~ Ch. 36 ~

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                 Ahsoka's POV

    It's already been a week that I've been on this ship. They took my Lightsabers days ago. I haven't been aloud to leave this room. I tried unlocking the door with the Force but, then I found out that they have two Guards posted at the door. Talon brings me food, but, I don't it eat. I feared that they put something in the food that will hurt my babies. But, it's really not a good thing for me not to eat because I'm pregnant. I heard footsteps and pretended to be asleep. I heard the door unlock.

    "She refuses to eat! She just leaves it there on the table. If she keeps this up my Master will not be pleased! You better do something!" I heard Talon say to someone as, I'm assuming, they went over to the table, where I leave the food untouched. "She'll eat this food soon. If she doesn't well, then we will use a Force Inhibiter. I bet that she won't want to go through that." I recognized the voice as Cad Bane. "Won't that harm her babies?" Talon asked, curious. "Exactly why she will start to eat. If she doesn't want anything to happen to her babies that is." Cad Bane said. I heard their retreating footsteps and I heard them lock the door. I started to cry silently. Anakin where are you?

                 Anakin's POV

    It's been a week since Ahsoka traded herself for her human Father. A brave and courageous action but, I won't give up until I find her. We had to call the Jedi Council for help. I also called Obi-wan to tell him that he needs to come back now. They sent Masters Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi, Billaba, Luminara, and Master Mace Windu. Master Luminara has been comforting Master Shaak Ti, she got really close to Ahsoka during the almost full year that we've all known her. Chancellor Padme sent dozens of Clone Troopers here as well to help us keep Shili safe.

  I had to make a public statement the day after word got out that Ahsoka was taken. I had Sir Tearas translate for me when I spoke to the people. I had a big speech prepared. Then, out of all the things to happen, I forgot it. So I just winged it and it worked! So many people got together from all across Shili and formed search parties so they could look on the Planet. There is a chance that Bane and his crew need supplies and are still here. But, there is a bigger chance that they are long gone.

    We did take Mr. Bonterri back to Raxus and told Senator Bonterri about her Daughter. She cried for hours, is what Lux told me. Lux and Ahsoka's friends created their own search party. But, we made Kasto stay and made him reveal to the Council that he was a hidden Force sensitive. We didn't have a choice in the matter. Everyone is highly skilled and could sense him on the Planet. Anyway....back to the problem here! Missing Ahsoka! Before I could even say a word, I fell to my knees, I knew I was getting a vision before I hit the floor.

    I was in a ship. I saw some female doctors around someone. I couldn't tell who it was from where I was standing. That's when I heard the screaming. Only, I recognized this screaming. It was Ahsoka's!! I rushed over to the table and she was there. Giving birth to our babies. I guess I wasn't here at the time because I don't recognize anything. She must be giving birth on the enemy's ship! No this can't happen! "ANAKIN!!" I heard Ahsoka shout and close her eyes and trying to push. This broke my heart that I couldn't comfort her. I won't let this happen!

    I opened my eyes and saw Master Obi-wan leaning over me, looking a little worried. "The others. Meeting now!" I said as I rushed to the room that we have been using. I can't think straight. Which is causing me to not even speak a complete sentence. I burst into the room and all the Masters look at me.

    "What is it Anakin?" Master Luminara asked. "I know where Ahsoka is." I said, which really got everyone's attention. "How?" Master Windu asked. "I just had a vision. All I know is that she is on a ship. Which brings me to believe that they, obviously, aren't on the Planet anymore. I also could tell from the style of the ship what brand it is." I said, and started detailing the ship. There is no way in hell that I'm going to let Ahsoka give birth to our babies on a ship. Especially not an enemy ship. Hold on love, I'm coming! Stay strong for me Ahsoka.


[ OH MA GAWD!!!!!!! This took me sssssssssssoooooooooo llllllooooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm truly sorry but, College started for me again. Also stuff with my Dad happened like I said a few AN ago in a few ch.s ago. I'm also sorry that this is shorter than usual. So I'm only going to be able to update on the weekends now. Anyways!!!!

    Uh-oh!!!! Will Ahsoka survive the trip? Will Bane and Talon make her take Force Inhibiters?! What will happen to the unborn Twins?! Will Anakin make to Ahsoka in time?! Plus!! Who is Talon's Master?!?! Thoughts??

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!!!! ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now