~ Ch. 38 ~

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          Anakin's POV

    It's been two weeks. Two weeks!! We narrowed down the ship to be an old Empire Star Destroyer. The only good thing is that Ahsoka hasn't been in pain while she's been with those Sith, thanks to our bond. For some reason though, when I try to connect to her through the Force, to talk to her, something blocks me. Which is very strange. Unless the Sith have developed some 'blocking machine' or something.

    I'm on a ship with Masters Obi-wan, Ki-Adi Mundi, and Mace Windu. Masters Billaba, Luminara and Shaak Ti stayed on Shili to help with maintaining order for now. We also brought some Clones with us, like Rex and Cody. We left some others on Shili to help the other Masters. Lux and his friends took a smaller ship. Apparently it is in Mondora's family, the call it The Ghost.

    We are currently looking at the Star Maps. Trying to pinpoint possible locations that were populated and controlled by the Sith. Masters Obi-wan and Ki-Adi Mundi are on a table across from me and Master Windu, looking through the known profiles of Sith that got away and are in hiding. We've already found Talon's profile. I was so fucking right!! I'm pissed at myself for not realizing it sooner!

    "Don't worry Anakin. We will find her." Master Obi-wan told me, setting his hand on my shoulder. "Master Skywalker, you should go get some rest. You haven't slept in days. You must give yourself a break." Master Ki-Adi Mundi said to me. "He is right Anakin. You must rest." Obi-wan told me. "You wouldn't rest if it was Satine or your daughter missing!" I said. "I understand but Anakin, you look like your about to drop dead at any second." Obi-wan told me. "I'm fi-" before I could finish my sentence I fell and someone caught me. I could tell that I was getting a vision.

    I was running and came across a young man. "Where is my Wife?!" I yelled at him. "She is no longer yours! She is mine!" the man said. I ignited my lightsaber and so did he. He must've been a new Sith, I could tell because he had no profile and his saber was red. We dueled for a few hours when I felt a familiar prescence. Very familiar but, different in a way. "Enough! Do not harm him!" we stopped dueling and looked up at the voice. It was Ahsoka! And by her side were Talon and some other girl. The three walked down to us and stood inbetween us. The man got down on his knees and bowed.

     I came to and sat up in surprise. No!! That can't happen! I won't let it! I noticed that I was in a bedroom on the ship so I got up and ran to the others. I burst through the doors and the three of them looked at me.

    "Anakin, what did you see?" Obi-wan asked, coming over to me. "I saw Ahsoka. A new Sith, some boy. I also saw Talon and some other Sith woman." I said, leaving out that Talon and the other girl were with her. I'll tell that to Obi-wan later. I don't need all of them rushing to conclusions. Obi-wan sensed that was all I was going to say. Before the others could talk, we got a Holotransmission. Master Windu pressed answer and Master Billaba appeared.

    "Good, you're all together. Saves me some time. Listen up, I found something." Master Billaba said, then held up a thick book. " 'Force Effects on Pregnant Jedi' where did you find this Billaba?" Master Ki-Adi Mundi said. " I found it in the 'Restricted' section in Shili's public library. Turns out the last person to read this book, was Ahsokas mother. According to the Librarian, she said that the Queen put the book in the 'Restricted' section after she finished reading it." she said. "What does it say?" I asked her, thinking my vision will come to pass. "Master Anakin, I do-" "What does it say? I need to know." I said, strictly. She looked at me and sighed. "The main part that caught my eye was that, it says: 'When a Jedi begins to worry and her mind is clouded with worry and doubt, there is a strong possibility that she will turn to the Darkside, unknowingly. Now matter how good she is.'" Master Billaba finished and closed the book. I turned my back on everyone and stood there as they all talked to her. 'I'm coming Ahsoka. Hang in there baby.' I thought.


[ I'm so sorry that it's taken me awhile!! I've been busy with family stuff and I've also been busy with college junk. So what do you guys think the vision meant? And will the book turn out to be true?

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!! <3 ]

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