Chapter 42 - Heart Trauma

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I went away for a few days so sorry about not updating!! But I'm back now, and ready to write!!



There was still a kit bag full of clothes and spare toiletries from when I was supposed to sleepover at Hannah's house last week that mom had been nagging me to put away, it rested just by the back door lazily. It was alongside my car keys. I turned back to glance at the cops being shown the door by my shaken parents. It was nice to see them leave but also worrying; hopefully I wouldn't be there much longer though, not if I got out as soon as I could. I felt wrong staying there, like everything was out of place, as if I was needed else where.

My fathers voice rang in my ears as soon as he realised that I was leaving, "Delilah! Don't you dare-" but I cut him off on slamming the door behind me and not looking back until I had also slammed my car door. I threw the kit bag onto the passenger seat next to me and thrust the cold keys into the car ignition. The car roared to life in front of my house where the two officers and my parents stood staring at my break out. I pulled away, being careful to abide by the speed limit until I was around the corner... Then I floored it.

I could almost hear Nial's voice telling me to be careful, that he needed me to be careful.

I brushed it aside as my imagination.

 I wanted to resolve everything, I did. But I had the suffocating urge to escape before I did anything stupid, or gave up any secrets that could endanger my new-found family. My Hunter family.

Despite the cold, I wound down my window to feel the wind slapping me around the face and numbing the pain of my frown. My heart pulsed in my skull and my head throbbed. I gritted my teeth together and begged myself not to cry. I convinced myself that they weren't worth it. Nial was more important to me for reasons I can't explain. I just knew I had to see him and he would make everything better. He would cool the frustration in my gut and ease the pain in my chest and kiss away my tears and miraculously, make me smile. It was only more frustrating that my parents couldn't see, or understand that about him. My ears buzzed from the lash of that wind and stopped me from hearing that police car that had caught up behind me. It flashed it's lights for just a instant, catching my attention and getting me to pull in at the side of the road in a little lay-bye. It was the man who was driving, and the woman who got out to talk to me. I completely wound down my window as she approached.

"Miss, please calm down. This behaviour is getting us nowhere." She said with that same affection I had glimpsed earlier. "Step from the car please." She ordered.

I stayed right where I was safe. She sighed but remained calm, undoubtedly used to dealing with situations similar to this. Similar. Not the same; never this twisted.

"Look, miss, I won't charge you for dangerous driving back there, but just do as your told." She said, her voice becoming slowly urgent and persuasive. I hesitated before clicking the car door open and swinging my legs down. She lead me to her car and sat along side me in the back seat while her colleague rapped his fingers on his badge.

"Now honey, I said that I'd try and take you back to your parents - and then we can leave the situation at that. But I'm gonna' guess that's not what you want?" She said, her statement becoming a big question.

"No." I replied quietly. "Ma'm I just want to be away from it all."

The cop in the front seat sighed tacktlessly at this responce as if he had heard it one too many times. The female cop rolled her eyes at this unproffesional display and then carried on with her lecture.

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