Chapter 15 - outside in sheep pyjamas... yes sheep!

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Sorry that I haven't up loaded for a while, been very busy...



I dragged my sorry behind up into my car after an extra long day catching up with the mountains of work that I had been made to catch up on after my few days of much needed absence. My mind had been elsewhere over those past few days, worrying and wondering about what was to come next; but nothing came to me. I felt very much stranded in a big pool of confusing bloody s**t with out anymore clues to feed from. I hadn't spoken to Leo or Nial, and I, for the first time since that night of the party - shudder - didn't cry while trying to drift of to sleep the previous night. I still though, felt as if some thing were missing and there was nothing I could do about it. It was infuriating to say the least!

I glanced at my brick of a phone to check the time.

"Ugh, 6pm!" I groaned, shocked at how I had managed to stay put for so long. Hannah had offered to come around but I had refused, I was just so sick and tired of her asking me 'what happened?' and 'Are you sure you're okay?' As if I was okay! I was going mad! ... I mean, I did feel a little guilty, I wanted to be able to open up to my best friend, but I just couldn't. I didn't want her telling people and I especially didn't want her to think badly of me; or any of my other friends now I come to mention it! I was popular amongst my friends, I had a good life and I was happy to keep it that way. Well, my parents could be a little more conserned about my feeling but apart from that, I was happy! I didn't need a visit from some pshycopatic vampires and good-doing vampire hunters! ... That was a sentence I never thought I'd hear in my own head.

"Yeah, you big freak!"  I mumbled to myself, starting my engine. "...And now your talk to yourself..." I sighed and spent the rest of the journey in silence, pondering yet again, over my fate. If I did belive in fate; did I?

"I'm home mom!" I yelled, entering the house quickly, running at full speed from my car. I was, if nothing else, definitely going to listen to Leo's advise as much as I could - within reason.

"Hi, Dee!" Nat cheered from her perch up on the island counter, mixing a plastic bowl full of... cake mixture?

"Hey Nat, you okay? Been busy have we?" I asked, ruffling her hair and peering inside the bowl, tempted to stick my finger in to taste it but then retracting my hand, deciding my life was too worth while to throw away just yet.

"Yeah!" She said, her high pitched voice loud so as to be heard over the angry crashing of cutlery coming from mom's side of the room. "We're making cake." She grinned.

Thought so...

"Delilah! I didn't realize you were staying so late tonight, why can't you tell my these things?" My mom snapped her head up from where she was crouched over the dishwasher.

"Sorry mom... I had a lot to catch up on. I... I didn't think it really mattered." I said, internally rolling my eyes and shoving my tan leather bag up onto the counter top.

"Well it does!" She mumbled grumpily, leaving it at that, stomping from the room. That shocked me, usually she had to repeat her qualms to me at least twice before she was happy to leave in of these Petty arguments. I followed, asking:

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine... No, I just... I worry about you honey." She said, sighing and slumping down on the single chair in the hall way.

"Don't mom, really. I'm fine, you're just stressing over nothing."  I replied, leaving her to her strop. Weird? What was up with mom's? I pledged to myself many years ago not to be a stroppy mom like that!

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