~ Ch. 15 ~

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                                      Lux's POV

    I was walking towards Ahsoka's room and was outside the door when I heard voices. "This might be a bigger problem than we thought." Obi-wan said. "You think?!" Anakin said. I wonder what they're talking about? "For now let's let her rest. We must discuss this with Master Yoda and Master Shaak Ti." Obi-wan said. "Wait Master. Why Master Yoda?" Anakin asked Obi-wan. I jumped up to the ceiling and turned on the gravity setting that I installed in my boots and the door opened and Anakin and Obi-wan stepped out. "Because he has more experience with this than I do. Maybe he did research and can help us stop this before it starts." Obi-wan said as they were walking away. I jumped down when they turned the corner. I walked in and saw that Ahsoka was sleeping on the couch. I woke her up and she sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Hey, wanna get out of here?" I said, I could tell that she was upset about something. I know my sister, she'll tell me when she's ready. You can never force anything out of her. "Hell yeah. Let's go!" Ahsoka said.

    I opened a window in her room and looked down. Good thing I brought my Speeder. I took the keys out of my pocket and I pressed the 'Call' button. That brings it right to me. It was here in under a minute. "Oh, no. I'm driving, you're terrible. I can't believe Mom let you get one." Ahsoka said and held her hand out for the keys. I sighed and gave them to her, she jumped on it and turned the keys. I hopped on behind her. We sped off into the streets and Ahsoka parked it in front of a club. "I should've known that you'd bring us here." I said.

    We entered the club and took a seat at the bar. The bartender came over to us. It was a male Togruta that seemed to be around our age. "You two must be new. I haven't seen either of you around and I know everyone in this village. The names' Conan." he said, holding out his hand, I shook it first, than Ahsoka. I took in his appearance. His skin color was the same as Ahsokas and he was really buff, he must also work as the bouncer, he seemed to be at least 5' 11". "What's yours?" Conan asked. " I'm Lux." I said. "And I'm Ahsoka." Ahsoka said. Realization dawned on his face and I quickly covered his mouth. "Please don't say anything! I'd just like to be a normal person for today. Okay?" Ahsoka asked. Conan nodded and I moved my hand away from his mouth. "So what exactly is this place?" I asked him, looking around and noticing all the flashing different colored strobe lights and a stage with instruments, and someone singing.

    "You could call this the Karaoke version of the drinking clubs that we have here. This place is for all the underage people, ages 16-20. It's called "Karablast!" It's some word from Lassan. It got really popular around here after some people came back from visiting Lassan. No one really knows what it means. We think it means "Explosion!" so that's it. Oh, and since you two are knew you guys have to go up and sing after Shya. Don't try getting out of it because the owner, which is me, already saw you. Plus, it's a rule. And I bet you two have some great singing voices! You certainly look like you do. Oh, and by the way, how do you know each other?" Conan asked. "She's my sister." I said as Ahsoka said. "He's my brother." Shya walked off the stage and Conan smirked and looked towards someone who was on the stage and pointed at us. The Togruta on stage with blue skin smirked. "Okay folks! Looks like we got some newbies! Let's give them a hand!" the man said and everyone started to clap.

                                       Ahsoka's POV

    I sighed and looked at Lux. "We aren't getting out of this are we?" I asked Conan. "Nope! Now go on!" Conan said, energetically. I sighed and Lux and I stood up and people started applauding louder. We got on the stage and Lux went over to a synthesizer piano and I scowled at him. Bastards' gonna make me sing?! Great. I looked at him and mouthed. "Track four." and he nodded in return as he tuned the piano and I went up to the microphone. "Okay, folks! Grab a partner because this is a love song that I wrote. I have a band with this guy up here with me so this is an original! Our other members couldn't make it here so you only get us. Hope you guys like it!" I said and looked back at Lux and he started the music and I took a breathe and began the song.

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now