven't thought of this. My Uncle walked over to us, seeing the state that I was in. "My Niece has had a few long days since she arrived. I'll answer any questions that you have." my Uncle said. He nodded at us and we left them.

    "How could I not think of that? How could I not figure this out?! How can I protect the Galaxy as a Jedi and still rule as a Queen??" I said, starting to panic a little. Anakin and I stopped walking and he looked me in the eyes. "We will figure this out. Later though. For now, just go enjoy the night. Your friends are on their way over." he said. I nodded and turned around and before I could say a word, I was grabbed by Diwos and Mondora and they led me over to the guys. I looked back at Anakin and he smiled at me.

    I couldn't relax and have fun with my friends and Brother. The whole day that I was with them I kept going over different scenarios in my head of what could happen if I rule over my people. Or what would happen if I do my duties to the Galaxy as the Jedi that I am. I'm sure the others could tell that I was not entirely focused on having fun.

    The sun started to set and I sensed movement in the Force. I closed my eyes and focused on the presence. It was here, and it was close. I looked around to make sure that the others didn't see me leave. I'm going to confront this person. I have to. Not only for myself, but, for my friends, family, and my people. Before I left my room I hide my Lightsabers under my dress. I'm only going to bring them out when I need them. I hid my presence when I entered the alley. I took a few turns and wound up outside of the town, in a grassy clearing. I could sense danger all around me, I ignored it. I can't run from my problems. Whoever this is, and whatever the outcome may be, I must face it. Even if that means alone.

    I pulled out my Lightsabers and didn't ignite them yet. I walked out further into the clearing. I was in the middle of it when I sensed the presence behind me, ignited my Lightsabers, and turned around. There was the person from a few nights ago, standing before me, with two red Lightsabers. We stood there, neither of us moving. Just studying each other. I decided to speak up.

    "What do you want?" I said. "My Master says that you are needed." the person said. By her voice I could tell that she was female. "For what?!" I shouted. She ran at me and I ran at her. Our sabers clashed and sparks shot out from the contact. She twisted hers to try to disarm me and I countered and we jumped apart. "What am I needed for?!" I said, getting a little irritated. "Ah, yes. Let out your anger. You'll only make this easier for us." she said. I ran at her again, she dodged. I swung mine out and we clashed again. My assumption of her being a Night Sister was right. We jumped apart again and stood there for a few minutes. "You still haven't answered me." I said. "All will be told in time. You just need to submit to your defeat!" She shouted and ran at me. I brought up my sabers to defend myself but, I started to get dizzy. I shook my head vigorously and that's when our sabers clashed again. I moved my right one to try and swing at her leg, she only blocked it. We seemed to be evenly matched. I quickly thought out a strategy, the very first thing that I learned when I arrived at the Temple.

    I did a right kick and landed it on her stomach. She jumped back and I ran towards her. I swung and scratched her arm. She screamed in pain and then lunged for me, I could see the anger and determination in her eyes as our sabers locked again. I need to think of a way to defeat her, and fast. I'm pretty sure I'm the one at a disadvantage with me being pregnant. But, nobody outside of my friends and family know that piece of information though.

    "Stop being so stubborn girl and just submit!" the woman disabled one of her lightsabers and used the Force and pushed me back. I ended up rolling down a hill. I stood up and she was on the top of the hill. "Ready to surrender?" she shouted down at me. I grew angry and ran at her, lightsabers facing the ground and used the Force through my feet so I jumped and was in front of her in an instant. Our sabers crashed and I was able to disarm her and I held my sabers at her neck. Then reality hit me. I was about to kill her.

    "Leave this place and never return! Or I shall make you known Sith." I hissed, drawing my Lightsaber closer to her neck. "My job is done here. You've already proven it." she said, standing up. I didn't move the saber from her neck. "Proven what?!" I said. "That you are the Messiah to our cause. You are the Mistress of Darkness." she said, grinning creepily and taking a step closer to me. I took a step back. "Don't move!" I said to her. I was almost on the edge of the hill again. If she takes another step, I'll have to move back, but, then she could get at me if I lose my concentration. I thought I had the upper hand, seems like I'm wrong. "Give in. You know you have to if you want to kill me." she said, still having that creepy ass grin on her face. "No! I'm not a murderer! Leave now and never return!" I yelled. I heard voices then. 'Please be Anakin or Obi-wan. Just please be another Jedi!' I thought to myself.

    "They can't save you girl. You won't have a choice but to come with me." she said. She stepped forward and I stepped back, that's when I lost my footing. "Ahsoka!" I heard voices shout. I closed my eyes and curled in on myself, protecting my stomach that held my baby. I heard maniacal laughter and saw the person running away and then I blacked out.

                              Obi-wan's POV

    I was talking to Satine when I sensed trouble. I was looking towards an alley when Anakin ran over to me. "Have you seen Ahsoka? Lux told me that she's been missing for a few hours." Anakin said. "This way. Did you feel it? Something's going on down that way. Let's go." I said. We held our Lightsabers in our hands and ran down the alley. I saw Shaak Ti running up on the roof. "She's over there! And she's not alone!" Shaak Ti yelled down to us. "Why didn't I sense that something was wrong earlier! Damn it!" Anakin yelled.

    Once we got to the clearing the three of us ran at Ahsoka's attacker. Ahsoka had the upper hand but, I could sense that fear was overtaking Ahsoka. "Ahsoka!" the three of us shouted. That's when she took a step back and lost her footing and fell backwards. Ahsoka's attacker started to laugh then faced us. We all gasped. It was Asajj Ventress. "Anakin! Go get Ahsoka and get her back to the Palace! Shaak Ti and I will get Ventress away!" I yelled at Anakin. He nodded and took off down the hill and Shaak Ti and I ran after Ventress.

    "My job is done!! You're too late Jedi!!" Ventress shouted and took off on a Speeder. "She can't be serious!" Shaak Ti said. "Let's go back and see. I have a feeling that your Medic services will be required." I told her. She nodded and we ran back to the Palace.


[ I would've kept going but, I want to end it here and start the next chapter the way that I wanted to keep going in this one. UH-OH GUESS WHO LIVED!!!! Yup, I brought her back! I couldn't resist the temptation not to =P

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings! <3 ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now