~ Ch. 32 ~

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                              Ahsoka's POV

    I chased Lux outside and he got on a Speeder. I got on one to go after him. I heard Clones shouting behind us to close the Palace gates so that we wouldn't get out. They were too late as we both got through, I noticed too late though that we were headed towards a populated area. I did a sharp turn down an alley and, somehow, ended up in the Hallows part of town. As I passed a building, I started to sense danger through the Force. I slowed to a stop and then I head a loud BOOM!! As I was thrown off my Speeder, someone caught me.

    I opened my eyes and Talon caught me. "Are you alright? We have to get you out of here!" Talon said. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed, probably from the shock and force of the bomb. I heard the town alarm going off and then the Fire Squad came on Speeders. Anakin also came, he saw us and he ran over to me and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'll take her back to the Palace! You stay here and help them with the fire!" Anakin had to shout at Talon over the roar of the flames. He got on a Speeder and we headed to the Palace.

    "Master Shaak Ti!! Do you copy?!" Anakin was yelling into his Comlink. I tried to reassure him that I was fine but, I can't move. I don't know why. "I'm here Anakin! What's wrong?" Master Shaak Ti asked. "Ahsoka was near a bomb that went off only seconds ago!! I can't tell if she is hurt internally!! Prepare the Medbay!!" Anakin was still shouting. "Alright! I just told the Guards to open the door and that this is an emergency!! I'm preparing the Medbay as week speak." Master Shaak Ti said. I saw the outline of the Palace and that's when I passed out and heard Anakin yelling my name.

    I was in the Palace in a room that I recognized. It was my Birth Parents' room, but, it was clean and not dusty. I looked over and saw two people near a couch. I walked over and saw my Birth Parents' Shilia and Kaney. Kaney was injured on his hand and Shilia was wrapping it. "You shouldn't have done that." Shilia said. "He was insulting your decision for peace with the Twi'leks! I will not stand for that and neither should you." Kaney said. She finished wrapping his hand and sat beside him. "Before I signed the Treaty with the Twi'leks, I had to come to terms with the fact that not everyone will be happy about it. And I have, I also have to realize that it will take years before everyone will accept this change. We all lost so many loved ones." Shilia said, resting her head on Kaneys' shoulder. "I understand love." Kaney said, kissing one of her Montrals. "Just promise me you won't use the Dark Side of the Force again." Shilia said. "You know I can't promise that. But, for you and our unborn child, I will try. That I can promise." Kaney said.

    I woke up and blinked a few times, the light was blinding. I looked around and saw that I was on a bed in the Medbay. I looked and saw Anakin and Lux sitting in chairs sleeping. I felt something on my finger, then I could feel something in my throat. I remained calm on the outside while I was panicking inside. Master Shaak Ti came running into the room.

    "Stay still Ahsoka. It'll take a minute to get the breathing tube out." she said. I nodded and stayed still and she took out the tube. I tried to sit up and she helped me. She gave me a glass with water and I drank the whole thing. "What h-happened?" I asked, my voice was hoarse and I coughed. "Take it easy your Highness. You were out for two weeks." Shaak Ti said, calmly. "WHAT?!" I shouted, which started a coughing fit and Anakin and Lux woke up and came rushing over to me. Anakin grabbed my right hand while Lux grabbed my other one. "Please, remain calm. It's not healthy for you to be in this state for too long." Shaak Ti explained. I nodded and Lux gave me another glass full of water, to help with my coughing fit. It worked cause the coughing stopped after I took a sip.

    "So explain what happened after I passed out." I said. The three of them looked at each other, all with worried looks on their faces. "Ahsoka, there's something that you need to see." Lux said. He helped me stand and the four of us walked to the Throne room. My Uncle Tearas was in there, along with Talon, Diwos, Midux, Mondora, and Kasto. They all sighed in relief when I entered the room, leaning on Lux, because I can't walk due to the fact that I've been unconscious for a two weeks. When they saw the look on Lux's face, they all got really quiet. Okay, now I'm confused. I looked at Lux, wanting an explanation. "Over here." my Uncle Tearas said. We all followed him to a Hologram Projector that was on the right side of the room. Lux and I stood directly in front of it. My Uncle pressed play. An image of a blue species male popped up. He was wearing a hat and seemed to have tubes that went into his face, his eyes were red. He was wearing a tailcoat with a regular grey pants and grey shirt. I could see his pistols in the holsters on his pants. My Uncle pressed play.

    "By now you have gotten my message. I have bombs hidden all over the capital. And in the Palace. If you don't give me the Queen in a Month. Then, he dies." the man said. He grabbed a person that was out of range of the camera and brought the person into view. I gasped and would've fallen to the ground if Lux wasn't helping me stand. "L-lux......t-t-t-that's......." I couldn't finish my sentence. I'm trying so hard not to cry but, this is too much for me. I can't speak as I face away from the Hologram and put my head in Lux's chest. I'm shaking as I silently cry. " I know Ahsoka. It's our Father." Lux said.


[ Yup, Cliffhanger!!!! Yay!!!!.........DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!! DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING DID YA?!?! I'm so evil XP Sorry this took me awhile. Like I said, I'm getting ready for College again. Also my Dad just got diagnosed with Liver Cancer last week so, I'm a little stressed but, I'm gonna keep writing. To me, this on top of some other of my favorite things, is helping me keep my mind busy. I love you guys <3

May the Force be with you my Jedi Siblings!!!! ]

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