Chapter 18 - Out with the girls

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Not much is happening atm, sorry - kinda hit a dead end but will rack my brains...

Anyhow, two posts in one day so thats definitely a good thing! :D

Read on :)


"My feet hurt!" Hannah complained as we passed by starbucks; convineintly!

"Oh, Hannah! You're such a frickin' lily... Too damn delicate!" Tash sighed but joined us as we veerd off course to brush through the air conditioned door way into the smell of coffee and the buzz of machinery.

"Mm. Smells good." Hannah smiled instantly.

"I swear even the smell of coffee mucks you up Hann!" tash grinned and grabbed a tray from the rack and huddled by us in the queue.

"Ooh, look." she said and nodded at the tall, leather clad man at the front of the line of customers. "H-O-T!" she spelled out for us before we even had the pleasure of seeing his, fingers crossed, beautiful face. I recognized the blue embroidery on the back of his leather bike jacket though and frowned as I squinted hard to see what it said.

"Hunter..." I read quietly to myself...

"What?" Tash asked, not taking her eyes from this familiar man.

"Nothing..." I shrugged but carried on, "I recognize him." I admitted.

"You recognize his back?" Hannah scoffed but too began to look for some signs of familiarity. Very suddenly something inside clicked and I recalled seeing the words somewhere else... On an item of jewelry maybe? Maybe not; but still I knew who on.

"Nial?" I asked, raising my voice above the crowd, somehow, not feeling remotely embarrased by the few strangers who turned to gawk at me. "Nial!" I exclaimed as he turned around and his polite grimace turned into a familiar, and pretty wonderful smile. I was proud to know him.

"Hey!" he replied and, after throwing far too much loose change over the counter, swam towards us through the crowd. "How are you?" he asked, looking genuinely happy to see some one, wether his reason was to see a familiar face, or to see me in particular.

"I'm great thanks, how are you?" I answered, for some resaon, not being able to keep the genuine smile from my face either; it felt like it had the other night when his laughter had forced me to join in, no matter how confused and frustrated I felt. I flushed when I thought back to last evening when his contact had made me feel so, so... warm and secure and... good around him.

"Good." he said, "Been busy though; doing a lot of... work and stuff." he bent to hug me. I turned to introduce my friends when I saw an identical expression on every one of their faces. My lips twisted up even further. 

"Nial, this is Tash, Stevie, and you know Hannah, don't you?" I mumbled, embarraced at just how pink and flustered each of them had turned; even Stevie.

"Yeah." he smiled at them all in turn, making this line of giddy 'girls' even more frail and shy.

"Hannah, you okay?" he asked and only got a lame, giggley little nod from her in reply.

"Good." he smiled, knowing very well the effect he had on my friends.

"Doing some shopping or is it other buisness?" I asked, not wanting him to go, stalling him, all fear I had felt totally evaporated. Gone.

"Other buisness." he smiled but there was a distinct understanding deep in his eyes. "Well, it was good seeing you." he said, turning and quickly disappearing into the crowd despite his tall, muscular frame, leaving a shiver run down my spine.

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