~ Ch. 19 ~

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                                             Ahsoka's POV

    I turned around and Kasto grabbed me. He pulled me against him as a beam fell and landed where I would have been. "Thanks Kasto! You just saved me!" I had to shout over all the screaming. "This way! I found another exit!" Kasto shouted. I nodded and he kept ahold of my hand and we went out the back, into an alley. The alley was blocked to the main street so we followed the alley until we came to an open part of town. Nobody was around. That's when I felt it. "Kasto......I feel so cold." I said, hugging myself trying to warm up. Then I saw the person who must've started the fire. The person put down their hood and it was a Night Sister. She grabbed something from her belt and pressed a button. It was a red Lightsaber! I instantly  reached for mine but, then I remembered that I left it in my room! Damn it! But, I have to keep Kasto safe.

    "Kasto run!" I yelled to him, getting in my fighting stance. "No! I'm not leaving you!" Kasto yelled back to me. I didn't turn to face him as I had to duck to miss this persons Lightsaber. But, what I saw shocked me. Kasto was standing in front of me, block her attack, with a dark green Lightsaber. I couldn't believe it! My best friend in the group had a Lightsaber. The person took off, realizing that Kasto wasn't a normal Civilian. I stood up straight and Kasto turned and looked at me. I was hurt, how could he lie about this, no, how could he hide this from me?

    "Ahsoka, please let me explain!" Kasto said, sincerity evident in his voice. "How could you? How could you hide this about yourself from me?! I trust you! How could you do this?!" I yelled at him, my eyes started to water. "Please! You'll get your answers when you let me explain." Kasto said, pleading with me. "Fine, you have five minutes." I told him. I told him five minutes because I can sense Anakin and the others close by. " I couldn't tell you because.....my family has a history with the Dark Side. My Uncle, Darth Maul, was killed by a Jedi Knight called Obi-wan Kenobi. My Uncle killed his Master Qui-gon. My family wants me to take revenge for my Uncle. He's the one that taught me everything about my power. But, when I learned the truth I refused to continue what my family wanted me to do. I never want to have to kill someone out of revenge. I'm not a Sith." Kasto said, he fell on his knees and didn't look at me. I could sense the sincerity and honesty in his words. I kneeled in front of him and hugged him. " I believe you." I said. He hugged me back. We heard running footsteps and Kasto stood up and used the Force to put me behind him. Anakin and Obi-wan were coming around the corner. Kasto still had his Lightsaber out and was in a defensive stance. When Anakin and Obi-wan turned the corner, they both ignited their Lightsabers.

    "Ahsoka! Are you all right?!" Anakin yelled. He was getting protective again. This isn't going to turn out good. Time to step in. I put my hand on Kasto's shoulder and he looked at me. "I'm alright Anakin." I said to him, he nodded. "Kasto, you can put your Lightsaber away." I said to Kasto, he nodded and put it away. Obi-wan and Anakin did the same. Kasto and I walked over to them. "Who is this?" Anakin asked. "Can we do introductions later? Come on, my friends had a long journey. I take it you met up with Lux and the others?" I asked them. "Yes, they got out safe and sound. We came looking for you when they started freaking out. We had to have some of the Palace Guards hold them back from going inside the building. Master Shaak Ti is with them now, back at the Palace. We brought Speeders." Master Obi-wan said. "Okay, Kasto and I will take one and you and Anakin take the other." I said, getting the keys from Obi-wan and got on one, Kasto getting on behind me. "See you back at the Palace!" I yelled to them and took off.

    We arrived and were immediately escorted inside  by the Guard. "Ahsoka! Kasto!" I heard people shout our names and we were ambushed in a group hug. "Oh my Raxus! You had us so worried!" Mondora said. "We're fine. Kasto got us out of there." I said, leaving out the part about the person who attacked us. I'll tell them that in private. My Uncle and my Mother hugged me. "Thank goodness you're alright!" my Uncle said. My Mother shook Kasto's hand. "Thank you Kasto for keeping her safe." mom said to him. "I'd do anything to keep Ahsoka safe Mrs. Bonterri. She's my best friend." Kasto said. Diwos and Mondora awed. "They would be so cute together!" Diwos squealed to Mondora who nodded. I laughed and rolled my eyes. Anakin and Obi-wan came in the room then. We were all in the living room.

    "Did something else occur when you two were alone Ahsoka, Kasto?" Master Obi-wan asked. I knew what he meant. He'd have to have sensed that other person there. I have to lie in front of my Mother and the others, this news would certainly start a panic. "No, we were just lost after we had to leave through the alley. And that's when you found us." I lied. He could tell that I was lying cause he raised an eyebrow and I did the hand sign for 'later' and 'tonight'. He nodded. "I'm gonna show the guys where they can stay. Come on. I think were all tired." I said and started to walk away. The others followed. Leaving Anakin, Master Obi-wan, Master Shaak Ti, my Mother, and my Uncle Tearas in the room. It started to storm.

    Once I showed everybody to their rooms, I headed to the room that us Jedi decided to use for meetings and such. It was smaller than the regular Meeting room that is used for well, ruling the Kingdom. I opened the door and Masters Obi-wan, Shaak Ti, and Anakin were already there. Anakin came over to me and hugged me. "Thank god your okay." he whispered to me. "Why wouldn't I be?" I said, trying to make a joke and failed. We walked over to the others and they were already sitting in some chairs and we sat down. "Care to tell us what really happened?" Master Obi-wan asked. I nodded and started to explain.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~~

    When I was done explaining, we were all silent. I even explained what I learned about Kasto, that he hid from me, because I knew that Anakin would ask me about him after I was done explaining. The door opened and Master Yoda walked in. "Welcome Master." we all said. So this is who they were talking to on the Holocron last week. I guess he heard everything. "Problem, we have." Master Yoda said. "Who do you think this person is?" Master Shaak Ti said. "Survivor of the Clone Wars, must this person be." Master Yoda said, sitting in a chair. "Should this person appear again, confront, we will." Master Yoda said. We all nodded.

    " I can be the bait." I said. Anakin looked at me like I was crazy. "No! No way! Don't even think about it!" Anakin said. "You weren't there Anakin! I was obviously the target. I didn't have my Lightsabers this time. But, next time I will." I said. It was silent again. "Only choice we have, this is." Master Yoda said. "No! I won't allow this!" Anakin said. " I'm willing to do this even if you disagree, this is my decision. I'm not backing down." I said, firmly. "She is right Anakin. If this person is after Ahsoka, using Ahsoka as bait is the only way to draw whoever this is out." Master Obi-wan said. I nodded at Obi-wan in thanks. "Okay, but, what if this backfires? What do we do then?" Anakin asked. "We can follow her from the rooftops and be unseen." Master Shaak Ti spoke up. "Decided then, this is. Next time, ready we will be." Master Yoda said. We all nodded and left the room to go to sleep. Anakin is never going to like this plan. Especially with me being pregnant.


[ Well it's up!! Yeah!! What do you guys think of Kasto? How bout the plan? Will something go wrong?! Stay tuned and May the Force be with you all!! <3 Here's a pic of Kasto. ]

My Other Half   *1st book of the Other Half Trilogy*Where stories live. Discover now