Chapter 26

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Sorry about that last chapter, I just didn't have time to write any more but I thought it was best to upload  a bit rather than none at all xx this is also a short chapter but I will be writing more - just bare with me!!



I ran down the hall, skidding around the banister but not in time to jump down the stairs, as my mom caught my by the arm, dragging me back with fierce strength and sharp nails.

"What the damn do you think you're doing?!" she snarled, the anger in her eyes scaring me as she dragged me round to face her.

"Mom get off!" I shouted in reply, noticing my father, standing stricken just a few paces from us, face red and knuckles white from his grip on the banister.

"Shut up!" she yelled back, tough hands shaking slightly. I'd never seen her this angry before, she only became hysterical though, when she knew she was loosing control. She was loosing control of me. My dad on the other hand, looked like a balloon ready to pop. It was difficult to tell, out of my parents, who was the angriest; my stricken father or my insane mother.

"You seem to not care about us any more! Your sister never sees you and we-" my mom began before I cut her off.

"Don't use Natalie as leverage! It's not fair, hell, life isn't fair! You don't seem to understand me at all, you just have nothing to do with me for days and then come home and completely take over like you own me! How does that work?!" I snapped, now, like both of my parents, shaking with anger.

"Dont you dare lecture me! We need to provide for you, if that means long hours then so be it!"

"No, you need to be in charge of me, that's your problem. That's our problem." I stated. My mom let out a frustrated sigh, a harsh, thick pause following giving us enough time to hear a small, terrified sobbing from down the hall where a door creaked open and, in the shadows, an equally small figure appear. The light skipped around Natalie's body and cast a tiny, teddy holding shadow, across our neat carpet. Her breath caught again, tears glinting down her cheeks gently as her shoulders shuddered, sending a acidic bullet of guilt into my stomach. I winced away from it as she spoke, just about forming the words around the painful tears.

"W-why are you-you shouting again m-mommy? Dee, what's ha-happening?" She blubbered, shaking and stammering.

"Nat, I'm sorry honey..." Mom crooned as Nat held out her arms for a hug, my feet and mouth frozen with guilt. It was only the crack of my fathers grip on the banister that shook me awake. This time I really did run. For all my life was worth I pushed myself forward, only slowing to snatch up my hand bag and keys as I sprinted down the drive and, flying into the car, peeled from the drive, heart trying to burst out of my throat.

I needed to get away, be anywhere but with my parents. I was torn, a part of me wanted to run from everything, my curiosity though, winning through and begging for answers that I couldn't turn down.

I was scared of hearing something I didn't want to though. Terrified that even Nial would desert me, this stranger who I'd grown to lo-

Like. Like, not... lov-

No, just like! I couldn't and wouldn't grow so attached to him....

But I already had.


Thanks for reading,

Lovee Evie xx

P.S: If anyone has any ideas of who they think should play our main characters, Nial and Delilah, please let me know as have changed my mind on who I originally had and need some new actors!!

I was thinking maybe:

Nial = Matt Lanter or Trevor Donovan

Delilah = Shenae Grimes

...but I'd love your imput too, any ideas are totally and utterly welcome!

Thank you :D

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