Chapter 38 - Exactly three months

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Hello again xxx

It's raining here in England... standard :/ I have a cough too!! How about a vote to make me feel better?? He he - just kidding! Vote if you want to and any feedback at all would be really appreciated!


It had been a week since my midnight excursion and, believe it or not, my absence that evening seemed to have gone completely unnoticed. Not one person had even hinted at knowing I had climbed out of my bed room window at midnight and arrived home only in time to get an hours sleep before I had to get up for school. It was a miracle. I had been sure someone would find out - namely my mother or father.

There had been no other disturbances and Hannah had been discharged from hospital just one day later. She was fine. Shaken, but fine. She didn't seem to remember anything but Nial and Leo went to visit her none the less. I imagine Leo erased her memory - yes, because vampires can do all sorts of creepy shit like that - just in case.

The past three months had effected me greatly though. I had become more jumpy and I was constantly alert and on edge. I didn't sleep for long enough and I frequently woke up in a cold sweat after having that same dream over and over again. I hadn't coughed blood since, but it was always at the back of my mind. Like I was living in two minds. One to deal with normal, day to day life; and another that was always awake and keeping me safe - or at least, trying to. People began to notice things though.

"Delilah, you look tired." One of my teachers noted at the end of class. "With the year end exams coming up, at this point in the term it would be a shame to let everything slip."

I shrugged. "I guess I just haven't been sleeping well."

"I understand things must be difficult for you. I assume you have talked to the police about the incident with your locker?" He asked, shifting, with the weight of the topic, to his other foot.

"Yes." I sighed, remembering the three hours of questioning as a blur. I was exhausted.

"Would you like to go to the nurse and have the afternoon off?" He asked, persuasion leaking into his voice.

I was about to object but was so tired, that I simply nodded and let him write me an absence slip.

"Take this to the nurse and go home. Get some sleep and start out next week refreshed." He could have very well punched the air like a kid with the enthusiasm he was bringing in. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead yawned softly. he was right. I needed sleep.

It didn't take long to get excused and soon I was texting my friends to explain the situation, while heading to my car. I rung my mom on the way home.

"Hey, honey. Are you okay?" She asked distractedly.

"Yeah. The nurse sent me home to sleep. Apparently I looked tired, so I'm gonna grab some lunch and head up to bed." I explained.

"Okay. I'm taking Natalie out today so we won't be back until quite late- oh and your father had to work away so he won't be home until this evening. Will you be okay?"

"Fine mom." To tell the truth, I could do without them all for a while.

"Okay. Give me a call if you need anything."

"Thanks mom, bye." And I hung up, almost home now anyway.


I swung the fridge open and snatched out a smoothie to take up to my room, when I thought of giving Nial a ring. Besides the fact that being alone in my own home scared me senseless, I could really do with his company. I punched in his speed dial and rang.

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