Chapter 23 - When had all this begun?

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My heart nearly expired as the bike slipped to the side, my knee scraping across the ground, fiery heat flooding from the point of contact. The world shifted and shook as I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain of crashing... but it never came. We didn't hit the floor, my body didn't smash into destruction, and Nial stayed close to me, hands steering the bike around any danger. I let myself breath again, the bike slowing to a stop as I continued to hold on for dear life, my head spinning as I took in the world that I was sure I would never see again.

Nial's warm strong hands pried my own hands from around his chest, my head still pressed against his back hard.

"Lilah? You're okay, let go." He said softly, swinging his body around to face me, levering my frozen body from his. I opened my mouth to reply but no sound came out, just the thudding of my heart and the roar of the traffic audible.

"Lilah, c'mon. I'm sorry about that." Nial continued, rubbing my hands soothingly in his.

"It's fine. Not your fault..." I mumbled, barely moving my lips.

"No, it's not fine. I'm sorry, you look terrified." He stepped in front of me, hands dragging off my helmet before he pulled me up into a tight, comforting hug. I melted into his arms, my own hands snaking around his waist obediently, the intimacy feeling safe and natural.

"I'm fine." I sighed, the helmet dropping to the floor and Nial, subsequently, crushing his lips to mine, my lips, for a moment, not moving, too shocked and contented to do so. It was only when his tongue ran across my bottom lip, sending shooting fireworks through me, that I kissed him back, intense and strong. A horn blared out at us, making us jump apart, the sound dissipating as the traffic noise and cool wind carried it away.

"Shit." Nial breathed, a small, victorious little smile turning up the corners of his mouth.

"Well I didn't find it very funny." I joked, resting my head down on his chest as his arms welcomed me back to him.

"I'm sorry." He apologized again.

"Nial, stop apologizing. It's just one of those things."

"Okay..." He replied uncertainly, smoothing down my hair. "You okay to get back on the bike?" He asked, breath tickling my head sweetly.

"Yes." I nodded, sounding more confident than I felt - or at least, I hoped I did!


"Yes, definitely." I nodded, pulling back and allowing him, after another brief kiss, to push the helmet back over my head.

"Your leg!" He jumped as I was clambering back onto the bike. "It's hurt!" His eyes filled with concern.

"It's fine." I glanced down at the ripped jean leg, my knee slowly dribbling a fine trail of blood onto the dark blue material. 

"No, its bleeding. Shit! I'm so sorry-!" He began but I interrupted him quickly.

"It's fine! Really, just a scratch. We're okay, it could have been worse but it wasn't, yes?" I said, going for confidence and authority.

"Yeah... I guess." Nial said, burning gold eyes skimming back up to mine, turning my heart into millions of tiny, hyperactive butterflies.

"Yes." I nodded, grinning at him before planting a light kiss on his lips. I went to pull back but his hands held me there for just a few seconds longer, heat and passion radiating from him. I floundered for words when he did retreat for air, mind a jumble sale.

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