~ Ch. 9 ~

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                                              Obi-wan's POV

    I woke up early and couldn't believe my eyes. I had to blink a few times to be sure. Anakin and Ahsoka were sleeping in the same bed. They were out like lights. I quickly and quietly got dressed then left the room. I spotted Shaak Ti sitting on a barstool drinking a cup of Java. I got myself a cup and sat down beside her.

    "So did something happen last night between Anakin and Ahsoka?" I asked her. "Queen Ahsoka couldn't fall asleep last night so I asked Master Anakin if he could do something. But, I thought I heard her talking to someone. I know I heard another voice." Shaak Ti said. "She could have been talking to a family member, speaking of such I need to make a call." I said, getting up and going to the bathroom to call Satine to see how her Doctors appointment went. She answered on the third ring.

    "Hello?" Satine asked. "Good morning." I said. "Good morning hun." She said. "How did the appointment go?" I asked. "Fine. Guess what?" she asked. "What?" I answered. "It's twins!" She said with a big smile on her face. "That's wonderful! Do you know the genders?" I asked her, still having a huge grin on my face. "It's twin girls!!" She said happily. "When can you come home?" she asked. " In a few months. Right now I am traveling to Shili." I told her. "Why are you going to Shili?" she asked. " It turns out that Anakins' other half is the long lost Queen of Shili. She is also a Jedi and Anakin is her teacher. We found her two months ago on Raxus, on Remembrance day." I told Satine. "What was a Togruta doing on Raxus? They only live on and are found on Shili and, occasionally, Corosaunt." Satine said.

    "Mrs. Bonterri had adopted her. Turns out that the Late King and Queen were killed a few months after Ahsoka was born. Mrs. Bonterri showed up the following day and she was asked to take care of her until she was of age to rule. Shilis' current King is her Uncle." I explained. "Ah, King Tearas, I've met him when he came on Mandalore to get supplies for his people during the Clone Wars." She said. There was a knock on the door. " I have to go. I'll be home soon. I love you." I said. "I love you too." She said, and ended the call.

                                     Ahsoka's POV

    I woke up and was so comfortable and warm that I buried myself deeper into the hard and cozy surface. My movement seemed to cause the things around my waist to bring me closer. I heard a click and the object moved. "Stay still." I mumbled into it. Which came out more like "Sta sti." The object moved again and nuzzled my nose. "It's time to get up Snips." someone whispered in my ear. Which caused me to reluctantly open my eyes and blink a few times. Only to see a pair of blue eyes looking back at me. Making me sit up rapidly and hit my head off of the roof. "Tch." I said, closing my eyes as a short spurt of pain shot through my head as I rubbed it and the pain subsided. I opened my eyes, again and saw Anakin sitting up. Then I noticed that we were in the same bed. "Uh...." I said. He seemed to have caught on and cleared his throat and stuck out his arm. "Ladies first." He said. I didn't miss this chance to go to the bathroom, thinking, "This is going to be a long week."


[ So I have to go to bed cuz where I live it's like 3 in the morning and when I was camping, in a cabin, I didn't get very much sleep cuz my cabin is the socializing cabin so people usually didn't go back to their cabin until like 4 in the morning and I'm a light sleeper. Oh! And I'm dedicating this to my BFF ( @xXwhoaXx ) cuz she came out with me and she helped me write this ch. ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now