Chapter 19 - Chasing trouble. Chasing a miracle.

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Thanks for sticking with my book, if you are enjoying it you might like to check out my other stories: 'Cut of the Moonbeam' and 'Flowers and Glitter' :)

And thanks to those who have been fanning and voting, it means a lot: it makes my day to see a little notification telling me that I've got a vote from somebody - not that I'm sad or anything... (although, I probably don't see it as often as I'd like *hint hint*)


The next few weeks passed by relatively quietly with very little disturbance from the unwanted guests; there were a few attacks but not on anybody I knew and they were played down, hidden away from the prying eyes of the media. Trey's funeral had been a big affair, his large family turning up from all over the country to mourn his death. It seemed like almost the whole school turned up to the tiny church in which the service was held, students queuing down the street to pay their respects to this greatly admired boy. Too many of the girls cried though, and the guys just didn't seem to care enough. It ruined the atmosphere and, despite how bad I may have felt, that all just seemed to diminish into a sickly silence that just reminded me of the vampires. I had a bad feeling inside of me that, even though we had heard nothing of the creatures for a week or so, we hadn't heard the end of the terror that they could bring to our town.

People began to, slowly, file from the church, the majority of them crying, all looking beautiful yet distraught in their black suits and dresses.

"It's so horrid." Hannah shuddered, still glancing around for Tasha and Stevie who we had managed to looses in the crowd.

"Yeah I know..." I replied, also scanning the crowd for our friends. My eyes caught some movement across the street in the outskirts of the forest, my body tensing immediately. I stood staring at the same spot until my eyes started to sting and so water from the strain and Hannah's voice penetrated my mental babble.

"...Lilah? Are you okay?" She was asking, looking at me, worry and fear evident in her expression.

I nodded, "Yeah... I was just, um, thinking how bad this would have been if it would have been one of you guys lying in that coffin."

"I know, I don't know if I could stand loosinganyone else who was close to me.." She shuddered, her shoes suddenly, taking up a strong appeal to her. She had been very close to the twins who, at the party where all of this had started, had been killed. It made me so mad that this had happened, it was just so pointless. I totally respected Nial's job now, after really thinkingabout it, after havingnothing but time to think about how it helped everyone. I felt safe around him. I felt like it was all going to be okay. I hadn't seen him for far too long, all of this safety and hope had begun to drift from me. Along with thought and reason.

I stared back out into the forest daydreaming but, still, in the back of my mind, wanting to see something, or catch a glimps of something out in the woods that would bring the need for Nial's help. I felt my eyes widen as I, just as I had hoped, saw something flit past just under the cover of the trees, prowling long the forest edge. My heart began to pound again, my emotions swimming and changing inside of me as every second flew by.

I opened my mouthto excuse myself from Hnnah's company but shut it quickly, seeing she had spotted Tasha and Stevie as I had spotted my escape. I dashed out from under her nose, crossing the road without looking, my feet carryingme quickly across the hot concrete that was already bakingin the heat of the spring time sun. A chill though, fell over me as I darted under the trees, the cool shadow smotheringthe warmth of my skin, raising little goosebumps all over my body. It was nice to be away from that same, monotonous buzz that hung over the crowds amongst the town. A fast, coppery smelling waft of wind brushed by me as I took a few more careful steps into the shade, a shadow accompanied it, just blocking out any light that filtered through the canopy of leaves above. A twig snapped, just sounding above the quiet, saddened chatter floatingin the air, making my body freeze and tense up, my heart hammering in my chest heavily. My head thumped loudly, my ears and eyes straining to see or hear any hints of trouble. I considered backingaway, my body the only thing getting in the way. I wanted to see Nial, and where there was danger, there was Nial; and I could smell danger.

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