Chapter 14 - Why?!

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Aww, sad! Well, I do hope your enjoying it and I will apoogize now for past present and future spelling/grammar mistakes! (it feels like a christmas carol!)

anyway, vote



and read on:


I sat, my head in my shaking hands, my breathing coming in harsh, uneven rifts as I cried so hard I felt physically sick. My head was spinning, my whole body sticky and terrified. My stomach was heaving and my mind rotating at the same speed as my head, full of questions and mazes of confusion. Why had Nessy been so brutally killed? What had her killer got to gain from her death?... Apart from totally freaking me out. And what had it meant? My vision and Nessy...

These questions and queries whirred in my head, incomprehensibly fast, making my pulse race quicker and head hurt even more. The image of her dapple body laying there in the grass, a surprisingly small amount of blood surrounding her form, was imprinted in the front of my brain, a ghost, haunting every breath I took. I couldn't stop seeing the horrid sight, my mind constantly flashing back to the painful image.

"Delilah! Are you okay? 'm so sorry love." My dad said, patting me on the back, sending my tense body jumping up from the sofa, shock rippeling through me.

"Shit!" I gasped to myself.

"I'm sorry Delilah." He repeated, drawing his hand back as if I was a wild animal, fuming in my cage.

"Hm." I hissed through tears and violent sobbing.

Oh, Delilah!" My mom gushed, her eyes red and sore from stressed tears. She brushed straight past my father who stood, looking rather helpless and overwhelmed.

"Mom..." I sniffed, tugging her into an embrace; my body shaking even in her firm, warm, cozy grip.

 "Well, why the hell did this happen?" My dad stammered, his voice totally confused and his expression mortified.

"I don't know..." My mom replied over my shoulder, she too sounded utterly bewildered.

"Well, I... I don't understand-" My dad began but he was cut off when the doorbell rang, silencing all in our lounge apart from my persistent, loud sobbing.

"What on earth?" He mumbled to himself after a long pause in which no one could quite contemplate what to do or say.

"Are you going to get that?" Mom urged, implying that she would stay with my, making my dad cringe in an awkward wash of confusion before he acted. He disappeared from the lounge, passing by the mirror, his footsteps following him as he crossed over the mat to unlatch the door. Through my tears I listened to the mumbled conversation out in my own hallway.

"Yes, can I help you?" My dad could be heard asking.

Another, somewhat recognizable, male voice replied, "I'm sorry to disturb you but I was wondering if I could speak to Delilah?" He asked.

"Well, she a bit preoccupied at the moment..." My dad said, an uneasy tone slipping into his voice. "Can I ask who you are?"

"Yes, sorry... I'm Leo, I really should talk to her sir. Just for a minute." The male pressed.

Leo... Nial's friend? But... vampires? Nelly? Why? That name, all of that confusion, it just brought more tears to my eyes, it brought also though, a need to know...

I stepped from my mom's grip, her arms slightly reluctant to let me go.

"Delilah..." My mom began but floundered, she obviously was just as confused as I had been. But why had I suspected anything else? I meant to say, of course I still had questions, like 'Why?', but I surely hadn't needed to consider anything other than vampires were responsible for this small tragedy.

"Well, I'm not sure." My dad stammered but I appeared around the corner, Leo looking up at me, my dad following his gaze also to lay eyes on my small, shaky frame.

"It's okay dad... I'm fine." I mumbled, not taking my, probably, very quizzical gaze, off of Leo.

"Are you sure?" He asked, sounding unconvinced.

"Yeah, I'm sure dad, really."

"Okay." He shuddered, disappearing back into the lounge, softly murmuring with my mom, assumingly, introducing her to what had just occurred.

I turned my face up to Leo, meeting his recognizable eyes, more than ready for answers that had been tormenting me for days... not many, but already too many...

"Sorry." I apologized quietly, wiping at the tears that had slowly ceased to fall from my eyes but that still lingered on my cheeks.

"Don't apologize Delilah. I... well Nial too, we wanted to make sure you were okay. I thought you would like to know what happened today - as far as I know at least." He replied, taking a shy step towards me, his soft smell invading my personal bubble. It was a soothing smell, like a close friends love and care after a rough day in the real world. What was the real world though?

"Delilah? Would you like to know? It's not too complicated, I just thought you may want to... you know... understand a little better..."

"Yeah, just tell me why the hell all this is happening..." I demanded gently, drawing in a big shuddery breath.

"Okay." Leo began, ducking back out of the open door, ushering me out onto the dull evening wash of murky colour. "Well the vampires in town," - he lowered his voice - "there are more of them than we thought... it's getting a little bit out of hand. Well, a group of them, who we've managed to track down, they found their way out of town and were staying out of the way in the forest. They got hungry and attacked your horse... Nelly? She was spooked and then they attacked." He sighed, opening his mouth to say more but instead, shut it again, imitating a gold fish in its tank.

"Okay... What else?" I prompted, stepping closer, curious as to what he could have to hide.

"... Well, we aren't sure why they didn't attack you..." He admitted, sending my mind spinning once again, the head ache springing up from it's slumber.

"Oh..." I gawked, blinking in awe, unsure of how to react to that piece of unexpected knowledge.

"Nial asked me to suggest you stay with as many people as you can, in a big group, and not leave the house after dark. They didn't kill you today but... well, it's always possible." Leo sighed, running his hand through his hair, showing off his muscular, toned arms. But I didn't see Leo like that. He was just too... too brotherly already.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied, dazed and dizzy. "Is there... is there anything I can do?" I managed to mumble around the fog that seemed to be filling my head.

"Just stay safe. And try not to get into too much trouble; we can't always save your little ass every time you walk out the door." He grinned, lightening the dark, heavy mood that tagged along with the confusion I felt. His muddy brown eyes warming me, the energetic gow in them suggesting some hope for me. He ruffled my hair, dragging his hand softly across my shoulder before, without warning, turning and briskly, before I could reply, sliding from our door and dissapearing quickly. His engine rumbled and the lights drifted off into the dark, leaving me along again. I felt utterly alone dispite the help from my family.

It was all over as quickly as it had sprung upon me; not just that conversation, but the emotions and feelings that swarmed through and at times, invaded the new life I had begun to grow familiar to.


Not really sure how to go from here...

Never mind, I'm sure we can think of something inside the little though factory in my head! he he :)

Hope you are liking it so far and don't mind the grammar/spelling mistakes x

Vote, fan and comment please: it would be much appreciated


Lovee Evie xx

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