Chapter 29

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Three whole days passed in which my mom didn't even voice a single word to me, her eyes staying trained on the floor. Not once did she even look at me, pretending as if I wasn't even there in her presence. I let the events of the week sink in, my body becoming more used to the musty taste of reject. My family could never want me back. They would though; I knew it. I just wasn't sire how long it would take for them to realize that. And as for the vampires... well, the more I considered it the more I realized I was helpless against them and that there was nothing I could do in their world. But Nial however, I could be involved with. As humans we were equal and that equality, I soon thought I understood, would somehow or another turn into love. At least that's what I could hope for at any rate. Of course, one type of fantasy had turned to another. The fantasy of dreams, to the fantasy of a romance. I knew that, deep down in my heart of hearts. But I couldn't let everything go. I wasn't deprived or lost or alone... so to speak... but the life I had let mine slip into felt just as bad.

Those three days soon turned into a week and the only time I left the house was to go to school and even then mom insisted on taking me in, not trusting me not to run off again. If only she understood. But she didn't and that was that, there was no more to say. So no more was said. I was stuck in a silent house, my father staying out later than usual in an attempt to avoid any conflict between himself and my mom, and my friends banned from staying, only dragging out that silence. My dad looked tired and every argument he had with my mom turned another of his hairs grey and he looked more and more tired. He too began to turn his back on me, the small nods of acknowledgement turning to a wall of dismissal. They watched over me but I wasn't involved in the family, like I was trapped in a big white room jumping fences. I just couldn't be bother to argue with them any more. I knew I'd caused more trouble than I should have done, but what could I do about it?

The old woman had told me to stick by Nial, and that he would need me; but how could he need me when my own family didn't? They had never been the loving types but I didn't think it would ever deteriorate to this. He couldn't need someone who was so weak that they just let this happen...

I sat, cross legged on my bedroom floor, feet half on the fluffy rug and half on the floor, the tips of my toes hanging out into the cool air while the rest of my feet stayed warm. My hands ran through Nat's hair lamely while she stared, eyes glazed and sleepy, into the tiny TV set opposite my bed, some sad little child's program playing quietly. Mom and dad hadn't quite been cruel enough to ban me from seeing Nat; in fact, I had spent more time with her recently than I had for a long time. It was nice, not exactly exhilarating, but nice just sitting and relaxing with her after everything. I had, earlier on in the day, spent some time keeping her mind off of the family 'argument' but she had soon got bored and the TV had come on, relieving me from the seemingly endless chore. I reached down to my pocket but, as I should have remembered by now, found it empty, my phone locked up in a Cabernet somewhere downstairs. I wondered if it had run out of battery yet, it's lack of use making that very unlikely. I also wondered how many texts I'd received that still remained unread... how many of those were from Nial.

But like everything else, that didn't matter either. It didn't make a difference.

My ears pricked up as I heard a car engine cut off in front of the house. Or at least, that's what it sounded like. Just seconds later the door bell rang and I realized I was sat motionless, holding my breath, hands suspended amongst Nat's curls, my heart beating worryingly fast. Please don't let it be Nial, I thought It was so like him to do something stupid... probably. Mumbled voices were just audible down the stairs, my body leaning towards the sound, desperate for a clue. The voice was high pitched, familiar, my heart soothing back to a safe pace. Hannah.

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